Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
i answered your question in the thread where i posted that long a.. article about bernie's time as a mayor. he proved what he would do if he was running ish. it was literally a micro version of what he would attempt to do and how he would attempt to do it.

you rarely get to see things so clearly when it comes to politics, because most politicians are liars(some obviously more so than others because thats the game they play). they say one thing, do something all different or a little different. bernie's way and ideas have been the same since the beginning of his tenure into politics. he has never changed (for better or worse). so you can easily follow what he says, and match that up with what he has done, and match that up with what he will most likely do if he were president.

HIs campaign back then, his campaign today, is all the same more or less. sure now instead of it being mostly white people cause of where he was in burlington, its now a coalition of everyone. but its the same message (for better or worse). working class blah blah blah. go to that thread about his time in burlington if you want to know what that man is about. Or keep asking gotcha questions trying to prove a point.

answer this question. DO you REALLY want to know what he would do as president or are you asking a facetious question? be honest. if you actually care(you should, this is your country, your tax dollars) . go look in that thread and read that long article. even for a bernie fan like myself i even cleared up some things after reading it, not even joking.

Do yourself a favor and read that article. again, you rarely get a deep look at any politician like this. usually we have to bend and stretch our imaginations on what the person would do as president. which is why most people like to vote on former governors basically people who have managed a state or city(mayor). we never knew what obama would actually do, we had to trust his word. we didnt have a clear history on how he voted therefore, we knew he would do this or that because he was new to the senate. so we couldnt even judge his votes, bills, or amendments he authored-co-authored or was a part of. we had zero evidence of what he would actually do. thats the same for a lot of politicians when they are not former governors or former mayors. go read that article. you will get your answer.

being a senator as less like being president than even a small town mayor like pete. the problem with pete wasnt the small town but as much as it was no one likes you from your own town that isnt white. why is that? we saw exactly what pete would do if he became president. there would be a 95% white man(probably younger) people that he would hire and choose. thats what we know for sure based on his history of running his little city. big policy we know nothing about because he didnt put fort anything of substance while being the mayor. bernie actually changed that town and its still changed for the better today decades later. no one on that stage could say that but bernie and there's a reason for it. its in that article.

and actually i deleted that long post after reading right after i hit post that she was going to drop out.

Why do you keep talking about his time as mayor when he's been in Congress longer then he was mayor? What has he done with his time in the Congress that shows you he has proved himself and his policies, which is what you said. And no I'm not being disingenuous. I looked up what he's done when I saw a Bloomberg ad that says he only had 4 bills. If im not mistaken, when I look, the ad seemed to pretty spot on. So when I constantly see you guys touting how he can shyt done, I want to know what policy of his has he gotten done to make you say this. Congress controls the purse strings so he would have to work with others to get his proposals through. Comparing his time as mayor in a city with about 40k ppl to what he could accomplish as President is what is really disingenuous here. I think, you think, you're school me as I read your responses. You're not. I just want you to answer the question. And if the answer is, the policies Bernie have supported since his time as mayor have yet to be enacted, JUST SAY THAT. If you basing your "he has proved himself" position based on what he did as mayor of a small city, JUST SAY THAT. Just tell me in your own words, without these long ass attempted lessons in nothing, how Bernie has proved himself to you.

Just a random question, are you black?

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
I'll admit the candidate in this race that was closest to my views was Warren.

I'm not a moderate like Biden/Klobuchar but not a super progressive like Bernie/AOC. I'm a pragmatic progressive like Warren/Harris.

However, it just wasn't to be. Sexism and the whole "Pocahontas" thing is what doomed Warren.


Jun 8, 2012
Why do you keep talking about his time as mayor when he's been in Congress longer then he was mayor?

Just a random question, are you black?

i've been told yall i'm black since forever so lets not do that one.
so back to the discussion. I just told you why i'm talking about him as a mayor.

If you have to put two things out there that are most similar, being a mayor or a governor is most similar to being president. not being a senator.

what advantage you have when being a senator is you can get an inside scoop on how senators look at things from a personal perspective when they are trying to get things for their constituents(whether thats actual voters or Lobbyist/corporations joe biden delware banks/CC companies). So perhaps this MAY help you craft better ideas or comes from better angles to make it a smoother ask when you become president cause everything you do that aint an exec order has to go thru congress regardless.

But being a mayors gives you the voter as close to a 1 to 1 idea of how this person would lead for better or worse.

It doesnt matter how much time he spent in congress. he's not running for congress. he's running for to be president. which is equivalent to the pros if we can say a mayor is a top high school prospect going into college(or a freshman) or going straight to the pros.

The senate is like playing soccer before you play basketball. it could make your footwork better. but if you want to know how a player will approach the game of basketball, just look at his tape from high school, 1st years in college if he goes to college before entering the nba.

most of our favorite legends just had a more polished version of their high school and freshmen in college games. Go back and watch tape of kobe in high school, the guy moved the same way , doing the same moves. he just perfected them in the big leagues. the same with bron, the same with a lot of these players.

this is why i keep telling you to read the article about him being the mayor unless of course you just want to say he's a do nothing senator and end the discussion with that. if you TRULY want to know what he would be like as president go look at what he was like running a town. and how that town has thrived decades later because of it. GO LOOK. unless of course you dont care and you just want to pop off at the mouth which i think you want to do. I DARE you to read the article.

dont respond until you do. we're not hear to have fake conversations. its your country, it will be your president. have real conversations about what these guys will do. real ones.

oh and by the way, for some reason his state keeps sending him back there. why is that? they must like what he's doing for them. isnt that their main job to be honest? yep. have a real conversation. go read that article and then we'll talk. anything else, you're just bsing around.

but just for you. since you keep asking about bernie's time in the senate. here's your actual answer. still doesnt show how he would govern as a president. him being mayor does.

start at approx 10:18 or so to get to the bernie stuff and let it roll if the time stamp copy didnt work. if you dont know who this guy is(not cenk) then go back to the beginning and listen to all 15 mins of it.

and I'll even throw you this bone, cause i know yall are too lazy to do the research.

PolitiFact - Bernie Sanders was the roll call amendment king from 1995 to 2007

read it all. dont just skim. and i dont even like politifacts anymore because even they are turning into hacks as of late. but this is a decent article explaining things in detail.

dont just read the cliffs

Overall effectiveness

In the current Congress, Sanders ranks fourth when it comes to the number of career roll call amendments passed, according GovTrack founder, Josh Tauberer. The three lawmakers who top him are Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., with 27 in 15 years in Congress; Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., with 24 in 33 years; and Rep Steve King, R-Iowa, with 22 in 13 years.

Roll call amendments aside, Sanders isn’t shattering any legislative records, though he’s not doing poorly either. Tauberer’s research places Sanders at No. 14 in Congress with 90 amendments. The other senator from Vermont, Democrat Patrick Leahy, on the other hand, has passed 226.

Of course, amendments are just one of the ways lawmakers press their agendas. Sanders has had much less luck with passing bills.

During his 25 years in Congress, Sanders introduced 324 bills, three of which became law. This includes a bill in a Republican Congress naming a post office in Vermont and two more while Democrats had control (one naming another Vermont post office and another increasing veterans’ disability compensation). Clinton, for the record, also passed three bills in eight years.

But the sparse number of bills isn’t surprising. Volden and Vanderbilt University’s Alan Wiseman assess the legislative effectiveness of House members by comparing their records to a benchmark. According to this analysis, Sanders has either met or exceeded expectations during his tenure in the House (bold indicates Republican Congresses):

Lawmakers who belong to the party in control are five times more likely to have their bills go anywhere than minority party members, according to Volden. So Sanders’ legislative approach may seem like fixating on small potatoes, but for an independent who caucuses with the minority party, it’s a smart strategy.

"He could have either resigned himself to that fate, changed the nature of his legislation and coalition-building strategy, or offered amendments on the floor," Volden said. "He chose the third of these paths, making him more influential in shaping policy than if he had taken the first path. Why he did not take the second path is an open question — likely linked to his ideological views."
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Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
i've been told yall i'm black since forever so lets not do that one. :mjlol:
so back to the discussion. I just told you why i'm talking about him as a mayor.

If you have to put two things out there that are most similar, being a mayor or a governor is most similar to being president. not being a senator.

what advantage you have when being a senator is you can get an inside scoop on how senators look at things from a personal perspective when they are trying to get things for their constituents(whether thats actual voters or Lobbyist/corporations joe biden delware banks/CC companies). So perhaps this MAY help you craft better ideas or comes from better angles to make it a smoother ask when you become president cause everything you do that aint an exec order has to go thru congress regardless.

But being a mayors gives you the voter as close to a 1 to 1 idea of how this person would lead for better or worse.

It doesnt matter how much time he spent in congress. he's not running for congress. he's running for to be president. which is equivalent to the pros if we can say a mayor is a top high school prospect going into college(or a freshman) or going straight to the pros.

The senate is like playing soccer before you play basketball. it could make your footwork better. but if you want to know how a player will approach the game of basketball, just look at his tape from high school, 1st years in college if he goes to college before entering the nba.

most of our favorite legends just had a more polished version of their high school and freshmen in college games. Go back and watch tape of kobe in high school, the guy moved the same way , doing the same moves. he just perfected them in the big leagues. the same with bron, the same with a lot of these players.

this is why i keep telling you to read the article about him being the mayor unless of course you just want to say he's a do nothing senator and end the discussion with that. if you TRULY want to know what he would be like as president go look at what he was like running a town. and how that town has thrived decades later because of it. GO LOOK. unless of course you dont care and you just want to pop off at the mouth which i think you want to do. I DARE you to read the article.

dont respond until you do. we're not hear to have fake conversations. its your country, it will be your president. have real conversations about what these guys will do. real ones.

oh and by the way, for some reason his state keeps sending him back there. why is that? they must like what he's doing for them. isnt that their main job to be honest? yep. have a real conversation. go read that article and then we'll talk. anything else, you're just bsing around.

but just for you. since you keep asking about bernie's time in the senate. here's your actual answer. still doesnt show how he would govern as a president. him being mayor does.

start at approx 10:18 or so to get to the bernie stuff and let it roll if the time stamp copy didnt work. if you dont know who this guy is(not cenk) then go back to the beginning and listen to all 15 mins of it.

Again, you attempt to school me how government works instead of answering the question. I'm not reading no long ass article to get the answer on why YOU think Bernie has proven himself. Did you write it? fukk you gone tell me to not respond until I read it. You must have been confusing me with another poster. Based on your repeated none answer to the question, I'm going to assume in this 10+ years in Congress, he hasnt been able to get any of his important policy positions enacted. And if he proved himself to you without that, thats okay. lol

And you said, I been told y'all I was black forever.....do you get this question often, have you ever wondered why?
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Jun 8, 2012
Again, you attempt to school me how government works instead of answering the question. I'm not reading no long ass article to get the answer on why YOU think Bernie has proven himself. Did you write it? fukk you gone tell me to not respond until I read it. You must have been confusing me with another poster. Based on your repeated none answer to the question, I'm going to assume in this 10+ years in Congress, he hasnt been able to get any of his important policy positions enacted. And if he proved himself to you without that, thats okay. lol

And you said, I been told y'all I was black forever.....do you get this question often, have you ever wondered why?
no, i dont get this question. and no i dont wonder why. everyone on the coli has at some point been asked "are you black" when you dont agree with them. that is a coli thing. we all know this. do we not? there are times when its right to ask said question. and i dont care if you ask it now to double check who you're talking to. thats fine by me. again, I do not care WHY you're asking.

I dont ride with bernie because i like white dudes. or because i dont know white people in general(not all of them but generally speaking) are racist. with all that knowledge if i as a black man makes a chose to vote. i'm voting for the person with the best policies and the best movement. PERIOD. bernie's policies/movement would assist black peoples by a large margin. See i'm not one of those Card carrying Black Democrats. Sure you can check my affiliation and it says Dem only because i like voting in the primaries in my state they didnt use to allow non dems to vote in dem primaries(they just changed that i found out.) so technically I'm an independent voter who usually votes for democrats because they for the most part have better policies for black people. but not always. but if i have a choice of more progressive democrat and a less progressive democrat on economic issues. I'm going with the progressive hands down every single time. unless they are just saying they're progressive and we only have receipts of them being the opposite.

lastly, i dont need politicians to say the word "black" in their policies. thats something that I personally do not need to hear. i dont like buzz words, i dont like pandering. Just do what you said you were going to do. thats it. I can count, i know the situations my people are in. i know how many of us are sitting in jail that shouldnt be. i know how many of my people have records that need to be deleted from the system so they can apply for jobs. i know too many of my young bruhs dont have job opportunities. i know a lot of my young bruhs and young bruhettes and middle age to old heads are working jobs making $10 or less all over this country. i know that aint cutting it.

I know quite a few black people who are still paying off their student loans. My own black wife has insane student loan debt. this hits home.
i know for a fact all of us including black people could do so much better if we didnt incur debt from hospital bills, and if we actually went and got our proper check ups often. and our black queens could get proper prenatal care. i know for a fact bernie's plan for daycare would help a ton of black parents with little ones running around or in the strollers.

If you can't see the above. then you're blind, or selfish or have been brainwashed watching MSNBC, CNN all day, every day, all night, every night like my own mother in law, and probably like my own mother is doing at my bros house.

and again, you responded to quick to have watched the video, read the link in this thread and read that long article about bernie as mayor.

i told you, you were not engaging in a legit discussion you just wanted to TRY and make a gotcha point. you do not care about who your president could be or how they would ACTUALLY govern. you dont know old man bernie could some how pull off a miracle(probably wont) and he could win the entire thing. and now thats your president. now you are going to go scramble and read that article trying to figure out who he really is, all late in the process. when thats what you should've done before we even got to that point. The info is out there for all to see. read.


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
no, i dont get this question. and no i dont wonder why. everyone on the coli has at some point been asked "are you black" when you dont agree with them. that is a coli thing. we all know this. do we not? there are times when its right to ask said question. and i dont care if you ask it now to double check who you're talking to. thats fine by me. again, I do not care WHY you're asking.

I dont ride with bernie because i like white dudes. or because i dont know white people in general(not all of them but generally speaking) are racist. with all that knowledge if i as a black man makes a chose to vote. i'm voting for the person with the best policies and the best movement. PERIOD. bernie's policies/movement would assist black peoples by a large margin. See i'm not one of those Card carrying Black Democrats. Sure you can check my affiliation and it says Dem only because i like voting in the primaries in my state they didnt use to allow non dems to vote in dem primaries(they just changed that i found out.) so technically I'm an independent voter who usually votes for democrats because they for the most part have better policies for black people. but not always. but if i have a choice of more progressive democrat and a less progressive democrat on economic issues. I'm going with the progressive hands down every single time. unless they are just saying they're progressive and we only have receipts of them being the opposite.

lastly, i dont need politicians to say the word "black" in their policies. thats something that I personally do not need to hear. i dont like buzz words, i dont like pandering. Just do what you said you were going to do. thats it. I can count, i know the situations my people are in. i know how many of us are sitting in jail that shouldnt be. i know how many of my people have records that need to be deleted from the system so they can apply for jobs. i know too many of my young bruhs dont have job opportunities. i know a lot of my young bruhs and young bruhettes and middle age to old heads are working jobs making $10 or less all over this country. i know that aint cutting it.

I know quite a few black people who are still paying off their student loans. My own black wife has insane student loan debt. this hits home.
i know for a fact all of us including black people could do so much better if we didnt incur debt from hospital bills, and if we actually went and got our proper check ups often. and our black queens could get proper prenatal care. i know for a fact bernie's plan for daycare would help a ton of black parents with little ones running around or in the strollers.

If you can't see the above. then you're blind, or selfish or have been brainwashed watching MSNBC, CNN all day, every day, all night, every night like my own mother in law, and probably like my own mother is doing at my bros house.

and again, you responded to quick to have watched the video, read the link in this thread and read that long article about bernie as mayor.

i told you, you were not engaging in a legit discussion you just wanted to TRY and make a gotcha point. you do not care about who your president could be or how they would ACTUALLY govern. you dont know old man bernie could some how pull off a miracle(probably wont) and he could win the entire thing. and now thats your president. now you are going to go scramble and read that article trying to figure out who he really is, all late in the process. when thats what you should've done before we even got to that point. The info is out there for all to see. read.

You're going to have to figure out how to shorten your none answers. This response is you talking about why you support him. You like his policies. I like some of them too. But this doesn't explain how he proved himself. You enjoy the rest of your day though.

Btw no one has ever asked me was I black on here.
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Nov 19, 2016
You're going to have to figure out how to shorten your none answers. This is response is you talking about why you support him. You like his policies. I like some of them too. But this doesn't explain how he proved himself. You enjoy the rest of your day though.

Btw no one has ever asked me was I black on here.
You black? :shaq:

couldn't resist :lolbron:


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
bernie shoulda tossed her the baton in 2020, she may not have won due to anxiety from running a woman in 16, but the progressive movement needed a progressive democrat, not an anarchist wanting to wage war against "the establishment". they keep wanting to operate like the far right/tea party, but the dem party/voters don't respond to that rehtoric. it's clear as day through polling there's an appetite for many progressive ideas, but this is a case of it's not what you say, it's how you say it.

g/l to bernie, but it's looking like an L...choose a better rep next time


May 20, 2012
bernie shoulda tossed her the baton in 2020, she may not have won due to anxiety from running a woman in 16, but the progressive movement needed a progressive democrat, not an anarchist wanting to wage war against "the establishment". they keep wanting to operate like the far right/tea party, but the dem party/voters don't respond to that rehtoric. it's clear as day through polling there's an appetite for many progressive ideas, but this is a case of it's not what you say, it's how you say it.

g/l to bernie, but it's looking like an L...choose a better rep next time


She should have took the baton in 2016 but she was scared of Clinton machine.

If you scared, go to church.

Who knows how she would be doing if Bernie wasn't running. My God, if you come in third in your state you are a weak candidate.