Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
He has experience in an executive position as a former Mayor and experience dealing with the people in Washington. By all accounts he was effective as Mayor and has a good decision making history with regard to foreign and domestic policy. That's the best we can ask for. What do you feel makes someone a good leader?
c'mon man, he was mayor of a tiny town in Vermont like 30 years ago, that's less relevant executive experience than Pete :stopitslime:

I think he's qualified, but not because of his mayoral experience

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Remember when Obama kept Bush's man Ben Bernake at the top of the Fed and Mr. anti-regulation Larry Summers at the head of the National Economic Council and put them in charge of the economic recovery?

Put big Wall Street bankers from Goldman Sachs, Merryll Lynch, Lehman Brothers, CitiBank,

Kept Bush's man Robert Gates in place (not to mention Clapper, Petreus, Vickers, and all the joint chiefs of staff) to man a useless surge in Afghanistan and push for more drones and rebellions everywhere?

Gave ambassador postings to 70 major campaign donors?

And let's not mention all the centrist establishment retreads like Biden, Clinton, Kerry, etc.

For decades, putting the "most competent" people in charge has meant supporting the status quo....so war-lovers got to run Defense, wealth-lovers got to run Treasury and the Fed, corporate compromisers got to run the EPA and Interior, corporate shills got to run Agriculture and Commerce, deportation fans got to run Homeland Security and snoopers got to run National Intelligence....and nothing changed.

This might have been the very first mistake about Obama. He was supposed to be the big change candidate and then he hedged that by filling his administration with the same damn people who had fukked shyt up for so long. I really don't see how Bernie could do worse. The status quo ain't it brehs.
I 100% agree about Obama's staffing mistakes and believe we need new blood in the bureaucracy, but I think the concern is that Sanders might throw the competent baby out with the bathwater :francis:


All Star
May 18, 2012
being able to get people to want to work with/for you. republicans are a lost cause but half the dem party doesn't support his proposals or views and he doesn't seem to have the interpersonal relationships in place to make people overlook those differences. he's also bee pretty ineffective in congress :yeshrug:

It's a myth that he was ineffective and that people in Congress wouldn't work with him. The reality, based on statements from both Republicans and Democrats that have worked with him, is that he passed more amendments than anyone else in Congress. He also got things done that he doesn't get credit for due to taking his name off of bills to give them a better chance of getting passed. As for getting establishment Democrats to work with him, he already has and still is. Half of the candidates that are Senators have talked about working with Bernie in the past and signed on to some of his plans, and while Trump vetoed it, he also got a bipartisan bill passed to end our involvement in Yemen.

c'mon man, he was mayor of a tiny town in Vermont like 30 years ago, that's less relevant executive experience than Pete :stopitslime:

I think he's qualified, but not because of his mayoral experience

I disagree that it's irrelevant mainly because Pete is even in this race. While it was a long time ago, it's still a part of his overall record and history of leadership.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
It's a myth that he was ineffective and that people in Congress wouldn't work with him. The reality, based on statements from both Republicans and Democrats that have worked with him, is that he passed more amendments than anyone else in Congress. He also got things done that he doesn't get credit for due to taking his name off of bills to give them a better chance of getting passed. As for getting establishment Democrats to work with him, he already has and still is. Half of the candidates that are Senators have talked about working with Bernie in the past and signed on to some of his plans, and while Trump vetoed it, he also got a bipartisan bill passed to end our involvement in Yemen.

I disagree that it's irrelevant mainly because Pete is even in this race. While it was a long time ago, it's still a part of his overall record and history of leadership.
he hasn't i looked up the #'s recently, why do yall run with this when the fax are there.

please point me to citations of the bold


All Star
May 18, 2012
he hasn't i looked up the #'s recently, why do yall run with this when the fax are there.

please point me to citations of the bold

My bad, that claim was for a specific period of time, from 1995 to 2007 but is true for that time period. Here's a link fact checking it. PolitiFact - Bernie Sanders was the roll call amendment king from 1995 to 2007

As for the bolded, it was stated by a Republican who worked with him during an interview at the 2016 convention. Video below starting at 10:24.



Jun 8, 2012
I 100% agree about Obama's staffing mistakes and believe we need new blood in the bureaucracy, but I think the concern is that Sanders might throw the competent baby out with the bathwater :francis:
at this point, What competent baby? Like seriously, where's this competent baby that doesnt need to get thrown out with that nasty pitch black dirty bathwater? I'm normally a Dont throw the baby out with the bath water type thinker. but the more and more i think about the government. Man... I think darn near all of them need to go. sanders cant actually do that since he's not KING of america. our system doesnt work that way for good reason. But if he could, I dont think i would even be upset if he did. I semi symphathized when obama did it. because here's the truth. obama didnt have the experience. which meant to clean up that bush mess he would need help from people that knew how things were ran in the past. which were guess who? old clintonites and old bush people.
Luckily for us, bernie has been in DC for a 100 years. he isnt new to this at all. So, I could easily see him having a notebook full of names of people he believes could do a better job than the current folks in those positions or the stale types that a Pete or Amay or even Kamala would hire. I bet he has a very very very LONG list with names and backup names for each position. he's been around since forever, he should.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Remember when Obama kept Bush's man Ben Bernake at the top of the Fed and Mr. anti-regulation Larry Summers at the head of the National Economic Council and put them in charge of the economic recovery?

Put big Wall Street bankers from Goldman Sachs, Merryll Lynch, Lehman Brothers, CitiBank,

Kept Bush's man Robert Gates in place (not to mention Clapper, Petreus, Vickers, and all the joint chiefs of staff) to man a useless surge in Afghanistan and push for more drones and rebellions everywhere?

Gave ambassador postings to 70 major campaign donors?

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
at this point, What competent baby? Like seriously, where's this competent baby that doesnt need to get thrown out with that nasty pitch black dirty bathwater? I'm normally a Dont throw the baby out with the bath water type thinker. but the more and more i think about the government. Man... I think darn near all of them need to go. sanders cant actually do that since he's not KING of america. our system doesnt work that way for good reason. But if he could, I dont think i would even be upset if he did. I semi symphathized when obama did it. because here's the truth. obama didnt have the experience. which meant to clean up that bush mess he would need help from people that knew how things were ran in the past. which were guess who? old clintonites and old bush people.
Luckily for us, bernie has been in DC for a 100 years. he isnt new to this at all. So, I could easily see him having a notebook full of names of people he believes could do a better job than the current folks in those positions or the stale types that a Pete or Amay or even Kamala would hire. I bet he has a very very very LONG list with names and backup names for each position. he's been around since forever, he should.
Man, the executive branch is the largest, most consequential bureaucracy in the world, and the federal government is an incredibly intricate machine. That's what the president's actual job is, managing that large bureaucracy. It's an incredibly difficult job, for even those who have experience running large bureaucracies. After the job Trump has done at destroying and hollowing out much of the functionality of the various federal departments and agencies, we're gonna need someone to clean out the rot and rebuild. Having committed ideologues is not enough for the job, we will desperately need experts and competent professionals. People who specialize in how this system works. You're correct that Obama's inexperience got him played by more established groups that planted themselves in his circle. But even though Bernie has been in DC for a very long time, he didn't spend that time ingratiating himself with the academic/professional/think-tank world. I don't think he actually has a notebook full of names of qualified people for the jobs. He has no notable experience with the executive branch. He was infamously a loner who didn't play the game. That's what's allowed him to retain his principled purity, but it's a double-edged sword when it actually comes to governing. Ultimately, my point here isn't as much indictment on Bernie as much as it is a comment on how undeveloped the left is when it comes to established power bases in DC.


Jun 8, 2012
Man, the executive branch is the largest, most consequential bureaucracy in the world, and the federal government is an incredibly intricate machine. That's what the president's actual job is, managing that large bureaucracy. It's an incredibly difficult job, for even those who have experience running large bureaucracies. After the job Trump has done at destroying and hollowing out much of the functionality of the various federal departments and agencies, we're gonna need someone to clean out the rot and rebuild. Having committed ideologues is not enough for the job, we will desperately need experts and competent professionals. People who specialize in how this system works. You're correct that Obama's inexperience got him played by more established groups that planted themselves in his circle. But even though Bernie has been in DC for a very long time, he didn't spend that time ingratiating himself with the academic/professional/think-tank world. I don't think he actually has a notebook full of names of qualified people for the jobs. He has no notable experience with the executive branch. He was infamously a loner who didn't play the game. That's what's allowed him to retain his principled purity, but it's a double-edged sword when it actually comes to governing. Ultimately, my point here isn't as much indictment on Bernie as much as it is a comment on how undeveloped the left is when it comes to established power bases in DC.
wait, here's the problem. if he played along. its not about purity tests. he wouldnt be allowed to be who he currently is today a politician actually fighting for the people. playing ball in DC means horse trading favors not for your voters, but for your pocket book later in life. thats it and thats all. If you play ball with dem corporatist and republicans you will get little to nothing in return for the people. we know this. So admitting that one of obama's problems was that he didnt have a staff and didnt know as much about how it all worked meant he had to keep a lot of PROFESSIONALs that were also dem corporatists and republicans on board. we know how well that worked for the people dont we? So would you like for sanders to do the very same thing? NO, not if you truly understand the level of change we need to start righting this ship.
with all that being said. there's at least one person that was also rolling with Clinton in the 90s, thats rolling with bernie today.

Robert Bernard Reich is an American liberal economist, professor, author, and political commentator. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. He was Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997. He was a member of President Barack Obama's economic transition advisory board.

He's in the bag for bernie in any way bernie needs him. he'll be there to assist. He is what you call a professional thats been around since forever. and his ideas are a lot more aligned with bernie's than not. now he does have clinton on his resume. so there that goes...

But ask yourself a simple question. do your really believe bernie isnt intelligent enough to get professional people to feel in the seats dumb trump has left empty?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Man, the executive branch is the largest, most consequential bureaucracy in the world, and the federal government is an incredibly intricate machine. That's what the president's actual job is, managing that large bureaucracy. It's an incredibly difficult job, for even those who have experience running large bureaucracies. After the job Trump has done at destroying and hollowing out much of the functionality of the various federal departments and agencies, we're gonna need someone to clean out the rot and rebuild. Having committed ideologues is not enough for the job, we will desperately need experts and competent professionals. People who specialize in how this system works. You're correct that Obama's inexperience got him played by more established groups that planted themselves in his circle. But even though Bernie has been in DC for a very long time, he didn't spend that time ingratiating himself with the academic/professional/think-tank world. I don't think he actually has a notebook full of names of qualified people for the jobs. He has no notable experience with the executive branch. He was infamously a loner who didn't play the game. That's what's allowed him to retain his principled purity, but it's a double-edged sword when it actually comes to governing. Ultimately, my point here isn't as much indictment on Bernie as much as it is a comment on how undeveloped the left is when it comes to established power bases in DC.
He's been in D.C. for 25 years longer than Warren....you really don't think he's had time to figure out who is legit and who ain't?

Warren would run into the issue Obama did. Being relatively new, she would automatically rely on more experienced people to handle the nuts and bolts, and as a result she would get played by them. In fact, look at exactly what happened to her campaign. I'm still going by my default assumption that Warren would have been a great choice for president, but the pivot against Bernie the last two months completely destroyed her chances to win this thing. I want to believe that wasn't her, but was from having the wrong people in her circle.

Bernie has been in Washington for five administrations without every being corrupted by any of them. He's had a hell of a lot of time to absorb who was honest and who was untrustworthy, to see what kind of people got work done and what kind of people didn't. You basically have to portray him as an autistic shut-in to really claim that in 35 years he wouldn't have been able to figure out who the good and capable ones in D.C. were.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Nevada has already voted but I hope SC reflects more of what went down tonight heading into Super Tuesday


Jun 14, 2012
Warren killed this shyt tonight. Donated a little bit because of the strength she showed. And much respect to all y’all standing by her side despite the lack of media coverage and polling yadda yadda. Hopefully the lack of media coverage changes after tonight. No way they can’t cover the way she eviscerated Bloomberg


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Nevada has already voted but I hope SC reflects more of what went down tonight heading into Super Tuesday
That’s tricky one for her...maybe Steyer not being on stage helps her to pull some of his “support” but Biden and sanders are so strong there and I think being an open primary, even fukkboi Pete had gone up.

fukk America for real