Poor in oakland
coo... i grew up on 99th and macarthur... not poor per se... but no resources were passed down to me by my parents...
if you are already an adult...
apply for compsci courses at merritt...
get the fee waiver for unit cost
it'll still hit you for around $70-$80, but you'll be able to work with financial aid on getting that covered.
You should also take out a student loan of about 5k just to keep you eating while you going to school
Take classes that focus on web/graphic design
after you knock out a few prereqs you can move to jquery and javascript and develop a deeper understand of various CMS platforms (joomla, wordpress etc.)... this is the main point
after you have a bit of knowledge of both, you don't even have to finish to get a degree
Create a company name, use the money you have from the loan to get your llc (~$200)
create company website
use some of the schoolwork as examples of client work on the website.
Don't portray yourself as a solo developer, have verbiage that insinuates you have a team.
Hit craigslist for simple wordpress websites, jquery programming, and general graphic design work for small business..
Grind... and expand...
This is pretty much exactly the thing I did, except I moved to Long Beach from oakland and then enacted the same course of action
I have an office in Beverly Hills with 2 interns and I'm working on opening up a graphic design spot on fairfax at the beginning of next month.
Anybody who is broke and willing to grind and follow those steps will eat quick...
Thats just one course of action