Donald Glover is "Black by Default".
IF he were some middle of the road white celebrity.
He would've gone down the lane he originally wanted too.
Which was rock music.
He's not unique or special in deciding to "go outside of the traditional lanes of Hip-Hop".
SO many black musicians have done that and several don't even have the acknowledgement to show for it.
Guys like Flying Lotus, Thundercat, Taylor Mcferrin, Yussef Dayes and many others regularly
flirt with Hip-Hop and/or blend it with several styles and do so at a much higher level than Donald Glover.
They just don't have the fame nor star power to get their works in front of a much larger audience.
IF he were some middle of the road white celebrity.
He would've gone down the lane he originally wanted too.
Which was rock music.
He's not unique or special in deciding to "go outside of the traditional lanes of Hip-Hop".
SO many black musicians have done that and several don't even have the acknowledgement to show for it.
Guys like Flying Lotus, Thundercat, Taylor Mcferrin, Yussef Dayes and many others regularly
flirt with Hip-Hop and/or blend it with several styles and do so at a much higher level than Donald Glover.
They just don't have the fame nor star power to get their works in front of a much larger audience.