Ever been oblivious to a chicks advances?


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
i actually like that one.

you see how genuinely being aloof and non-chalant makes these girls slowly reduce their front?

-had he tried to pick her up before she even said anything she would have played games and maybe even rejected him

-had he said yes with eagernes to the "buy me a ticket" he'd be a trick in her eyes and maybe she would have flaked cause she would have known she could play with him. (should say "maybe, how about i get your number first and we get to talk a little before")

-notice however how the more aloof he is (and again it's genuine) the more she feels rejected and the more she tries to save face buy investing more. When dude still doesn't respond to her advances she still tells him "...or we could do something later on.." See that wasn't necessarely part of her original thought process. all she wanted at first was dude's attention and another number to text when she's bored (and maybe a free date).IOW she wants to feeling of "i could get that guy if i want". When dude didn't give her the pay off she offers more so she can tell herself "I'm still the shyt! he still wants that p*ssy deep down!"

Don't even stress these girls man. we can clearly see they criticize us for having no game but they have NOTHING to offer you at first besides their p*ssy when you break it down. Most of them don't know how to charm you when they want you. they don't know how to get you to look at her like "damn, this is a cool chick, i want to spend time with her...". Most of them are lames with a overhyped p*ssy. If you see her again, be polite but still aloof and she'll be the same way and maybe even be more blatant. If you switch up on her and ask her out she'll reject you.

:rudy: this why nyggas dont get p*ssy :smh:
over analyzing like a muthafukka
I dont worry bout what a chick is thinking i just do me


Aug 19, 2012

this one still makes me cry inside.

i used to date this bisexual chick. she was very average maybe about a 6 at best. big breasts and cute but chubby. i was hitting it steady for about a month. she had a friend, also bisexual, also average(7 at best). i did not like her friend at all. thought she was a huge slut (which she was) so i didnt want my girl chilling with her. well one night, my girl went to a party with the slut. i didnt care cause i was chilling with my homies driving around smoking and trying to pick up bytches. well, my girl calls me, says she wants to leave the party. so i go pick her up with my homeys still in the car. she asks me, no, begs me, to take my friends home first and her last. i wanted to keep chilling :ld: so i said no and made up some excuse about them being out of the way and i didnt want to drive around too much. so i dropped her and her slutty friend off at her house.

next day, i find out my girls mom wasnt home. her and her slutty friend were horny. wanted the 3some. bytch couldve just told me, but like all females she wanted me to read her fukking mind.

i missed my only opportunity ever to have a 3some with 2 drunk slutty bytches :sadbron::sadcam:

....this isnt really your fault entirely..... but still... fukk you.

Ricky Church

Stole Timberlake's Spaceship-Coupe
May 9, 2012
Hudson County N.J. [Jersey City 201]
In 11th grade, I pretty much stayed to myself. I was the type of dude, that was cool with everyone but I didn't really chill with anyone...I was the type of kid that girls thought I was cute, but would pass on me because I didn't have any kind of identity, and I did myself no favors, because I was a straight up mute.

This was around 2001 and Mya had her career poppin' and I was on my light-skin girl phase. There was this female in 10th grade that could have been Mya's little sister. I had the biggest crush on her. Not only could I not work up the courage to talk to her, but she had a boyfriend too. Never in my life have I ever hated on a dude, before or after this incident, but I hated on this dude. He had a twin brother, and everyone would call him "Twin". Everytime he walked in the cafeteria, classroom, gym, wherever; I would just grill the shyt out of him, like I wanted to fight him. It got so bad, that it became plainly apparent that I was diggin' her, to Twin, Mya, and a couple of my classmates.

It could be just speculation, but she would send little signs, that she may have been checking me out too. Looking away real quick when I would check her out, making it a point to sometimes talk to people in my vicinity. Little shyt that you could do in high school, without being too obvious; but the tension was there.

As I said before, I was cool with everyone despite being a loner. One of my acquaintances hipped me to the fact that they broke up one week after a bad argument and told me I should get at her. I told him thanx, and that I would holler at her the next time I saw her.

Well that next time was the very same day. I came out the bathroom one day, and as luck would have it, she came out the ladies room, just seconds before I did. So, shorty looked back and saw me and smiled. She casually turned back around to keep walking, but slowed her pace down. She didn't completely turn her head back around, as if to keep tabs out the corner of her eye on what moves I was going to make. So, being the dork that I was...I slowed my pace of walk down even slower than hers, to keep the distance between us. She peeped, and slowed down some more. And in an scenario reminiscent of 3 stooges, I love lucy, or some random looney tunes cartoon, I slowed down even more. I'm talking like, she was moving like a turtle, and I was moving like a slug.

