Elizabeth Warren HQ: She's Got A Plan!

the kid

Real Esquire, Not the Magazine
May 1, 2012
North Carolina
you dont really beleive she's a better candidate. you dont. but the media has tried to push that narrative.

or i should say. she is a better politician for those that want a little change but not too much. you know the types, those that are doing well for themselves financially already but do realize these super rich have gone too far. you're not a biden voter idiot.

But if you realize how bad it actually is. and you realize the kind of movement that old man bernie started a few years back when everyone swore he couldnt have a movement, and he couldnt move the needle. to now the entire primary pretty much being an indictment on bernie's policies. every other question asked is more or less "do you agree with bernie on this? Yes or No"

when someone can pull that off that has an insane decades track record and you've seen him actually pull up on these companies and with the movement make them do something that they would not have done without the public pressure. pretty much there is no current day better candidate for the job. period.

Thats if you Truly care about ALL american citizens not just some and just want to feel good.

and why choose a movement with heavy policy changes (bernie) over supposed just heavy policy changes(warren)?

Because a movement of the people will keep it so that when sanders is out of office and liz is out of office this will continue. you need to wake people up. not politicians. the people control the politicians when they are WOKE. When they are asleep the corporations and super rich control the politicians. you see how that works? this is not new. we are in a time loop. we did this before. its called FDR. Thee exact thing was going on back then. to many rich rich people and big companies taking all the slices of pizza until the PEOPLE fought back. This is THEE only way to maintain the momentum after liz and old bernie is gone. Bernie is just a dude, but he represents people on the front lines actually fighting for their rights.

Its lowkey like asking would i rather vote for bill clinton(when he came into office) or a white martin luther king jr. even after being in the so called good times during bill's tenure. I would still rather vote for king because it will last a very long time. That fighting for the people stuff is what gave you unions, which helped non union workers as well receive proper wages. This is bigger than not trump or even someone a little progressive.
Listen fam I tried to let it go but you still posting in this Elizabeth Warren thread trying to explain to me how I’m not really about progress because the media has me fooled into thinking Elizabeth is a better candidate than Bernie.

First, try not to insult the person you are trying to convince. How can you be well received if you lead with the idea that I can’t really believe she is the better candidate and the media just has me fooled. If I’m too dumb to make my own decisions why bother engaging with me.

Second, I get your point. You don’t like Liz because you believe Bernie is a more authentic progressive candidate. I actually got your point 20 posts ago. You have posted more in this thread than the Bernie thread. I get that you don’t like Liz, but why spam the thread trying to downplay Liz. Go to the Bernie thread and extoll his virtues.

Third, throughout your posts in this thread, you have never asked why someone prefers Warren to Bernie but I will tell you why I do. I’m a black man. Bernie seems to have solutions for many demographics but is unwilling to provide any concrete plans for black people because he doesn’t want to get into identity politics. It’s intellectually dishonest. Either you are willing to do the big things or you are not. I can’t have a candidate telling me by his priorities that healthcare is important and we must do all we can but black issues are not. His “rising tides lift all boats” approach is insufficient in comparison to the very specific policy proposals Warren has provided. While I’m sure Warren is not perfect on black issues she has more than won me over based on that aspect of her campaign.

Fourth, don’t feed the ducks.


Jun 8, 2012
Listen fam I tried to let it go but you still posting in this Elizabeth Warren thread trying to explain to me how I’m not really about progress because the media has me fooled into thinking Elizabeth is a better candidate than Bernie.

First, try not to insult the person you are trying to convince. How can you be well received if you lead with the idea that I can’t really believe she is the better candidate and the media just has me fooled. If I’m too dumb to make my own decisions why bother engaging with me.

Second, I get your point. You don’t like Liz because you believe Bernie is a more authentic progressive candidate. I actually got your point 20 posts ago. You have posted more in this thread than the Bernie thread. I get that you don’t like Liz, but why spam the thread trying to downplay Liz. Go to the Bernie thread and extoll his virtues.

Third, throughout your posts in this thread, you have never asked why someone prefers Warren to Bernie but I will tell you why I do. I’m a black man. Bernie seems to have solutions for many demographics but is unwilling to provide any concrete plans for black people because he doesn’t want to get into identity politics. It’s intellectually dishonest. Either you are willing to do the big things or you are not. I can’t have a candidate telling me by his priorities that healthcare is important and we must do all we can but black issues are not. His “rising tides lift all boats” approach is insufficient in comparison to the very specific policy proposals Warren has provided. While I’m sure Warren is not perfect on black issues she has more than won me over based on that aspect of her campaign.

