Eminem - Revival Tracklist.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Nah you on point, but that's why I was saying earlier that if you actually been listening to the lyrics Em found out what time it really was around TES/Encore. You don't spend an album complaining about how you need time off to repair your family and adjust to all these dramatic changes in life only to turn around and do an "Encore". It was obligatory, he was hot, get another album out pronto before he cool and he opens up the album telling you upfront that he realizes that he's sold his soul to the label.

Half of this tracklist looks obligatory...not to say some of them can't turn out alright but you can just tell this is probably going to be like Recovery.

Dragging Rick Ruben out is dog whistle for the types of cacs who actually liked the Beastie Boys after Paul's Boutique. Doesn't really mean much, it's a gimmick, just like when Jay did it.
Exactly my thoughts on Rick Rubin. It's a gimmick move at this point.

Didn't you have a theory that Eminem didn't want to make Encore, so he purposely made a lot of it half assed?

I guess you're sort of saying that here. IMO it's clear on Encore which songs he cared about making and which ones he didn't.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Yes, I can also cherry pick any line from any legend/GOAT that I don't like or think is bad....your point? See where we're going with this? Like I said before, subjectivity vs fact. How you feel is irrelevant to what's been produced, accepted and bought by the people.
No doubt. I mean I'm having fun with that post.

This is a message board though. What we feel is 100% relevant to what is being discussed here.

Also, I could care less what "the people" accept and buy. People buy and accept a lot of dumb shyt.

I think 50 Cent fukked a lot of the game up with all of this shyt about numbers and metrics being what's important. That's how we end up with disposable music, man. I used to do the reverse argument too, and I'd tell all my underground backpack rap friends that just because something DID do big numbers, that didn't mean it was wack either. It goes both ways.

By nature, if you're chasing trends, you're a follower. If you're an artist or a producer and you're basing your decisions based on metrics, and what people want to hear, and what is trending, then you're killing your creativity at that point, and you're not dancing with the one that brought you.

Again, the last Eminem album that I really respect is Relapse/Refill. Because even though that album gets panned on here, it sounds like an album that Em and Dre made by locking themselves away from the world, zoning out, and doing what the fukk they wanted to do, and not trying to fukking pander to anybody. I at least respect them and that album they did because it takes balls to do that.

It doesn't take any guts to follow a formula based on metrics and trends.



May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
@Killigraphy honest to god I wanna know. If you could have an Eminem album with any 3-5 producers in their prime on it, is Rick Rubin in those 3-5? You get anyone you want. And think of everyone dope that Eminem has worked with...Bass Brothers, Dr. Dre, Mr. Porter, Havoc, Alchemist, Just Blaze, DJ Khalil, Sid Roams...anyone that's worked with Eminem over the years...or anyone that hasn't...or even Eminem himself...

Is Rick Rubin going to even be in that top 5? Top 10? Not as an executive producer either, but in terms of making tracks on the album.

Again, Rick Rubin's best skill-set (especially at this point) is executive producing and building with the artist. Speaking with them, helping them arrange and sequence the album, or find other producers that would be good for them, etc. Rick Rubin actually producing tracks himself in 2017? He's way past his prime, and he has been for a while now.

@SunZoo how many producers do you wanna hear Eminem over before you get to Rick Rubin?


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Exactly my thoughts on Rick Rubin. It's a gimmick move at this point.

Didn't you have a theory that Eminem didn't want to make Encore, so he purposely made a lot of it half assed?

I guess you're sort of saying that here. IMO it's clear on Encore which songs he cared about making and which ones he didn't.

Yeah, he was already talking about retirement on TES. "Without Me" was subs at the label and the whole formula/process. Him dropping an album a year later made 0 sense unless you're looking at it from the labels perspective.

Evil Deeds is one of my favorite Em joints.

"Please god give me the strength to have what it takes to carry on
Til I pass 50 back the baton, the cameras on, my soul is gone"

Take that into account, look at the art work and the obvious trolling he was doing in the middle of that album and the shyt actually makes for an interesting listen.

A song like "My First Single" wasn't submitted like yeah this shyt hot...he was mocking the forumla. "I just did a whole song and I didn't say sheeeit" :laugh:

He been pouting about being a puppet for a long time. Even killed "Shady" and tried to sneak off with a Greatest Hits (knocked an album off the contract) to take a hiatus.

I actually fukk with this song heavy and it explains his frustration better than the joint with Beyonce. Love the shouts to the Outsidaz too.