Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


Aug 9, 2014
I've been oblivious to so many advances over the years. It surprises even me - I remember when I used to think I was ugly so it's amazing to think about.

Because it took effort to read social cues rather than naturally by rote, I could never truly tell. The only way I would be able to tell is if she either blatantly said so, or literally grabbed my penis and told me what was up :mjcry:
My self esteem was at the lowest possible years ago. I hated how I looked, thought I was always boring, even though girls would reassure that I'm not. Social cues are a pain to understand sometimes. I've had times where I've just seen them do something and I'd just look at them like :what:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I remember I was shopping at a clothing show looking through for some jeans or whatever. I was about 19 at the time and I was with my mom. This older lady comes to me and asks if I work there and I'm like :dahell: "do you see me with the uniform"... Anyways she asks me where I work, I'm like at a retirement home as a receptionist. I'm still shopping and she still following me, asking random sht. I'm like why this lady in the men's isle anyways. So I went to my mom like, mom this lady stalking me.

She was so-so.

This one is understandable though. She sounds creepy as shyt. Who the fukk follows a younger dude with his mother in the men's section anyway lol.


May 1, 2012
Other people have had to tell me when a chick likes me in many cases. They always pick up on it long before me :heh:


Aug 5, 2015
I'll make it a quick story.

There was this one big-tittied Jewish chick I used to run with. She had an ok face but her body was like an 8. I don't know why but I friendzoned her. At any rate I ran into her on campus one day. She ran up on me, gave me a hug and lemme know that she'd been thinking about me lately and wanted to know if I wanted to head back to her room between classes. I literally said, "Nah another time I gotta get home by 3 to watch Babylon 5." and dipped w/o even saying goodbye.



Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
:lupe: should i drop a story in this long ass thread from 2013 that someone bumped or in the brand new 3 page thread that basically repeats the question??
:francis: decisions, decisions..
okay, so i was working my first job as a "lumper' for a moving company
we're loading up from this white picket fence house on a lake
it's this family of four, they're already fighting and the man blows up at the driver for being late
hour later another bigargument (i was in the truck).. basically everyone clears out except for the wife/mother
(they're in a nearby hotel becasue their house was packed already)

anyway, this woman..:lolbron:
she's lke a middle aged tennis playing version of a kelly rippa or gwen stefano:shaq:
the crew was talking about her but just normal shyt

around lunch she orders pizza and is offering lemonade out of a pitcher
so she starts talking to me,, why are you working as a mover?? :usure:
i was trying not to discuss it, but eventually i lowkey tell her this is my summer job before i start college
so lunch is over but i think she had something "extra" in her lemonade because she starts talking up a storm

she's almost following me around like a housecat
talkign to me while im working
i just try the 'that's interesting, ma'am " and keep it moving
she's telling me about comparative literature and shyt :shaq2:
like "let me show this book.. hmm, where is it??"
"probably already on the truck, ma'am" :mjlol:

so we finish.. and she's like "do you want to take a shower??"
i'm like..:wtf: no, i'm heading back towhere i stay
she offers again in a few minute
but i still gotta ride out of here in the hot ass truck, so i'll be dripping sweat again right away

now she starts manipulating and manuvering ways for me to stay at the house
saying she has other work i could do, or offering me more food (since itll spoil anyway..) etc
basically.. anything to get me to stay with her and not leave with the crew

now later on, i learned this was slick older women's game
basically they push it to the point where you are alone, and then all you have to do is reach out to kiss them, then five minutes later you're fukking
but i didn't know that then

she was like "my family is at the hotel.. i'm supposed to go join them later .. when i'm done here"

in my defense,
i thought she was just being super talky (and drinking)
but later i realize women like that know damn well what they are doing
and.. i was preoccupied with getting paid
for lumping work,the driver pays cash based on weight..
and each box, each object that goes on the truck.. it's cha ching in your head with growng anticipation of cash in hand
the truck gets weighed and everyone is eager to know how much they'e getting
i had to be there because i was never gonna see this driver again,
and no way i'm trusting a random crew member to hold my pay for me

but yeah, i fumbled the p*ssy on the 1 yard line:snoop:
i could have fukked at this empty house by the lake
but i didn't even recognize the situation

edit: imrpove readability
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Dec 11, 2014
:heh: I just remembered another that happened. This happened maybe like a year after the story with the last chick I told y'all about. Shorty called me like her place was having repairs and she needed a place to stay for the night :shaq:

So we in the bed, she in her bra and panties (she ran track so her body was :noah:), and I'm in my boxers, and we talking. I start scratching my leg and she says:

Her: nikka are you jerking off right now :dahell:
Me: No, I'm just scratching my leg :whoa:
Her: I don't believe you let me see your dikk :shaq:
Me: What you wanna see my dikk for :what:
Her: Cause you might be jerking off :youngsabo:
Me: I ain't pulling my dikk out but you can tell from my boxers I ain't even hard :comeon:
Her: Yeah, your shyt mad limp right now :huhldup:
Me: See now go to bed dummy :rudy:

Like 4 days later I was like :damn: when it hit me what happened.

"Let me see yo dikk" and breh was like :no:...

Man... hey listen man... c'mon man...

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
I always get a few random daps on those stories when this thread gets bumped :heh: I was so damn clueless, man.

I know this an old ass post but link please
I can't remember the exact one I visited back then but if you just google "incel forum" then a few will pop up. There's one on Reddit that looks popular but I've never spent any significant time on there.

But be warned, the stuff you'll read on there will be some of the saddest, most depressing shyt you will lay your eyes on. It will change how you look at people who joke about other people not being able to find companionship (which is a good thing) but just be prepared to hear some heartbreaking experiences.