Fourth, don’t feed the ducks.

You just lied. what is the hell do you think criminal justice reform is? Who do you think that will disproportionately assist? white folks? lol.
when he talks about he wants people that were jailed for weed to be freed and to also be some of the biggest partakers of the legal weed economy. who is he talking about?

You dont have to say my name if I benefit. Bernie is an old white dude. he knows how racist his old white brothers and sisters are. he knows you can't ever really say you're about to do A B and C for Blacks Only. aint going to happen like that. anyone asking for that is being silly. you just want the policies to help you and yours out. Bernies plans by far help out more black people, especially those in dire need of help than any other candidate. and I dont have to wonder if he will attempt to get it all done once he gets into office. I will wonder on a few things when it comes to liz. i know for a fact i cant trust the other candidates at all. thats not even up for debate.

But with that said, as a black man. i aint no fool now. non of these non BLACK (fully black -sorry cop harris) people will ever push a 100% black agenda. even if they wanted to, because they know how their racist friends and family are about something like that. Obama never said anything was directly for us and white folks were still swearing he was OUR president. so much so he had to go on that c00n train tour telling everyone how he wasnt the president of black america, he was the president of all america.

Listen black man. from one brotha to anotha. dont be silly enough to ever expect a politician that has a chance to win is going to push a black agenda while saying the words black agenda. it would be a bad PR move thanks to racist white voters/citizens. thats something we cant change. you need someone to smoothly sneak us in with the policies. The only thing that can be called out for what it is, is reparations. which non of these current candidates are down for bernie included. why? because they know white folks are too da... racist. but thats neither here nor there. we keep moving that agenda along like we are with the ados movement and other movements. its getting some legs and even white folks are thinking about it. its a long road, buckle up.

Here's the truth about all of these politicians. at best with bernie we all rise and are in a much better place OVERALL. black folks included. But lets be clear even with the best bernie approach there will still be the same wealth gap. we wont be broke and homeless but we will still have multiple times less than white people as a group. liz aint trying to change that either. I personally think, you need a bernie like revolution first to then usher in what you are speaking of. without that level of lefty talk you will never be able to ask for reparations or any direct black agenda.
I'm not wasting my time reading that drivel.

I don't care for uninformed opinions, learn how to interpret data and educate yourself on policymaking. If King Kreole is willing to humor your nonsense, then consider bothering him with your incessant whining...

You people need to realize that not all, or in your case any, of your thoughts need to be posted. This forum isn't your personal diary and I'm definitely not your shrink.
a person who replies to a person that they swore they wouldnt reply to. now think about that for a moment.

People like you dont belong on a message board.

just because someone doesnt agree with your way of doing things doesnt mean they're incorrect. people like yourself will keep the status quo going only because you yourself dont have the imagination to come up with another way to do things. you would never try something new because of fear of change. change scares you to death. because your types can only see whats in front of you today not what is down the road. little picture thinkers vs big picture thinkers with the little picture in mind. truth is, we need your types. just not in charge of everything. we need you in charge of small groups to keep the tasks going. but your types should never be president, nor governor, nor mayor. your types get a cabinet position.

If you actually CARE about your fellow citizens and you're tired of stepping over homeless people left and right even in the good neighborhoods. you just might rethink your approach to who;s right for the country TODAY, not based on what use to work. TO-DAY.

If things were different, i wouldnt need a bernie. Bernie is a "break glass in case of emergency" choice. Right now its an emergency and its been this way for sometime. you need to fundamentally change the system by changing the minds of the people to wake them up/shake them up. The more people involved, the better we'll all be. Every day more and more people drop out of the voting booths and just dont vote. that aint cool or cute. thats a problem. that needs to be corrected. and i'm not just talking about the general election, we're talking local as well. You cant have a better society when a very small portion of people are doing the decision making based on a small portion of the populous voting. we need to be like those scandi countries where MOST of the voting age people are actually voting. which means they are represented.

This reply wasnt really for you, so no need to reply.IT was for those who think like you.


Jun 8, 2012

wait a second. so you're admitting you had people step in and fill the gaps for you. but you're saying you felt the same fear that other mothers do that dont have that help..

wait...How is that possible? You've never experience their actual FEAR. which is the reality "I DONT HAVE HELP"

its not a knock on her for having help. glad she did. everyone needs that help. it does take a village to PROPERLY raise a child. that are the facts of life. But what is this thing with white people that are either well off or doing ok always trying to act as if they were not and act as if they were living a different/worse lifestyle than they actually were?

this is a low level version of mitt romney driving around with the pickup truck trying to look the part. it aint as bad for sure, thats why i said Low level version. Why can't Liz just be Liz?


