Stop lyin' nicca.
i answered your question in the thread where i posted that long a.. article about bernie's time as a mayor. he proved what he would do if he was running ish. it was literally a micro version of what he would attempt to do and how he would attempt to do it.
you rarely get to see things so clearly when it comes to politics, because most politicians are liars(some obviously more so than others because thats the game they play). they say one thing, do something all different or a little different. bernie's way and ideas have been the same since the beginning of his tenure into politics. he has never changed (for better or worse). so you can easily follow what he says, and match that up with what he has done, and match that up with what he will most likely do if he were president.
HIs campaign back then, his campaign today, is all the same more or less. sure now instead of it being mostly white people cause of where he was in burlington, its now a coalition of everyone. but its the same message (for better or worse). working class blah blah blah. go to that thread about his time in burlington if you want to know what that man is about. Or keep asking gotcha questions trying to prove a point.
answer this question. DO you REALLY want to know what he would do as president or are you asking a facetious question? be honest. if you actually care(you should, this is your country, your tax dollars) . go look in that thread and read that long article. even for a bernie fan like myself i even cleared up some things after reading it, not even joking.
Do yourself a favor and read that article. again, you rarely get a deep look at any politician like this. usually we have to bend and stretch our imaginations on what the person would do as president. which is why most people like to vote on former governors basically people who have managed a state or city(mayor). we never knew what obama would actually do, we had to trust his word. we didnt have a clear history on how he voted therefore, we knew he would do this or that because he was new to the senate. so we couldnt even judge his votes, bills, or amendments he authored-co-authored or was a part of. we had zero evidence of what he would actually do. thats the same for a lot of politicians when they are not former governors or former mayors. go read that article. you will get your answer.
being a senator as less like being president than even a small town mayor like pete. the problem with pete wasnt the small town but as much as it was no one likes you from your own town that isnt white. why is that? we saw exactly what pete would do if he became president. there would be a 95% white man(probably younger) people that he would hire and choose. thats what we know for sure based on his history of running his little city. big policy we know nothing about because he didnt put fort anything of substance while being the mayor. bernie actually changed that town and its still changed for the better today decades later. no one on that stage could say that but bernie and there's a reason for it. its in that article.
and actually i deleted that long post after reading right after i hit post that she was going to drop out.
Why do you keep talking about his time as mayor when he's been in Congress longer then he was mayor? What has he done with his time in the Congress that shows you he has proved himself and his policies, which is what you said. And no I'm not being disingenuous. I looked up what he's done when I saw a Bloomberg ad that says he only had 4 bills. If im not mistaken, when I look, the ad seemed to pretty spot on. So when I constantly see you guys touting how he can shyt done, I want to know what policy of his has he gotten done to make you say this. Congress controls the purse strings so he would have to work with others to get his proposals through. Comparing his time as mayor in a city with about 40k ppl to what he could accomplish as President is what is really disingenuous here. I think, you think, you're school me as I read your responses. You're not. I just want you to answer the question. And if the answer is, the policies Bernie have supported since his time as mayor have yet to be enacted, JUST SAY THAT. If you basing your "he has proved himself" position based on what he did as mayor of a small city, JUST SAY THAT. Just tell me in your own words, without these long ass attempted lessons in nothing, how Bernie has proved himself to you.
Just a random question, are you black?