European vs North American description of the Moors


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
:whoa: I didn't know who he was bro, that's why I asked who he was. Now I can research on my own.

Its cool breh. Just fukkin with you. You never saw the Mekhi Phif movie...."O". Based on the same thing.



All Star
May 25, 2012
no they were not all muslim :drj:
They were Muslims breh just like their descendants are today. If you had non-Muslims in their ranks they made a tiny percentage.


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
They were Muslims breh just like their descendants are today. If you had non-Muslims in their ranks they made a tiny percentage.

The word "Moor" simply ment black, here is another German website I found full of truth, I breaks down the origins of some of the Moor flags that were used.

Der Begriff Mohr ist eine seit dem Mittelalter verwendete Bezeichnung für Menschen mit dunkler Hautfarbe, zum Beispiel historisch in Bezug auf Kuschiter und Mauren oder später allgemeiner für Schwarzafrikaner. Sie wird heute aufgrund ihrer negativen Konnotation nur noch selten gebraucht.


The term Moor is used since the Middle Ages term for people with dark skin color, such as historical for the Ethiopians and Moors or later generalized for black Africans. It is now rarely used because of its negative connotation.

Ursprünglich bezeichnete das mittelhochdeutsche Wort mōr[1] einen Mauren. Der Begriff Maure stammt allerdings vom Griechischen μαῦρος, was soviel wie „schwarz, dunkel, dunkelhäutig, dunkelhaarig“ bedeutet. Mauretanien bedeutet daher zunächst das Land der Dunkelhäutigen. Das lateinische maurus kennzeichnet in aller Regel bereits den Mauren als Herkunftsbezeichnung (aus der Provinz Mauretania bzw. dem Königreich Mauretanien).

Im Mittelhochdeutschen wurde dann nicht selten zwischen swarzer mōr („Maure mit dunkler Hautfarbe“) und mōr („Maure“) differenziert. Sogar heute noch findet sich im Deutschen die Bezeichnung schwarzer Mohr, was man aber eher als unnötige Doppelung (Tautologie) oder als literarische Betonung empfindet. Sehr früh belegt ist auch die Verbindung von mōr und Ethiops.


Originally designated the Middle High German word MOR [1 ] a Moor . However, the term Moor comes from the Greek μαῦρος , which means " black, dark , dark-skinned, dark-haired 'means . Mauritania therefore initially means the land of dark-skinned people . The Latin maurus features usually already the Moors as a designation of origin ( from the province of Mauretania and the Kingdom of Mauritania) .

In Middle High German then often between swarzer Mor ( " Moor with dark skin " ) and MOR ( " Moor ") was differentiated. Even today, can be found in German the term black Mohr, but you'd rather be an unnecessary duplication ( tautology ), or feels as literary emphasis. Occupied very early is the combination of MOR and Ethiops .

As in the 18th Century was the term " Moor " then increasingly by the term " ****** " replaced , there was the possibility for comparison of noble Mohr ( pre-colonial idea ) and primitive Negro ( colonial idea ) . Even the attempt to distinguish between black African " Negroes " and white African differentiate " Moors " in the wake of racial theories , is now obsolete.The term Mohr for a dark-skinned person is now used only in historical contexts. Like the term " negro " can be understood as a racially discriminatory term " Moor " .


They're saying in the 18th century they stopped using Moor and started using ******, Moor being the pre colonial idea of blacks and ****** being the primitive negro (the new colonial idea. That makes sense because if you look up "black" in old dictionarys you will see Moor their as well. This dude made a video about that:

The truth:ohlawd:


All Star
May 25, 2012
@Deluuxe like I said the Moors were a mix of West Africans (black skin) and North Africans (tanned skin) which were united by their common belief in Islam.

This is common knowledge out here in Europe.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Moor is just a name for someone black or dark tone....

Notice that moor is also the root word in Moreno and maroon. The spelling of the root words are different but both explain that moreno is like a moor and maroon...the color of a more, both of which are latin (spanish) origins. It would make sense that the word moor and its use would still be found somewhere in their language, In addition, all other European countries and their own spellings of moor. In fact, many whites who descended from moors bore the name to signify that history. This includes of name like Moore, Mohr and Muir as an example. Remember that most Europeans surnames are based on descriptions or occupations of the families they came from within their respective ancestral European towns. John the Blacksmith becomes either John Smith, Colin the Cowherder becomes Colin Cowherd, Jeff the Fisherman becomes Jeff Fisher, etc. Many European family coat of arms (heraldry) display moors on them including the family coat of arms for the current pope. The problem is because of white supremacy and the desire to maintain it, none will admit this fact. White supremacy requires that such information is concealed by whites, but if you understand the system of white supremacy it is easy to decipher some of these things. White obsession with blacks is very deep with all the moor festivals that they have in Europe. It is very obvious they are saying we were there and made an impact on their lives. If you look at the way they portray moors and the way they dressed, one can argue that European fashion was heavily influenced by moors.
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Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
Notice that moor is also the root word in Moreno and maroon. The spelling of the root words are different but both explain that moreno is like a moor and maroon...the color of a more, both of which are latin (spanish) origins. It would make sense that the word moor and its use would still be found somewhere in their language, In addition, all other European countries and their own spellings of moor. In fact, many whites who descended from moors bore the name to signify that history. This includes of name like Moore, Mohr and Muir as an example. Remember that most Europeans surnames are based on descriptions or occupations of the families they came from within their respective ancestral European towns. John the Blacksmith becomes either John Smith, Colin the Cowherder becomes Colin Cowherd, Jeff the Fisherman becomes Jeff Fisher, etc. Many European family coat of arms (heraldry) display moors on them including the family coat of arms for the current pope. The problem is because of white supremacy and the desire to maintain it, none will admit this fact. White supremacy requires that such information is concealed by whites, but if you understand the system of white supremacy it is easy to decipher some of these things. White obsession with blacks is very deep with all the moor festivals that they have in Europe. It is very obvious they are saying we were there and made an impact on their lives. If you look at the way they portray moors and the way they dressed, one can argue that European fashion was heavily influenced by moors.

There's another think I've been wondering about, can someone break this down? Its from the "negro law of south carolina".

"SECTION 4 The term Negro is confined to slave Africans (The ancient Berbers) and their descendants. It does not embrace the free inhabitants of Africa, such as the Egyptians, Moors, or the Negro Asiatics, such as Lascars."