Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


Vegan For a Reason
May 19, 2013
Had a couple of weird incidents lately, might be overthinking them.

A little while ago, I was at work. While working, this chick (i think she was white, but had the nicest lil ass) just came up to me out the blue while she was shopping talking about "I look guilty, like I'm stealing or something", because my job pertains of going into aisles looking for shyt, etc. She was like "I'm just fukking with you", and she just walked away smiling or whatever. Another time I saw her and she was like "You know you ain't working," fukking with me again...Same thing happened today, this time with a decent looking black chick with a juicy ass. She was like "You know you ain't looking at stuff" and I was just like I'm working actually. She just sort of walked away...



I proly woulda did the same.
Some females just talk to talk.
I talk to a bunch of females at work that I ain't tripping on. Just talking to say something.

Buckeye Fever

May 1, 2012
Hip-Hop Since '79
nikkaz dont be pickin up on signals. You busy askin her dumb ass questions, when she want you to shut the fukk up and


Jun 4, 2014
my 21st bday I hit a bar up with some friends since it was my first time being able to go out

I hang out with a lot of the video game players from the FGC in my city. So my dude pulled these 2 girls for us to talk to. They were sexy, educated and had good jobs.

My dumbass :mjlol:....

told these broads :mjlol:....

that we were professional video game players :russ:

they were like "oh, thats cool" finished their drinks and left :mjcry:

I didnt even catch on to that until like a year later :wow:

Terrance Curtis Beasley

These ni*gas claim Top 5 but we OVOK
Jan 1, 2015
i actually like that one.

you see how genuinely being aloof and non-chalant makes these girls slowly reduce their front?

-had he tried to pick her up before she even said anything she would have played games and maybe even rejected him

-had he said yes with eagernes to the "buy me a ticket" he'd be a trick in her eyes and maybe she would have flaked cause she would have known she could play with him. (should say "maybe, how about i get your number first and we get to talk a little before")

-notice however how the more aloof he is (and again it's genuine) the more she feels rejected and the more she tries to save face buy investing more. When dude still doesn't respond to her advances she still tells him "...or we could do something later on.." See that wasn't necessarely part of her original thought process. all she wanted at first was dude's attention and another number to text when she's bored (and maybe a free date).IOW she wants to feeling of "i could get that guy if i want". When dude didn't give her the pay off she offers more so she can tell herself "I'm still the shyt! he still wants that p*ssy deep down!"

Don't even stress these girls man. we can clearly see they criticize us for having no game but they have NOTHING to offer you at first besides their p*ssy when you break it down. Most of them don't know how to charm you when they want you. they don't know how to get you to look at her like "damn, this is a cool chick, i want to spend time with her...". Most of them are lames with a overhyped p*ssy. If you see her again, be polite but still aloof and she'll be the same way and maybe even be more blatant. If you switch up on her and ask her out she'll reject you.


Terrance Curtis Beasley

These ni*gas claim Top 5 but we OVOK
Jan 1, 2015
Stories here are hilarious but let me just say one thing to dudes: If you ain't feeling a chick, you just ain't feeling her.

It's alright to have 'off days' when you're just not in the mood or you have things on your mind and don't feel like talking. If some chick who expects you to be psychic gets mad cos you're not responding to her the way she feels you should, don't sweat it. You ain't gonna be attracted to everybody and you're not under obligation to respond to a broad. Just be polite and KIM, because that's what they would do. Sometimes a broad is simply unnattractive, has a bad aura, a suspicious vibe, ulterior motive etc.

Society just conditions people to believe that just cos a man isn't feeling a particular chick who approaches him, then something's 'wrong' with him, yet women turn dudes down all day everyday.

Personally, I'd rather a woman who would just initiate convo and be more direct with me. That doesn't make her thirsty at all. If I'm feeling her, great. If not, thanks but no thanks. All that "accidently" spilling juice on your shirt or "are you so-and-so's cousin?" or staring and not saying anything to me is just bullshyt and I find it annoying. My sister has friends in their late 30s and early 40s who still do shyt like that and I can't stand them broads. Come correct or don't bother coming at all.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
i actually like that one.

you see how genuinely being aloof and non-chalant makes these girls slowly reduce their front?

-had he tried to pick her up before she even said anything she would have played games and maybe even rejected him

-had he said yes with eagernes to the "buy me a ticket" he'd be a trick in her eyes and maybe she would have flaked cause she would have known she could play with him. (should say "maybe, how about i get your number first and we get to talk a little before")

-notice however how the more aloof he is (and again it's genuine) the more she feels rejected and the more she tries to save face buy investing more. When dude still doesn't respond to her advances she still tells him "...or we could do something later on.." See that wasn't necessarely part of her original thought process. all she wanted at first was dude's attention and another number to text when she's bored (and maybe a free date).IOW she wants to feeling of "i could get that guy if i want". When dude didn't give her the pay off she offers more so she can tell herself "I'm still the shyt! he still wants that p*ssy deep down!"

Don't even stress these girls man. we can clearly see they criticize us for having no game but they have NOTHING to offer you at first besides their p*ssy when you break it down. Most of them don't know how to charm you when they want you. they don't know how to get you to look at her like "damn, this is a cool chick, i want to spend time with her...". Most of them are lames with a overhyped p*ssy. If you see her again, be polite but still aloof and she'll be the same way and maybe even be more blatant. If you switch up on her and ask her out she'll reject you.

Very good post sir :salute:

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
I got a story, kinda bugs me to this day cuz it was basically in my lap.