I guess she caught wind that a nikka had a bunch of nervous energy and proceeded to speed up and walk back to class...

They got back together a week later...


Metta World Movement

Peace and love...to all!!
May 5, 2012
Well that next time was the very same day. I came out the bathroom one day, and as luck would have it, she came out the ladies room, just seconds before I did. So, shorty looked back and saw me and smiled. She casually turned back around to keep walking, but slowed her pace down. She didn't completely turn her head back around, as if to keep tabs out the corner of her eye on what moves I was going to make. So, being the dork that I was...I slowed my pace of walk down even slower than hers, to keep the distance between us. She peeped, and slowed down some more. And in an scenario reminiscent of 3 stooges, I love lucy, or some random looney tunes cartoon, I slowed down even more. I'm talking like, she was moving like a turtle, and I was moving like a slug.

I guess she caught wind that a nikka had a bunch of nervous energy and proceeded to speed up and walk back to class...


Waldo Geraldo Faldo

May 28, 2012
The Cloud
Brehs, the most recent was just last semester. Had this tight little chick in my Calc class. So, one day I accidently left my notebook and folder in class. One of our classmates found it, so ol girl volunteers and told the chick she would make sure I got it back. I found out earlier in the semester that baby girl stayed a hop skip and jump for campus, literally.Next day she tells me at the beginning of class that she found my notebook and folder and it was at her crib. I just said cool I get from you later. I was never a good thinker early in the morning:snoop:. I know she was thinking how obvious can it get:what:

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
me n my homeboy was talkin bout dis shyt the other day...if we knew then what we knew now, nikkas coulda fukked 80% of the high school vs 10% :shaq2:

recently this lil chick i been holla'n at off and on did this to me...i liked her pics on IG and she did tha lil "thanks for showing love" shyt....and she said sumptin about im still waiting on my cd...i was hip to it, responded back "i been tryin to give it to u for the longest :shaq: "

so i texted her and im like why dnt u have any cd's...and she like dude i got like 3, wassup with u

Waldo Geraldo Faldo

May 28, 2012
The Cloud
My story is sort of bad, not the worse but I learned a lot from it. I guess i'll share with yall

Freshmen year in college this good looking chick came up to me and we started talking, I didn't get her phone number cause I was a bytch. I never really said hi to her after that until. Fast forward to junior year I got a drastic haircut and she noticed and came up to me and say hey you look nice with your haircut, how's shyt been? . didn't get her number again smh

Fast forward to senior year we end up having the same class, so I go up to her at the end of class ask her how she's been, then we exchange numbers, she initiated it, i'm still a bytch at this point. Now we start texting and I go to her place one night to study for our test on her bed, she got real close to me but I didn't do anything physical. So this goes on for a few week, we just text and would hang out sometimes.

This is where the big hints start coming in. Then the magic night, i got her to come to my apartment, she was able to come through like at 12:30am (night time). I made her chicken and told her to come over after work. First we sat in the common living area and ate, and then she was like 'is it warmer in your room' (its not even cold in the living room) .. im like 'yea i think let's go'. So now were in my room and she's laying down in my bed and I sit on my bed, she's starts shaking her leg a little so i ask her why? she's like 'im a little cold', then she's like 'you seem shy' .. so she was saying all this stuff over an hour,then she just left.

I didn't get the hints until it was too late, i was so fukking dumb, but it was really a big learning experience, probably my biggest learning experience for girls and i learned a lot from it and now i'd never let a situation like that happen again

hope yall enjoyed that

Got damn Breh WTF


May 11, 2012
East ATL
I was with my homeboy when he called his gf to come over my house. She brought her friend with her who I met her before but we really didn't talk that much. My pops came in from the garage like :damn: after he saw them then said to me "Hey B, umm I got to go back to the store" :youngsabo: keep in mind this was the first time I had a chick in my crib ever so we get the talking and she asks me out of nowhere "So are you a virgin?" I really was but I didn't want her to think I was a lame so I told her "Naww, I lost that a couple years ago :smugbiden: what about you" she said "Yeah I am but I wanna lose it already you know, before I graduate" (It was a couple months from graduation too) I told her "Yeah I know what you mean but it should be special you know?" She :leostare: then agreed. We all went to Little Ceasers shortly after :snoop: