Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


Sep 10, 2015
I almost let a stripper chick that was feeling me for whatever reason slip by if not for an old c00n. He was adamant about me hollering at her like he's been around the block and knows when a woman is peeping a dude for a little more than a lick. I chalked it up as she was doing her job. Dude bought me a drink and stressed "you only live once" so I just decided to get some dances. She asked for my name and I was about to lie and just kept it G and this subconsciously shot back her real name and tried to recover with Petite. I'm not going over every detail but she asked for my number and said she'd remember but I asked for IG. I expected the hoe/stripper advertisement page but she gave me her real page. She pleaded for me not to put her on blast. I showed her some of my stuff in my phone so she was adamant about me sending my number in the DM. I did it before she asked.

Her bf was there and inquire but she said "what about him?" :yeshrug:

She requested to do something outside the club. Not me.
So what happened?


Sep 10, 2015
This story is an accumulation of L's over two years :snoop:

In college junior and senior year this light skin broad that was a certified 9/10, I chatted up since we stayed on the same floor and got her number one day. We used to eat at the school cafe a lot and go to little events on campus and what not. She never really gave off that vibe that she was really into me like that, but then again I never pushed. Anyways I started dating this girl the beginning of the spring semester junior year and me and light skin fell off. Fast forward to the fall my senior year, ol girl broke my heart :to: and me and lightskin live in the same building again. Like I said she would call out my name if she saw me, sit next to me in class, introduce me to her friends, but she never gave me that full proof "I want you sign". Now let me add this girl is what you coli boys would call an Instagram model, 5K followers while only following 100 and something, so she probably never overextends herself to getting a dude. Me I'm the type of dude if I don't see obvious signs I'm probably not going to bite. But moving along throughout the semester we start hanging out more, later at night for food runs , I never pay :birdman: so she wasn't trickin off me, but she never really gave me an opportunity to close, she would tell me goodnight abruptly no hug and I was confused. Note this girl was kinda reformed ratchet so rough around the edges and that may have been a reason. My roommate and homeboy said they saw the connection between us but I was like :manny: a lot of my reluctance because I was still lowkey pining for my ex though. The part where I fukked up is when she would text me late at night around 12 or 1 in the morning saying "hey you up" and my ass would be sound asleep. This happened like 4 times before she stopped and we fell off again. In May she invited me to her birthday party and I went after not speaking to her for months. Wanted to take pictures and shyt while I'm kinda outcast reluctant. At 12 that same night she tells me it was good to see me, how much she misses me, and breaks down asking why I never pushed harder for her, once again I'm knocked out. I don't reply until 7 in the morning and my reply was "sorry I was asleep" :snoop: Haven't heard from her since :snoop: She finally gave up on my ass :snoop: She was bad too brehs no boost :snoop:

Bruh, you just replied "sorry I was asleep"? I would've told shawty that I was def feeling her and that I wasn't sure she felt the same and get some netflix and chill type sh going on that day. Tell her let me come thru we watch a movie and order take out or some sh.

If this chick was a certified 9/10 best believe mad dudes were or would have simped for her, and she over here paying for your food every time!

Man.. chick I was seeing about a month or so back would text me late at night at exactly 11:59 pm, so I thought she was playing texting games but ionno if she wanted me to come thru and beat that sh down :shaq:

I ain't even ever kissed the chick and she was bad! Now some other nikka probably blowing that back out.... :to:


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Bruh, you just replied "sorry I was asleep"? I would've told shawty that I was def feeling her and that I wasn't sure she felt the same and get some netflix and chill type sh going on that day. Tell her let me come thru we watch a movie and order take out or some sh.

If this chick was a certified 9/10 best believe mad dudes were or would have simped for her, and she over here paying for your food every time!

Man.. chick I was seeing about a month or so back would text me late at night at exactly 11:59 pm, so I thought she was playing texting games but ionno if she wanted me to come thru and beat that sh down :shaq:

I ain't even ever kissed the chick and she was bad! Now some other nikka blowing that back out.... :to:
Fixed. The sooner you accept it, the better.


Sep 10, 2015
After reading through this shyt this morning, I don't feel so bad about myself or I've just blocked out the painfully obvious ones as a way to respect myself still.

But I have two main ones that were caused by insecurity, thinking I couldnt make girls like me and other petty young boy shyt.

The first was in high school. I had taken this girl to homecoming Sophomore year and I couldn't even get her to dance let alone grind on me. On the bus home my friends are making out, finger popping their girls and I'm just sitting there with her head on my shoulder looking around trying to figure out why I ain't doing what the rest of them are doing. :to: I never really pursued anything because I figured she went to the dance with me out of pity and that's why I didn't get any play but she ended up dating someone like a month later :to:
So come Senior year, I had lost my virginity but was still thinking being the "nice" guy would pay off sooner or later. We have a class together, ended up talking again. She breaks up with her boyfriend and I text her that simp ass p*ssy shyt, "If you need someone to talk too, I am here." :snoop:
We ended up hanging out again and we both played on the school basketball team and she asked me to help her out with the end of the year video she was putting together for her team. I was wondering why because she knows I don't have any experience with video editing. The most I'd done was make a slideshow on Powerpoint. Before I went over there, my mom told me she wants me to make a move and being the p*ssy I was, I thought she was just saying that to make me feel better :snoop:
I didn't make a move and when it came time for Prom, I was gonna ask her but she out of the blue texted me saying that she was getting back together with her ex-boyfriend and she hoped "it wouldn't change anything." :to:

Turns out everything changed because soon after that she became an anorexic who almost died to then finding herself as a lesbian :manny:

There still ain't nothing better than that first piece of p*ssy you get after your eyes have been opened to your mistakes. I remember the first time it happened for me, I was convinced this girl was feeling me, kept it casual and fun and never showed any interest but gave her my number and one night she texted me at like 12:30 asking if I wanted to grab a quick drink. :krs: I forced myself to think of this as guaranteed p*ssy, that she wasn't doing this unless she was interested then went to the bar, had a drink and she asked me to take her home. :krs:

You can't climb to that mountain top if you start there, brehs :to:

BREH your mom even told you that she wanted you to make a move LOL!

Good sh that you learned from your mistakes though!


Sep 10, 2015
Took two L's with the same chick back when I was 18 or 19. Chick was cute too, and had a nice little body on her.:snoop:I was actually feeling her and being on that gentleman kick in those days. I had ZERO game and limited experience with women then.

First L, me and ole girl are up late at night, and SHE gets the idea of going to an "adult video" store (we didn't have streaming HD piff back in the day). We get in there and she's looking at all of these toys and videos, talking about how she'd like to try some of the positions on the covers. I'm thinking she's just being nasty, whatever. We get back to the dorm room and she puts the flick on and after watching 10 minutes, she starts rubbing on herself, and I'm thinking :ufdup:man, if this chick gets messy on my couch, I'm kicking her the eff out. Could I have smashed?:manny:It didn't really cross my mind at the time, but now that I'm older, I see that there was a good chance.

Second L, me and the same chick are just chilling in her dorm room. We make plans to go out and get something to eat. She's like "cool, just let me take a shower". She didn't kick me out of the room, but again, I wasn't thinking. So I sit at her desk reading through a magazine waiting for her to get done. Five minutes after she starts her shower, I hear the door open, shower still running, and she comes out with nothing but her towel covering the front of her, azz just out, and body all wet.:noah: She acts like she's getting something from her sink, looks back at me and smiles. I look at her, confused, and she heads back into the shower. I keep reading the magazine like a fukkin dweeb. :sadbron:I contemplated about going in there and getting it on, but by the time I made up my mind, she was done with the shower and was getting dressed.:to:

Later that day, I asked her what she would have done if I jumped in the shower with her. She tells me she would have let me have her.
Never got a shot after that. She wound up messing around with some clown that knocked her up and ditched.

BREH... why all these chicks end up getting pregnant by the dude right after you that ain't oblivious and takes the pzzy?!


Sep 23, 2013
Think I recently had one of these moments :to:

So I hit up a girl out my old class and start speaking to her. We just talking and shyt shes saying i came out my shell and stuff and its get round to my dik:ohhh:She starts asking for pics...Now I aint never sent a dik pic before but im like aight shes asking for a pic I aint just sending it out of nowhere..So I send the pic and she like you kept that on the downlow. So carry on speaking to her an she like your pops did you some good an dumb shyt like you got a face you cant say no to, dont know what that means but im thinking ok and then she says ''you should come round my and we'll smoke some'' This on a Saturday night. I get there and start puffin L's and after awhile Im on the couch and shes like this room cold, she says this about 3x and im like nah im good:mindblown:after awhile I jump.

After this she was kept asking if I was gay and shyt:shaq2:

Think I fukked up. After that she messaged me 4 times over 3 weeks but I didn't reply.
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Sep 10, 2015
Mannnnnn so check it

At my old job last year as a truck driver there was this new security guard chick, young puerto rican girl, bad acne but she looked kinda like Megan Fox with no makeup. Anyways how the job works is no truck can enter or leave the warehouse without being checked out by the guard. So basically you gotta open the back of the truck so they can inspect it. They pretty much just take a quick glance and that's it. Now I didn't pay this chick no mind because where I worked it was a lot of dudes and they were all savages cuz there wasn't a lot of females on the job. So I didn't even think of pursuing this chick cuz I'm not the type that likes to compete for a girl and I ain't just wanna be another nikka trying to get in her pants (even tho I would if it was mutual).

