Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I guess libertarian socialism (if I'm interpreting you properly) and democratic socialism seems too optimistic to me, especially in the digital age, in that it relies on people being selfless and valuing their community over their personal well being. It's a nice thought, but one of the many trends of post-industrial society has been the breakdown of community in America; it's common that people don't even know their neighbors anymore.
And continued breakdown of community will lead to certain death. It's better to fight for a potential solution than give up on society altogether.

To be clear libertarian socialism isn't "voluntary socialism" or any shyt like that, though it certainly does foster a great deal more voluntary multually beneficial relationships if implemented correctly. Go to the wiki page for libertarian socialism or read the theories of Silvio Gesell as interpreted by modern popularizers like Charles Eisenstein. The basic idea is that you set up the monetary, property ownership, and government systems in such a way that naturally lead to cooperation, circulation of currency, and redistribution instead of the current systems which naturally lead to competition, hoarding, and wealth inequality. You can work the system in a manner which allows for significant freedom and self-determination while also naturally trending towards reasonably more equality.

The greatest issue (besides the natural reluctance towards change) is that the rich folk prefer to maintain their ever-increasing power. In order to implement it you have to get them out of the cut one way or another.
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King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014

To my fellow Warren G's, it's been an honor and a pleasure posting with y'all. She would have been the greatest President this country ever had. :salute:



Nov 9, 2017
I'm glad she ran. She helped usher in a larger conversation around college debt, HBCUs, reparations, etc.

I hate she didn't win because I feel she had a real chance in getting some of these things done.

I salute her and everyone that stuck with her all the way. Though my vote for her did not end with her triumph, it was definitely not a wasted vote.



All Star
May 18, 2012
ST was a non starter, she at least deserved to compete in her home state. She had tons of donors in some of those states and there was the hope of consolidating some of the woman first Amy support and college educated Pete support. It didn’t work, so NOW, yes, there is a case for her to drop, but the idea that she should’ve done it for ST needs to stop.

With no due respect that's bullshyt. She was only viable in 1 of the first 4 states and finished 3rd in that state. Polling showed her losing her home state and the only reason she wasn't completely out of money is because she hypocritically took support from a super pac. She was more than done before super Tuesday, she and some of her supporters were just too stubborn to admit it.


Jun 8, 2012
Does Bernie not have a thread? Also, I keep seeing you saying that Bernie has sold his policy positions for years and proved himself. Can you show me what bills he's sponsored, that were based directly from his policies, that got enacted that shows he proved himself? Tag me in HIS thread with your reply. I must have the person who created it on ignore.

And explain how constantly attacking Warren, while simultaneously wanting her supporters to vote for Bernie works.
deleted post. if she's calling it quits like they say they say she is. the post would be for not.

so now the new question is this. if she calls it quits officially. who yall rolling with? Biden? Bernie? or No one?


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
what bills he's sponsored. if thats the only thing you can come up with then i dont know what to tell you. there are a lot of bills all of your name braned politicians put their names on but other people were the ones who brought them up. bernie has done that quite often. you dont believe me. lets talk to someone who was there.

but he aint the only person doing that. so you have no idea who really started a lot of these bills. because some people are being strategic about this stuff. for all we know there's a republican some where that isnt as bad as we usually think they are. but they know they will catch hell if they put their name on a bill from their constituents/fox news. but yet they know its the right thing to do. you ask a dem to do it. next thing you know the dem has a nice "reach across the aisle bill" with his/her name on it. but who really started the bill?

In addition, why do we need a bill when bernie has been a mayor before. we have proof of what he says he's trying to and did the same thing as mayor. i already posted that thread in here. go ahead and look it up. all kinds of receipts in there. if you attempt to look over that. thats on you. i dont have to wonder what bernie will and will not fight for or how hard he would and would not fight for those things. the one thing about him being so darn old is that he has a track record, that we can clearly see, with youtube videos, press clipping, articles, etc to prove it. we have the same history on joe, same on liz, same on the older folks. not so much on pete(i know he's gone but its just a point to make). we didnt know for sure about if we could trust obama either because he was so new.

This is why i kept saying, if you're calling yourself a progressive and you're down with liz not just because she's a woman (which i aint mad at its time for one, dont get me wrong.) but you're rocking with her because she has very progressive policies. then how on earth could you not ride with bernie where he's to the left of her on a lot of these things and he has never wavered on these positions. when her numbers started to slip when she was on top of the mountain early on, it was right when the media kept asking her about M4A, and she started wavering to some degree.

I understand thinking about politics like they always are and thinking "well she can get things done" or "she can reach across the aisle and get things done." how much of getting things done for the working class has liz done? the BR bill, i liked it. anything else? she talks a ton about corruption but never gets at biden for being mr BR bill to begin with, hanging out in Delaware with those banks, CC companies. in addition, hunter biden was hired by one of the same companies lobbying for that BR bill. yep, that same hunter biden. why am i in a LIz thread bringing up joe and his son? becaues, Liz is anit corruption, we know she fought for the people on the Bankruptcy stuff. how do you stand on stage and never once call out biden for that? she got at bloomberg swiftly, which i applauded. by where's that same energy for joe beezy? it has to make a True progressive Liz fan wonder does it not? we at least know, bernie is always on some "my friend joe" type of stuff. so he rarely wants to say anything bad about joe outside of him voting for the iraq war. these are things you have to wonder about. this is LIz's THING so to speak and she never brings up her THING and the guy she basically had to fight in her own party is standing right next to her and she aint saying his name. whats that about? we know what it is. its a calculated political move. whether it works or not is not the point. the point is, if you're a progressive, do you want a bunch of calculated political moves to be made as usual or do you want someone who keeps it a buck all the time. and just tells it like it is and tries to correct those issues? this is a legit question for the liz folks who are true progressives. i'm not talking about people who are just fans of hers just cause. all political figures have just fans for fans sake.

no one in this thread thats a progressive liz fan should be mad at me for asking this question. i'm coming from the progressive bernie side. so i should be able to ask yall this since technically we SHOULD be on the same side RIGHT?

You posted this long ass paragraph and still didnt answer the question. I dont need you to tell me how you get a bill through, how they get started and how ppl just put their name on bills. You said he proved himself. You can talk about the same policies you want to enact for 20 yrs, just because you dont pivot away from them doesnt mean you proved yourself cause you keep talking about them for another 20 yrs. How are you going to bring people on board to get shyt done. If you cant tell me that, then just say that. And Liz dropped out, you can stop bytching about her and go back and answer my question without all the juelzing. You had a whole fukking day.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
With no due respect that's bullshyt. She was only viable in 1 of the first 4 states and finished 3rd in that state. Polling showed her losing her home state and the only reason she wasn't completely out of money is because she hypocritically took support from a super pac. She was more than done before super Tuesday, she and some of her supporters were just too stubborn to admit it.
she raised $29M in february, that along with her home state and others dropping says stay in and see how it shakes out. but we'll disagree because i don't expect some of yall to think from other people's perspective, unless it's bernie's.

she dropped, you got your 1:1, quite bytching and go do what you can to help bernie's campaign moving forward.


Jun 8, 2012
You posted this long ass paragraph and still didnt answer the question. I dont need you to tell me how you get a bill through, how they get started and how put just put their name on bills. You said he proved himself. You can talk about the same policies you want to enact for 20 yrs, just because you dont pivot away from them doesnt mean you proved yourself cause you keep talking about them for another 20 yrs. How are you going to bring people on board to get shyt done. If you cant tell me that, then just say that. And Liz dropped out, you can stop bytching about her and go back and answer my question without all the juelzing. You had a whole fukking day.
i answered your question in the thread where i posted that long a.. article about bernie's time as a mayor. he proved what he would do if he was running ish. it was literally a micro version of what he would attempt to do and how he would attempt to do it.

you rarely get to see things so clearly when it comes to politics, because most politicians are liars(some obviously more so than others because thats the game they play). they say one thing, do something all different or a little different. bernie's way and ideas have been the same since the beginning of his tenure into politics. he has never changed (for better or worse). so you can easily follow what he says, and match that up with what he has done, and match that up with what he will most likely do if he were president.

HIs campaign back then, his campaign today, is all the same more or less. sure now instead of it being mostly white people cause of where he was in burlington, its now a coalition of everyone. but its the same message (for better or worse). working class blah blah blah. go to that thread about his time in burlington if you want to know what that man is about. Or keep asking gotcha questions trying to prove a point.

answer this question. DO you REALLY want to know what he would do as president or are you asking a facetious question? be honest. if you actually care(you should, this is your country, your tax dollars) . go look in that thread and read that long article. even for a bernie fan like myself i even cleared up some things after reading it, not even joking.

Do yourself a favor and read that article. again, you rarely get a deep look at any politician like this. usually we have to bend and stretch our imaginations on what the person would do as president. which is why most people like to vote on former governors basically people who have managed a state or city(mayor). we never knew what obama would actually do, we had to trust his word. we didnt have a clear history on how he voted therefore, we knew he would do this or that because he was new to the senate. so we couldnt even judge his votes, bills, or amendments he authored-co-authored or was a part of. we had zero evidence of what he would actually do. thats the same for a lot of politicians when they are not former governors or former mayors. go read that article. you will get your answer.

being a senator as less like being president than even a small town mayor like pete. the problem with pete wasnt the small town but as much as it was no one likes you from your own town that isnt white. why is that? we saw exactly what pete would do if he became president. there would be a 95% white man(probably younger) people that he would hire and choose. thats what we know for sure based on his history of running his little city. big policy we know nothing about because he didnt put fort anything of substance while being the mayor. bernie actually changed that town and its still changed for the better today decades later. no one on that stage could say that but bernie and there's a reason for it. its in that article.

and actually i deleted that long post after reading right after i hit post that she was going to drop out.