Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


All Star
Jul 29, 2012

here goes:

there's this older woman, gotta be 37, 38 now... sexy from head to her toes... :takedat:
anyway, I known her for about 8 yrs... first time she came into my job, I put it out there to her.... I like you, you with somebody, blah blah... she laughed me off, told me she had a son around my age... :stopitslime:
she called my job to ask about her stuff the next day, got on the phone, flirted a lil bit, I flirted back...
pretty much been like that ever since... she comes to my job to see me, and we flirt...
we see each other every couple months when she's back in town from work, and we do those long hugs... even though she's in a relationship with somebody
one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...:shaq:
a few months back, she called me, asked how I was... I'm like, I'm aight...
she asks what's wrong...
since she and I been pretty cool for a while, I'm upfront about it... tell her I'm in need, and I'm in a drought...
she tells me to come by her house after work and bring her stuff with me (the stuff she ordered from my job)...:ohhh:
I go by, and she comes to the door in some tight lil shorts and a tight t shirt... :dwillhuh:
we start talking...
about an hr... shows me all around the house, bedroom too...
we start discussing how hard it is when you ain't got nobody... she tells me that when she's in need, she got her toy that she uses...:whoo:
then she asks me what I would do if she came onto me right then...
me being stupid, thinking about the fact that she's in a relationship with somebody...:snoop:
I try to answer without answering... for some reason, I'm thinking I don't wanna put myself out there, cause what if she's playing games and trying to mess with my head...
so I give some long confusing answer that didn't make any sense...
It didn't even make sense to me! smh:shaq2:
a little bit after that, I left...
I don't think the magnitude of the situation hit me until afterwards...:mindblown:
she was tryna give me hint after hint... smh
don't know if I'll ever get another chance like that.
Breh you should be shamed of yourself


May 6, 2012

here goes:

there's this older woman, gotta be 37, 38 now... sexy from head to her toes... :takedat:
anyway, I known her for about 8 yrs... first time she came into my job, I put it out there to her.... I like you, you with somebody, blah blah... she laughed me off, told me she had a son around my age... :stopitslime:
she called my job to ask about her stuff the next day, got on the phone, flirted a lil bit, I flirted back...
pretty much been like that ever since... she comes to my job to see me, and we flirt...
we see each other every couple months when she's back in town from work, and we do those long hugs... even though she's in a relationship with somebody
one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...:shaq:
a few months back, she called me, asked how I was... I'm like, I'm aight...
she asks what's wrong...
since she and I been pretty cool for a while, I'm upfront about it... tell her I'm in need, and I'm in a drought...
she tells me to come by her house after work and bring her stuff with me (the stuff she ordered from my job)...:ohhh:
I go by, and she comes to the door in some tight lil shorts and a tight t shirt... :dwillhuh:
we start talking...
about an hr... shows me all around the house, bedroom too...
we start discussing how hard it is when you ain't got nobody... she tells me that when she's in need, she got her toy that she uses...:whoo:
then she asks me what I would do if she came onto me right then...
me being stupid, thinking about the fact that she's in a relationship with somebody...:snoop:
I try to answer without answering... for some reason, I'm thinking I don't wanna put myself out there, cause what if she's playing games and trying to mess with my head...
so I give some long confusing answer that didn't make any sense...
It didn't even make sense to me! smh:shaq2:
a little bit after that, I left...
I don't think the magnitude of the situation hit me until afterwards...:mindblown:
she was tryna give me hint after hint... smh
don't know if I'll ever get another chance like that.


May 1, 2012

here goes:

there's this older woman, gotta be 37, 38 now... sexy from head to her toes... :takedat:
anyway, I known her for about 8 yrs... first time she came into my job, I put it out there to her.... I like you, you with somebody, blah blah... she laughed me off, told me she had a son around my age... :stopitslime:
she called my job to ask about her stuff the next day, got on the phone, flirted a lil bit, I flirted back...
pretty much been like that ever since... she comes to my job to see me, and we flirt...
we see each other every couple months when she's back in town from work, and we do those long hugs... even though she's in a relationship with somebody
one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...:shaq:
a few months back, she called me, asked how I was... I'm like, I'm aight...
she asks what's wrong...
since she and I been pretty cool for a while, I'm upfront about it... tell her I'm in need, and I'm in a drought...
she tells me to come by her house after work and bring her stuff with me (the stuff she ordered from my job)...:ohhh:
I go by, and she comes to the door in some tight lil shorts and a tight t shirt... :dwillhuh:
we start talking...
about an hr... shows me all around the house, bedroom too...
we start discussing how hard it is when you ain't got nobody... she tells me that when she's in need, she got her toy that she uses...:whoo:
then she asks me what I would do if she came onto me right then...
me being stupid, thinking about the fact that she's in a relationship with somebody...:snoop:
I try to answer without answering... for some reason, I'm thinking I don't wanna put myself out there, cause what if she's playing games and trying to mess with my head...
so I give some long confusing answer that didn't make any sense...
It didn't even make sense to me! smh:shaq2:
a little bit after that, I left...
I don't think the magnitude of the situation hit me until afterwards...:mindblown:
she was tryna give me hint after hint... smh
don't know if I'll ever get another chance like that.


Breh you better make up for it and blow her back the fukk out!!


Refuse to believe it's not butter
Apr 1, 2014
Maaaaaaaaaan this brought up a memory

Bout two years ago I get a call from a girl that's been one of my best friends since high school. They are having a surprise dinner party for her friend before she leaves for grad school and wants to know if I wanna go. I'm cool with the girl who's party it was so I said sure. Plus my friend's boyfriend is coming to town for it and he's been one of my homies since middle school. Hadn't seen either of them in a few months so I figured it would be cool

We go, are chillin, and some other girl comes and sits at our table. She was cute as hell, and immediately starts chattin me up. She was getting her degree in some sort of engineering, and i guess is a singer too, even showed me a video. Voice of an angel:wow: This girl is asking me all about my life, and I'm answering, but really just tryin to talk to my people. My female friend keeps giving me looks like :what: but I have no clue what the fukk is going on. My boy was next to her tryin to give me the hint with the :steviej: face.

We end up going out after, and I'm chillin, talkin to the girl and buying her drinks and shyt. Wasn't even thinkin about it like that, really just talking to her cuz she was cool as hell. She keeps laughin at stupid shyt I'm saying and touchin my arm and whatever but my dumb ass just keeps bullshytting. She starts getting visibly unhappy, and I had no idea why at the time. After a while she just goes "okay well I'm gonna head home". I go "oh ok, nice to meet you blah blah".

As soon as she leaves my girl walks up to me and basically yells "WHAT THE fukk IS WRONG WITH YOU? She was trying to holler at you the whoooole night".

Right then and there I got hit with PTGD (post traumatic goddess disorder):merchant::merchant:

I remembered all the shyt, with her literally just talking to only me the whole time:damn:

Worst part was, the next day I'm talkin to the girl who's party we went to, and I find out that the girl's family is worth multiple millions:to:

I could have been paid and laid brehs:sadbron:

To this day I can't believe I didn't pick up on it, especially since I was thinkin she was fine the whole time


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth

here goes:

there's this older woman, gotta be 37, 38 now... sexy from head to her toes... :takedat:
anyway, I known her for about 8 yrs... first time she came into my job, I put it out there to her.... I like you, you with somebody, blah blah... she laughed me off, told me she had a son around my age... :stopitslime:
she called my job to ask about her stuff the next day, got on the phone, flirted a lil bit, I flirted back...
pretty much been like that ever since... she comes to my job to see me, and we flirt...
we see each other every couple months when she's back in town from work, and we do those long hugs... even though she's in a relationship with somebody
one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...:shaq:
a few months back, she called me, asked how I was... I'm like, I'm aight...
she asks what's wrong...
since she and I been pretty cool for a while, I'm upfront about it... tell her I'm in need, and I'm in a drought...
she tells me to come by her house after work and bring her stuff with me (the stuff she ordered from my job)...:ohhh:
I go by, and she comes to the door in some tight lil shorts and a tight t shirt... :dwillhuh:
we start talking...
about an hr... shows me all around the house, bedroom too...
we start discussing how hard it is when you ain't got nobody... she tells me that when she's in need, she got her toy that she uses...:whoo:
then she asks me what I would do if she came onto me right then...
me being stupid, thinking about the fact that she's in a relationship with somebody...:snoop:
I try to answer without answering... for some reason, I'm thinking I don't wanna put myself out there, cause what if she's playing games and trying to mess with my head...
so I give some long confusing answer that didn't make any sense...
It didn't even make sense to me! smh:shaq2:
a little bit after that, I left...
I don't think the magnitude of the situation hit me until afterwards...:mindblown:
she was tryna give me hint after hint... smh
don't know if I'll ever get another chance like that.

Edit: I should neg you for this too


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013

here goes:

there's this older woman, gotta be 37, 38 now... sexy from head to her toes... :takedat:
anyway, I known her for about 8 yrs... first time she came into my job, I put it out there to her.... I like you, you with somebody, blah blah... she laughed me off, told me she had a son around my age... :stopitslime:
she called my job to ask about her stuff the next day, got on the phone, flirted a lil bit, I flirted back...
pretty much been like that ever since... she comes to my job to see me, and we flirt...
we see each other every couple months when she's back in town from work, and we do those long hugs... even though she's in a relationship with somebody
one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...:shaq:
a few months back, she called me, asked how I was... I'm like, I'm aight...
she asks what's wrong...
since she and I been pretty cool for a while, I'm upfront about it... tell her I'm in need, and I'm in a drought...
she tells me to come by her house after work and bring her stuff with me (the stuff she ordered from my job)...:ohhh:
I go by, and she comes to the door in some tight lil shorts and a tight t shirt... :dwillhuh:
we start talking...
about an hr... shows me all around the house, bedroom too...
we start discussing how hard it is when you ain't got nobody... she tells me that when she's in need, she got her toy that she uses...:whoo:
then she asks me what I would do if she came onto me right then...
me being stupid, thinking about the fact that she's in a relationship with somebody...:snoop:
I try to answer without answering... for some reason, I'm thinking I don't wanna put myself out there, cause what if she's playing games and trying to mess with my head...
so I give some long confusing answer that didn't make any sense...
It didn't even make sense to me! smh:shaq2:
a little bit after that, I left...
I don't think the magnitude of the situation hit me until afterwards...:mindblown:
she was tryna give me hint after hint... smh
don't know if I'll ever get another chance like that.

one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...

dawg im not acussing u of nothing but u seem shook of the moment.....u turned into peyton on the field during crunch time


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:heh: I just remembered another that happened. This happened maybe like a year after the story with the last chick I told y'all about. Shorty called me like her place was having repairs and she needed a place to stay for the night :shaq:

So we in the bed, she in her bra and panties (she ran track so her body was :noah:), and I'm in my boxers, and we talking. I start scratching my leg and she says:

Her: nikka are you jerking off right now :dahell:
Me: No, I'm just scratching my leg :whoa:
Her: I don't believe you let me see your dikk :shaq:
Me: What you wanna see my dikk for :what:
Her: Cause you might be jerking off :youngsabo:
Me: I ain't pulling my dikk out but you can tell from my boxers I ain't even hard :comeon:
Her: Yeah, your shyt mad limp right now :huhldup:
Me: See now go to bed dummy :rudy:

Like 4 days later I was like :damn: when it hit me what happened.

Broad Street Bully

Sick & Tide Sixers/Phillies/Cowboys fan smh
Dec 1, 2013
Philly. Fucc a Eagle. I mean dat.

here goes:

there's this older woman, gotta be 37, 38 now... sexy from head to her toes... :takedat:
anyway, I known her for about 8 yrs... first time she came into my job, I put it out there to her.... I like you, you with somebody, blah blah... she laughed me off, told me she had a son around my age... :stopitslime:
she called my job to ask about her stuff the next day, got on the phone, flirted a lil bit, I flirted back...
pretty much been like that ever since... she comes to my job to see me, and we flirt...
we see each other every couple months when she's back in town from work, and we do those long hugs... even though she's in a relationship with somebody
one time, she started kissing on my neck... another time, I grabbed on her butt...:shaq:
a few months back, she called me, asked how I was... I'm like, I'm aight...
she asks what's wrong...
since she and I been pretty cool for a while, I'm upfront about it... tell her I'm in need, and I'm in a drought...
she tells me to come by her house after work and bring her stuff with me (the stuff she ordered from my job)...:ohhh:
I go by, and she comes to the door in some tight lil shorts and a tight t shirt... :dwillhuh:
we start talking...
about an hr... shows me all around the house, bedroom too...
we start discussing how hard it is when you ain't got nobody... she tells me that when she's in need, she got her toy that she uses...:whoo:
then she asks me what I would do if she came onto me right then...
me being stupid, thinking about the fact that she's in a relationship with somebody...:snoop:
I try to answer without answering... for some reason, I'm thinking I don't wanna put myself out there, cause what if she's playing games and trying to mess with my head...
so I give some long confusing answer that didn't make any sense...
It didn't even make sense to me! smh:shaq2:
a little bit after that, I left...
I don't think the magnitude of the situation hit me until afterwards...:mindblown:
she was tryna give me hint after hint... smh
don't know if I'll ever get another chance like that.
god dammit man. she was looking at you like "
cmon nikka, feed me, wat you waiting on?" smh :snoop: