Eight Year Old Boy takes medication to delay puberty as he ponders his gender

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Apr 30, 2012


that is clearly not normal in our country...where this story actually takes place.

look at what they've done to that boy. the parents are obviously contributing and maybe even promoting his gender confusion. the most troubling part is who knows how long it's been going on. i have a very strong opinion that if they've been allowing him to "find his way" through his gender confusion then they have to take some of the blame. parents don't let kids "find their way" through things like this. you clearly define gender roles early on to help avoid these problems.

but they're argument is he'll be better if they dress him like a girl. :wtf: and who knows what kind of mannerisms he's mimicked or adopted, which may have gone on unchecked or even accepted under their watch as well.

i can't cosign what happened here. definitely a black eye for the lgbt community imo.

Bro, I'm not cosigning ANY of this either. What I am saying is that if this boy wore a dress as a child, and he grows up to be a healthy heterosexual male, what is the problem? Plenty of young males will do stupid shyt like this. Is that really the most pressing issue? I figured fukking him up by giving him drugs, psychoanalytical bullshyt, and delaying puberty are exponentially worse.


Jun 4, 2012
I don't think you understand my point. I feel like your almost there because you say things that makes me think you understand subjectivity, but then you make comments like this.

I don't disagree with anything you said here at face value, I'm talking about the underlying issues. If American became like those other societies of past and present where wearing a dress-like clothing style was not seen as gay, and this story still happened in this exact manner, if it would still be tremendously fukked up.

Also, miss me with that racism shyt. I posted a picture of Greek/Roman styles that are dresses as well. This man wears a dress as well:


lol, no

this is a dress *pic of this boy*

and because it is actually CONSIDERED a dress here, it ties into what ur calling an already fukked up story.

The Real

May 8, 2012
I will respond to this later more in depth, but I don't agree with this at all.

I am a person who is 100% for LGBT rights but not at the detriment of a child. This is irresponsible parenting in my opinion. If the kid is self mutilating himself, he has severe underlying issues besides gender identification in my opinion. Plenty of transgendered people grow up without harming themselves or taking drugs at age 8.

At 8 years old a human brain does not fully understand everything associated with decisions like this. Even if there is gender identification, there have been multiple people who identify themselves early as taking traits of the opposite sex but in fact stay their natural sex.

Will link studies later.

According to our best info, more than half of all people who end up identifying as transgender attempt suicide at least once before their teens are over, so the dysphoria experienced at the dissonance between their bodies and mental self-image are enough to cause extreme symptoms on their own. Still, those may or may not be the primary factors at work here. Regardless, if therapy that they're already using is hard enough (which is why they considered the delay in the first place,) IMO letting him go through puberty with these mental issues would only increase the chance of extreme behavior by having the dissonance increase through bodily development and having his mind become more unstable because of the hormonal imbalances associated with that puberty. That's why I see what they chose as the only viable option, even if it's not ideal- they can continue the therapy while also not complicating the situation further and also stop him from changing sex or making any permanent changes to his body until he's older, if he eventually goes that route.

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Apr 30, 2012
According to our best info, more than half of all people who end up identifying as transgender attempt suicide at least once before their teens are over,

Studies range from 30-50% from what I'm seeing . A large chunk nonetheless but what constitutes a suicide attempt here? What is the neurological proof that it stems from their transgender association? What about the countless number of children that identify with opposite sex classification but turn out to ultimately identify with their birth gender? Seems like a lot of unanswered questions here.

so the dysphoria experienced at the dissonance between their bodies and mental self-image are enough to cause extreme symptoms on their own.

Yes, and kids also have issues with being overweight, unatheletic, and so on. All I'm saying is that it seems the parents here are not helping in my opinion.

Still, those may or may not be the primary factors at work here.

That doesn't stop you from assuming it is.

Regardless, if therapy that they're already using is hard enough (which is why they considered the delay in the first place,) IMO letting him go through puberty with these mental issues would only increase the chance of extreme behavior by having the dissonance increase through bodily development and having his mind become more unstable because of the hormonal imbalances associated with that puberty. That's why I see what they chose as the only viable option, even if it's not ideal- they can continue the therapy while also not complicating the situation further and also stop him from changing sex or making any permanent changes to his body until he's older, if he eventually goes that route.

The problem is that therapy, psychology, and psychiatry encompasses a huge spectrum of views on treatment, studies, and guidance. I've said it before, psychology, much like sociology and economics, are not comparable to sciences like neuroscience, biology, chemistry, and so on. There is a lot of subjective wiggle room.


Feb 15, 2013
Bro, I'm not cosigning ANY of this either. What I am saying is that if this boy wore a dress as a child, and he grows up to be a healthy heterosexual male, what is the problem? Plenty of young males will do stupid shyt like this. Is that really the most pressing issue? I figured fukking him up by giving him drugs, psychoanalytical bullshyt, and delaying puberty are exponentially worse.

the issue i have is they're demonstrating a contribution to this boy's gender confusion by allowing him to dress as a girl. and who knows what other gender confusing behavior they've allowed from when he was younger or how long it's been going on. i don't believe hetero parents would allow this to happen in the same way.

he may be at a point now where the meds are the only way to keep him from fukcing himself up. although i'm not totally convinced on that. either way they've shown they're more interested in letting him figure it out than guiding and correcting his understanding of how little boys should act and dress. i would have some concern that this type of guidance would be magnified while he's under the influence of meds.

this is just a bad situation all the way around and it damages the lgbt community if they're challenged to promote traditional gender roles when they're raising kids and they balk at it. this looks like one of those worse case scenarios of good intentions, but bad examples.

The Real

May 8, 2012
Studies range from 30-50% from what I'm seeing . A large chunk nonetheless but what constitutes a suicide attempt here? What is the neurological proof that it stems from their transgender association? What about the countless number of children that identify with opposite sex classification but turn out to ultimately identify with their birth gender? Seems like a lot of unanswered questions here.

I mean, GID is a multivariate phenomenon, as far as we know- there are many, many factors associated with it, and many causes that don't always cleanly come together, just like other forms of identity. So no doubt there are many healthy people out there, but there are also many people with less mental fortitude. I see it the same way as two people who were abused or suffered some other trauma and react differently to it. Some are ok with the dissonance between their "internal" gender and their bodies, while others are affected more strongly by it. As for the association with suicide risks, I think the APA has some stats on that that are pretty telling as far as the suicide attempts.

Yes, and kids also have issues with being overweight, unatheletic, and so on. All I'm saying is that it seems the parents here are not helping in my opinion.

I agree- any number of things cause problems, but I haven't seen studies indicating that any of those are closely correlated with suicide attempts as this gender dissonance.

That doesn't stop you from assuming it is.

I don't think my argument needs it to be primary, only significant. And I do think it's significant- the whole reason the kid is threatening to chop off his dikk is that he wants to be a girl. And the therapy is meant to settle the issues whatever they may be, whether gender-related or not. My main point is that the things are only going to get worse with puberty, one way or another, whether or not he's talking about being a girl because he really wants it, or because it's the symptom of something else, so why not let the therapy work while holding off on that? Why needlessly complicate the issue? And the delay is a purely temporary solution with no known long-term effects. Once he's older and received more therapy, he can do whatever he wants of his own accord.

The problem is that therapy, psychology, and psychiatry encompasses a huge spectrum of views on treatment, studies, and guidance. I've said it before, psychology, much like sociology and economics, are not comparable to sciences like neuroscience, biology, chemistry, and so on. There is a lot of subjective wiggle room.

Yes, that's true, and an important point. That being said, IMO, the best info we have now justifies their decision.


Head In The Cloudz
May 11, 2012
The Free & The Uplifted
i'm so aggravated with reading most of these responses when it’s quite clear the lot of you haven’t fully read or fully comprehended the original article

1. There’s accusations of the mothers forcing the child into clothing when reading the article explains that the child feels most comfortable in girls clothing when allowed to decide between boy and girl options

2. One poster keeps spouting that the child was abused when no clear evidence of such is presented in the article ….assumptions are not facts

3. Additionally, the lot of you are gassing up the improper wording of the article about the parent’s letting tammy “lead the way”…IMO the wording doesn’t mean the parents are literally letting the child take the bulls by the horn and call the shots in any aspect…its ridiculous to even consider that an 8 year old child would say “hey gay parents ya’ll are fukking my head up in the gender game and I probably need some sort of intervention so what yall need to do is….”…the more likely scenario is that the mothers have decided its best to listen to and pay attention to their child by trying to help facilitate the best course of action for them and their family over such a bizarre and particular issue....refer to the example about the child choosing their clothes for example….they even discuss how when allowed to identify with the gender of choice, female, the child even acted and felt more confident/comfortable

4. Notable quotes in the article that stick out to me are below…. The first quote just seems like common sense from the standpoint of responsible parenting…regardless of their sexual orientation it’s a parents job to take note of their child’s concerns about ANYTHING….they’ve done this in the best way they can…who wants to find their child bleeding out in their room after hacking off their sex organs simply because they didn’t take the time to listen? Sometimes life is uncomfortable and you still have to deal and I just feel sorry for some of ya’lls future or real children if you continue perpetuate that children should be seen and not heard….there’s levels to that shyt! Its one thing to want to be batman or eat endless amounts of candy at age 8 but quite another to claim to be trapped in the wrong body and feel like mutilation is the answer...there's not one correct answer but simply not paying it any attention because "they're only 8" is very wrong…as for the second quote….just a bit more insight on the point of the hormone blockers…sure the boy wants to identify as a female now but they’re not turning him just yet…wearing dresses and adopting a nickname is not the same thing as fully transitioning into a woman/female

a. And ignoring their son's incessant pleas, she said, simply was not worth the risk.

'What is so frightening to me is that you would be willing to say "no" just because you don't like it - even though your child could lose their life?'

b. 'In other words, she will stay as a pre-pubescent boy until she decides and we feel that she can make this decision about surgery.'

His parents say the hormone treatment will give him time to figure out if he wants to fully transition to being female or go through puberty as a boy.

By age 14 or 15 the device will need to be removed so that Tammy can go through puberty, Ms Moreno said.

If he chooses to stop taking the drugs, he will undergo natural male puberty at a later stage and his future fertility would not be impacted.

Should their son decide to transition to an adult female, he can take female hormones as well, which would raise his voice, allow him to grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012

I've spoken out against the over medication of kids in general for disorders that are actually potentially hindering their education (ADHD, depression, etc.). There is no way in hell I agree with medicating a child for a sex change?? Its absurd and disgusting and I feel like its child abuse. That child has clearly been primed to have the 'beliefs' about himself that he does.

If that child wants to be a woman in the future, let him decide that when he's older and his brain is fully developed and can understand what it all means (not what he has been taught by his agenda'd parents). Until then he should live his life as he was naturally born. I mean drugs to delay puberty??
Jun 24, 2012
Plenty of young males will do stupid shyt like this.

Wait what?
i'm so aggravated with reading most of these responses when it’s quite clear the lot of you haven’t fully read or fully comprehended the original article

1. There’s accusations of the mothers forcing the child into clothing when reading the article explains that the child feels most comfortable in girls clothing when allowed to decide between boy and girl options

2. One poster keeps spouting that the child was abused when no clear evidence of such is presented in the article ….assumptions are not facts

3. Additionally, the lot of you are gassing up the improper wording of the article about the parent’s letting tammy “lead the way”…IMO the wording doesn’t mean the parents are literally letting the child take the bulls by the horn and call the shots in any aspect…its ridiculous to even consider that an 8 year old child would say “hey gay parents ya’ll are fukking my head up in the gender game and I probably need some sort of intervention so what yall need to do is….”…the more likely scenario is that the mothers have decided its best to listen to and pay attention to their child by trying to help facilitate the best course of action for them and their family over such a bizarre and particular issue....refer to the example about the child choosing their clothes for example….they even discuss how when allowed to identify with the gender of choice, female, the child even acted and felt more confident/comfortable

4. Notable quotes in the article that stick out to me are below…. The first quote just seems like common sense from the standpoint of responsible parenting…regardless of their sexual orientation it’s a parents job to take note of their child’s concerns about ANYTHING….they’ve done this in the best way they can…who wants to find their child bleeding out in their room after hacking off their sex organs simply because they didn’t take the time to listen? Sometimes life is uncomfortable and you still have to deal and I just feel sorry for some of ya’lls future or real children if you continue perpetuate that children should be seen and not heard….there’s levels to that shyt! Its one thing to want to be batman or eat endless amounts of candy at age 8 but quite another to claim to be trapped in the wrong body and feel like mutilation is the answer...there's not one correct answer but simply not paying it any attention because "they're only 8" is very wrong…as for the second quote….just a bit more insight on the point of the hormone blockers…sure the boy wants to identify as a female now but they’re not turning him just yet…wearing dresses and adopting a nickname is not the same thing as fully transitioning into a woman/female

a. And ignoring their son's incessant pleas, she said, simply was not worth the risk.

'What is so frightening to me is that you would be willing to say "no" just because you don't like it - even though your child could lose their life?'

b. 'In other words, she will stay as a pre-pubescent boy until she decides and we feel that she can make this decision about surgery.'

His parents say the hormone treatment will give him time to figure out if he wants to fully transition to being female or go through puberty as a boy.

By age 14 or 15 the device will need to be removed so that Tammy can go through puberty, Ms Moreno said.

If he chooses to stop taking the drugs, he will undergo natural male puberty at a later stage and his future fertility would not be impacted.

Should their son decide to transition to an adult female, he can take female hormones as well, which would raise his voice, allow him to grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics.

According to your opinion here the boy wants to be a girl by wearing girl clothes. According to the article he tried to cut his dikk off in protest of the action he wants to take. According to real evidence already shown in this thread( if you were smart enough to look) presented self-harm( self mutilation) is associated with abuse( wither previous years before adoption or during the years of adoption). Now explain to me how your dumbass don't get it?

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Apr 30, 2012
I've spoken out against the over medication of kids in general for disorders that are actually potentially hindering their education (ADHD, depression, etc.). There is no way in hell I agree with medicating a child for a sex change?? Its absurd and disgusting and I feel like its child abuse. That child has clearly been primed to have the 'beliefs' about himself that he does.

If that child wants to be a woman in the future, let him decide that when he's older and his brain is fully developed and can understand what it all means (not what he has been taught by his agenda'd parents). Until then he should live his life as he was naturally born. I mean drugs to delay puberty??

Well said.

Society has a greed that children at a certain age do not understand certain consequences and topics. There are countless and countless studies of this.

When he is of a proper age to decide such matters, he can decide to live as he wishes.

This is just bad parenting. It's equivalent to me of those parents in that Jesus Camp documentary.

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Apr 30, 2012
Wait what?

There are plenty of pictures or instances out there of boys wearing his mother's heals or makeup and turning out to be completely fine. People laugh it off as childish behavior. Same with young girls wearing their father's shoes, ties, or drawing on fake mustaches. Opposite is true also. Plenty of kids who are healthy and identify or like things associated with their gender during youth and later on become transgenders or gay.

What bothers me are some of these parents who see something like that and start conditioning that child with nonsense.
Jun 24, 2012
There are plenty of pictures or instances out there of boys wearing his mother's heals or makeup and turning out to be completely fine. People laugh it off as childish behavior. Same with young girls wearing their father's shoes, ties, or drawing on fake mustaches. Opposite is true also. Plenty of kids who are healthy and identify or like things associated with their gender during youth and later on become transgenders or gay.

What bothers me are some of these parents who see something like that and start conditioning that child with nonsense.

I would think most boys who were wearing their mothers shoes and make-up didn't have a father in the house. Also the wearing of the things never left the household because outside influence would crush that behavior.