So, this girl is pretty much friendly with everybody. All the drivers that pass thru she has casual small talk with them. Me, I'm not the small talk type and don't really care to talk about nothing. So each day when I would come back to the warehouse and she checks my truck she would try talking to me and I would keep my answers real short. Again, I don't like small talk and I already mentally checked out from trying to talk to her cuz I know how many nikkas is probably on her already. Hey eye contact would be real strong. She'd literally be studying my face to the point it's type uncomfortable. But again, I know this chick friendly so I'm not looking into it. Then one day she compliments me about my tattoo on my forearm. She goes:

Her: I like your tattoo :jawalrus:

Me: Oh.... thanks :ld:

Her: :shaq:

Me: *drives off* :ehh:

My coworker in the passenger seat: :banderas:

My co worker explains to me what just happened... I'm like "for real?" :whoo: and he's like yeah and starts telling me stories about how all the other dudes at the warehouse tried hollering at her but she wouldn't budge with them. So now I'm like okay, next time I see her it's on.

Long story short.... days pass and I start entertaining her small talk more and more. Eventually exchanged names. Now on this day I was gunning for her number. So I ask her what she does on the weekend or what she does for fun in general. This bytch gon tell me she works all the time, never has time to do anything, blah blah blah. I'm annoyed because I'm asking her from all angles like "what time you normally get off?" "what do you do after work?" "what days off you have?" "when's your next vacation day?" This bytch makes herself sound completely unavailable and busy as if she don't even got time to wipe her ass. But what it really was, was she just viewed me as a challenge. She saw that I was one of the rare dudes that wouldn't budge nor try to holla at her. She just wanted to see if she could "get" me. It was a complete ego trip for her when I finally tried to talk to her. I was so pissed off about the whole thing cuz I wasn't even checking for her like that til my co worker kept pushing me too. Didn't say nothing to that bytch no more. I wouldn't even say hi to her or speak. Just give little hand gestures if she greeted me. Heard she ended up getting fired after I left that job. Karma. lol

Damn, didn't realize I typed so much. Props to whoever reads this. But I been in plenty situations where a bytch just trying to get attention and not exactly trying to hook up that I can't distinguish from the chicks that actually DO wanna hook up and aren't playing games. I'm always gon be lost when it comes to games/hints/signals unless it's some bold shyt. You can't really trust chicks and their feelings.

This right here is real talk. This has happened to me so many times that if a really bad chick is feeling me I just think she just wants me to boost her ego and for attention. Some chick could literally be chasing me or flirting with me for months, but ima play that shyt off cause I think she just sees me as a challenge because I'm not lusting over her like all these other dudes.. and when I finally show interest she gets what she wants and disappears..


Sep 10, 2015
Got one. This happened last Friday night. Me and an assistant manager closing at work. Around 11 we leave and lock up. I see she going toward the bus. I'm like need a ride? She hope in the whip we crussing she talking my head off about how she single now. That the dude she dating now Got trash dikk and she be faking. ..then ask me if I wanna come smoke weed with her. :skip:I AIN'T Been Smoking N A min Like 3+ months. So we go n her crib it's a studio. Shawty get comfortable I'm chillin she on the bed smiling n shyt I'm pacing the floor looking like:merchant:. She ask me why u so nervous I'm like "aw naw I'm always moving around" she go tru tru she bust the weed out. I take a hit my scary azz still on the opposite side of the room. She hit me with that :usure: look. She said come sit on the bed my ass sit on the very edge like on some goosebumps type shyt. We keep smoking she say I'm glad as hell I'm off tommorow my ass start playing with my phone. Not goona lie she extra average but easy p*ssy easy p*ssy. She then like you going to the parade this summer??

I'm like what parade? This bytch say GAY PRIDE PARADE.

:francis: I'm bout ready to whip my dikk out to show her I'm not team homo fukk you mean.Im like aw hell naw what what. We keep smoking when ever I went to touch her she enjoyed it and she was looking damn good to me like a 8(it was the weed). She say make yo self comportable. Start playing music. In my mind I'm awww shyt:mjlol:
I don't make no moves for 15 min. She got tired of my ass not picking up on the signals. so she say SOOOO you not gay right? Hell naw I'm like "that's the worst team in the league" her face went straight. :stopitslime:
So we finish smoking then I bounce. I get to the car and think like hol up did I just miss some lay up p*ssy??:ohhh:Took her to her spot, she make sure I know she single, she get comfortable ON THE BED, get high, play music and my ass still not picking it up.

I drive home get on my ps4 n watch anime
I ain't seen naruto shippuden in like 2 months brehs. I really wanted to get back home to catch up the 4th great shinobi war cray cray right now.

Yall stories make me feel alot better especially gus money lmaoooooo

Bruh why didn't you do anything? Was it the weed? I don't understand LOL.


Sep 10, 2015
Here's another, you b*stards keep bumpin this shyt and reminding me of shyt. :francis:

This was maybe 5-6 years ago. Me and one of the homies go to this house party where another one of the homies is DJ at. This is middle of the Summer. I had been talkin to this other girl for a minute, I was really into her and we had gone on a couple dates. back then I'd often make the mistake of focusing too much on one girl. So I'm at the party and this girl is textin me, she's working late that night. Big mistake right off jump I'm already focusing on her more than the fukkin party. smh.

So finally I go around and I'm startin to talk to people. Party is outside, plenty of girls there, booty shorts, revealing tops. These two white broads are there and I get introduced to them. both had a nice tan, nice bodies, looked like they had pretty faces but it was hard to tell cuz they had those big ass sunglasses on.

Anyway, it's startin to get dark and I'm talkin to the homie who is DJing for a minute and one of these white girls is getting closer and closer to me. Apparently, my homie give a little head nod and I didn't even realize what he was conveying, I can feel my phone going off. So I'm not even looking and this white girl then gets in front of me now and pushes her ass right up on my dikk and I'm like "oh sorry, I gotta take this" and walked away :francis:

Later that night the homie is like :martin: "what the fukk are you doing"
So what happened with you and the chick you was really feeling?


Dancehall ah mi everyting
Oct 31, 2015
I remember back when I was going to some after school class (outside of my regular school).

On like the second or third day of going to class, I saw a group of girls from my class at the door, talking about whatever . I go in class to get ready, I sit down, pull out my book and my other shyt; and I swear not even 10 seconds of me sitting down one of the girls leaves the group and sits right beside me. The room was packed too so we were like this
We greet each other and she starts questioning me about some random shyt. Every time I try to let the conversation die, she asks another question (In my mind I was like "This girl has problems :pachaha:") .

Being the polite person I am, I answer her questions and we go back and forth a little bit on them.
But then she starts asking me about my family,and when I give her an answer she starts tell me about hers :stopitslime:

Now I'm mentally side eying this chick like " Don't you see I'm trying to learn :childplease:"

But after a few more seconds everything started to click......... It's a surreal experience brehs; realizing your being stupid while in the act of being stupid :ohhh:

I turn and look on this girl and all the hints are there; the look in her eyes, the way her gestures seem excited. I mean she didn't even care that the teacher was teaching. She had her entire body turned to me and was focusing on me. I don't think she even took out her book yet :wow:

But because I'm awkward,I fukked it up. I started over analyzing the situation and killed the conversation (Unintentionally).

And for the rest of the classes I had with her, I started to look at her different; The girl I could effortlessly talk to became the girl that I got tongue tied around, or the girl that I forget things to say around. :to:

She ended up telling me a few weeks later that, she lived 3 minutes away from me. Around the time we first started class; She was driving past my house in the morning and said to herself "wait, isnt that robbi :gladbron:"

She used to get her mother to drop me home sometimes, and her mother liked me.

Brehs........ My Holidays could of been completely different



All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
I don't know if people are still reading this thread but this shyt happened to me so many times in the past and still does! I either was completely oblivious, too much of a punk to make a move or the chicks were in relationships, had families, children etc and I ain't wanna go there.

There was this one bad latina bank teller at the bank I go to. First time I saw her I was like DAMN! She had a pretty face and was THICK! But I was in that phase where I was just focusing on bettering and working on myself, and I was sick and tired of dealing with chicks that feigned interest just cause they wanted your attention. So I ignored this chick and ain't fawn over her like most dudes would. Anyway, she was staring at me hard af trying to get my attention, you know that feeling when someone stares at you mad hard.

Anyways, every time I would go to the bank I would flirt with her and shyt. She had mad rings on both hands so I figured she was married? At the time I was in college and working, and I would get my check every two weeks on Fridays. I would purposely deposit my checks an hour or so before the bank closes so it's just me and her.

Well one day I did this, it was just me and her there. This is a small branch bank so it ain't huge but it's a decent size. Anyways, I can't remember if she went to another room or just walked to the back of the room she was in facing her back towards me. But she comes back and I don't know what she did but her blouse was unbuttoned to the point where I basically saw half her titties and she wasn't wearing a bra! I don't know what she did with her pants but them shyts were looking tight af too!

My lame ass was too scared to do shyt, I was planning on asking for her number right then and there. I even sat in my car telling myself I gotta do this shyt right now or never, so I went back and asked for some singles and ended up not doing shyt.

She avoided the fukk outta me after that LOL.

I later found out through facebook that she was actually engaged and then she became single outta nowhere and still is. She doesn't work there anymore, if she did I would definitely not hesitate to spit that game. I was like 18 then fresh outta high school (she must have waited until I became of age smh lol).

Lol damn homie


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Hell No ! if u label me thirsty, may i drink from the nipple of jesus in heaven...:blessed: