My issue with Sanders is I am worried he’ll scare off the most competent people for roles and will fill them up with yahoos..... similar to Trump but a liberal version.
Bloomberg is beyond trash and buying his way to the Whitehouse if it comes down to the two of them I pick Bernie 100% of the time
Remember when Obama kept Bush's man Ben Bernake at the top of the Fed and Mr. anti-regulation Larry Summers at the head of the National Economic Council and put them in charge of the economic recovery?
Put big Wall Street bankers from Goldman Sachs, Merryll Lynch, Lehman Brothers, CitiBank,
Kept Bush's man Robert Gates in place (not to mention Clapper, Petreus, Vickers, and all the joint chiefs of staff) to man a useless surge in Afghanistan and push for more drones and rebellions everywhere?
Gave ambassador postings to 70 major campaign donors?
And let's not mention all the centrist establishment retreads like Biden, Clinton, Kerry, etc.
For decades, putting the "most competent" people in charge has meant supporting the status war-lovers got to run Defense, wealth-lovers got to run Treasury and the Fed, corporate compromisers got to run the EPA and Interior, corporate shills got to run Agriculture and Commerce, deportation fans got to run Homeland Security and snoopers got to run National Intelligence....and nothing changed.
This might have been the very first mistake about Obama. He was supposed to be the big change candidate and then he hedged that by filling his administration with the same damn people who had fukked shyt up for so long. I really don't see how Bernie could do worse. The status quo ain't it brehs.