I was 16 though so I was still new to the game. Anyways, I was the "new kid" at my school... transferred mid sophomore year and I'm a fairly attractive dude so a lot of the girls were really feeling me. I was kinda shy and hated being the new kid cuz I didn't like the attention. I'm someone who likes to be low key and play the background but when you're the new kid that's pretty much impossible.

Anyways, I had just got out of a somewhat serious relationship with my first girlfriend from my old school. Transferring was kind of our breakup. So I really wasn't looking for a new chick or at the very most was just very selective. So this one girl I used to wait on the bus stop on my way home with used to constantly be all up on me. Meaning if we're talking she'd be extra close, kinda leaning on me, touch me every time I say something funny, etc. We'd be on the bus and we'd sit with each other and she'd lay her legs on my lap, stare at me, the whole nine. I'd cop feels everywhere and she was cool with it. But for some reason I could never bring myself to taking it further. Thing about this story, I wasn't really oblivious. I think I just wasn't over my ex. At the time I was so caught up in the idea of being "loyal" and shyt like a dumb ass. But looking back I wish I did knock her down, she was a cool companion. But at the very same time, I didn't wanna be locked down with anyone cuz I was still the new kid and had other options and I was satisfied with just the idea of being available. In the end I kinda just kept to myself the rest of HS. I just wasn't that "thirsty" and spent a lot of time in the gym focusing on me and my future.


Jun 4, 2014
My dad and I were seeing a movie so I went to the theater early to buy tickets, that way we wouldn't have to wait in line that night. I get to the front and ask for two tickets, and the girl behind the counter (who was exactly my type, physically) says:

Girl: Oh, I really want to see this movie! And this time works perfectly for my schedule. You're buying a ticket for me, huh? :inlove:

Me: :dwillhuh: Nah. *starts digging in pocket for ticket money*

Girl: Well if you were gonna take me to the movies, you would probably need my number, right? :whistle:

Me: Uhh, yeah that's how it works. Here you go *hands her money*

Her: I can get free snacks too so you wouldn't have to worry about that.

Me: Word? I wish I got free snacks. Did the tickets print out?

Her: :dry: Yeah. I'm off at 9:30 so we should meet up if the person you're buying the ticket for doesn't show. Or we can do something later on. :scheme:

Me: Damn, working that late on a Friday probably sucks. *takes tickets* Have a good one.

We get to the theater at 9:45 and I notice there's a different girl at the counter as we walk past. Then I put it all together :snoop:

Terrance Curtis Beasley

These ni*gas claim Top 5 but we OVOK
Jan 1, 2015
i was oblivious to a lot of shyt in middle school and h.s :snoop:

there was this over developed mature ass bytch when i was in 8th grade in my math class. everyone wanted to fukk her including me because she had these nuclear warhead missiles for t*ts already at that age.
she started chatting me up in class about bull shyt, and i thought nothing of it
started sitting next to me on the bus, nothing
started asking me who im taking to the graduation dance like 2-3 months in advance, me: i'm probably not going to that shyt :youngsabo: :skip:
day before she goes i dont have anyone to go to the dance with. me: oh ok :manny:

then forward a couple years in h.s she tells me she had a huge crush on me in middle school. me: :damn:

in h.s this softball playing bytch would always comment on something i did or said, or something i was wearing. me: :snooze:
in chemistry she would randomly start asking me what im doing after school. me: gona go home n play video games :win: & :flabbynsick:
one day she straight up stood in front of me in the hall and said "I WANT YOU TO TALK TO ME!!! :pacspit: "
me: :merchant: ::flabbynsick::skip:

only thing left for her to do was grab my hand and put it on her box... what a fukkin idiot. throwing it at me and i was blind to the facts.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
This one is a little longer but I wanted to include all the details. In undergrad I was volunteering with Obama's campaign and I met this chick who had everything I was looking for in a girlfriend. However, I automatically assumed that she wouldn't be interested in me since I was younger.

Even though she was laughing at all of my jokes, rubbing my arm, etc, I had already taken myself out of the equation and I assumed she was just being friendly. We exchange numbers but I thought it was for campaign reasons only. Yes, I was that clueless.

Then she called me the next night and... just read our conversation:

Me: Hello?

Her: Hey Gus! What's up? :o:

Me: :hmm: Nothing. Just heading to the gym. Do we have a campaign event coming up or something?

Her: No but we have one later this month.

Me: Yeah we talked about that yesterday.

Her: :guilty: Oh yeah, I remember. That's not really why I called. So, what are you doing?

Me: Still heading to the gym. What did you need?

Her: :unsure: The gym sounds good. What are you doing after?

Me: Nothing. I've got to go but I'll see you at the event this month.

Her: Oh, cool. Well, have a good workout! :hug:

Me: Thanks.

Her: And after you're done working out maybe we could-

Me: Look, I've really got to go but I'll see you later.


It gets worse. A few days late she called again and we had almost the exact same awkward conversation, but I still didn't pick up on her signals! I was so dense. A few months go by and I don't hear from her, but then we run into each other at an event for election night. I said hi and she gave me the cold-shoulder, but I didn't think anything of it. I was too focused on getting the free food.

Then I wake up in the middle of the night and everything falls into place. I say to myself "I think she's into me!" :gladbron:

But I had deleted her number after the final campaign event for no reason. :why:

I used to be so awkward! At least I can honestly say that I learned from these experiences.

Bruh you know how much older p*ssy I missed out on thinking this same way??? :blessed:

When you young you always seem to think that older p*ssy ain't looking for young dikk...