Do you even know how SSD/Hard drive work in general? Like even the Linus guy apologize ..but for some reason everybody is incorrect about this SSD except you
Like an SSD on a PC can output at a 100x speed but once it actually reaches the ram will probably only get those game assets at 5x speed due to all kinds of bottlenecks.
What Sony did was removed all that , so that 100x speed stays the same all the way. Thats the revolutionary part of it.
John Carmack , Tim sweeny , This linus guy have given the PS5's SSD praise but because it isnt the xbox's ssd ...they all must be wrong
Like even thanks to Sony's SSD there wont be any need of LOD. If you dont know what LOD is ,
imagine you're in a game and you see a tree , far away that tree will most likely look terrible but the closer you get to it ...the textures of the tree improves. This is done because due to the slow HDD , things that are closer to the player must be given priority instead of things far away . Now thats a part of the past , its possible for every asset to be shown in its highest texture.