Jun 8, 2012

:takedat: She is so bad, but I digress this is a pretty big endorsement.

so basically she only endorsed her so she can take her seat. not a big endorsement when that is the reason why its being done. but if you let the media tell it. its a HUUUGE endorsement. lol. and by the way. she is bad.

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
People like you dont belong on a message board.
And the only time people like you interact with others socially is on message boards.

The first thing you did was say reality is wrong because it conflicts with your world view. After somebody says something that ridiculous, they aren't to be taken serious. For what I gather from the kid's responses you aren't a good-faith actor anyway, so I'm not missing anything of substance by dismissing you.

That's the last bit of attention you're getting so bask in it.


Jun 3, 2012
so basically she only endorsed her so she can take her seat. not a big endorsement when that is the reason why its being done. but if you let the media tell it. its a HUUUGE endorsement. lol. and by the way. she is bad.
My dude,
We get it. You don’t fukk with Liz. I don’t understand why you are posting in this thread instead of the primary thread.

the kid

Real Esquire, Not the Magazine
May 1, 2012
North Carolina
I’m happy with the Presley because hopefully people can move on from the idea that Warren doesn’t appeal to black people. I’m black and that thing was baffling to me. The only reason Warren lagged behind Bernie with black support initially was due to name recognition. Not sure she catches Biden among black peoples this election cycle but she has definitely made strides since spring this year.

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad

Beautiful speech from 8 years ago.
Criminal justice reform is not enough to win me over as a black voter. :unimpressed:
Speak on it, you're among friends.

I personally would prefer to hear about how she (and the rest) plans on using the executive branch because I always find policy discussions in presidential elections a little overdone. Don't get me wrong I like policy, I read white papers on subjects that interest me, but we all know that Congress is the one who drafts and passes legislation. As president, you can set the agenda and create a road map, but legislating is a different branch.


Nov 19, 2016
The executive branch has been afforded a lot of leeway on how appropriated funds are ultimately utilized.

I want to hear about how that funding can and will be used to help black folks. And in particular float names of people and projects that reflect those changes.

E.g. If funds siezed by law enforcement can be funneled to a border wall I want to hear about how that money seized from the community will be put directly back into it for infrastructure, grants for businesses, and basic life subsidies.

That's just at a high level. I'll put more thought into the specifics if we're going to have a conversation on it.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Beautiful speech from 8 years ago.

Speak on it, you're among friends.

I personally would prefer to hear about how she (and the rest) plans on using the executive branch because I always find policy discussions in presidential elections a little overdone. Don't get me wrong I like policy, I read white papers on subjects that interest me, but we all know that Congress is the one who drafts and passes legislation. As president, you can set the agenda and create a road map, but legislating is a different branch.

that speech is where Obama got the "you didn't build that" thing, FYI


Jun 8, 2012
My dude,
We get it. You don’t fukk with Liz. I don’t understand why you are posting in this thread instead of the primary thread.
looks around thread... where does it say only Liz lovers can be in this thread? it doesnt. so,i'll pop in and out of any thread i please. and for the record, if i have to rock with liz for the general(assuming no DNC bs prior to that). I would vote for her. Because she aint no where near as bad as Hillary who i did not vote for in the primes or the general. But with that said, i still and you still know who the best person for the job is today.


Jun 8, 2012
I’m happy with the Presley because hopefully people can move on from the idea that Warren doesn’t appeal to black people. I’m black and that thing was baffling to me. The only reason Warren lagged behind Bernie with black support initially was due to name recognition. Not sure she catches Biden among black peoples this election cycle but she has definitely made strides since spring this year.
that aint true. sure there is some portions of that is true and will always remain true no matter who is running. people like people they know. There's a certain demographic that warren is attractive to. really attractive too and bernie is not. those are the people who are doing very well for themselves and dont think about people that are not/ and almost cant the way the game is currently setup. These people think about themselves and their circle(others like them). and they think about sounding good when the conversation comes up about helping people less fortunate then them. These types of people will do charity work, but wont necessarily be willing to pay more taxes in order to help out those lesser people they doing charity work for. because that would mean they will actually FIX the problem so charity will no longer be necessary. These people dont want structural change. because in their eyes, things arent "that bad".

anyone with a conscious can look around and see what is going on and know that there is literally only one candidate running at this point in time that is the best bet to help move the country in the proper direction to correct this stuff. and Liz aint that person. Liz will play a part but she aint the one to lead it. If she was, she should've ran against Hillary and Bernie in 16.