Art Barr
Pretty much this.
The "no sell out and deliberately crossover" commandment died and opened the floodgates.
The shiny suit era killed the protection mechanism of the last business derived from the pillars. Which kept hiphop from becoming the fad in 1983. Subverting hiphop from becoming a fad by thirty years. till 2013 when hiphop was offically segregated.
completely away from the rap industry deeived from the pillars of hiphop.
Art Barr
*the only real emcee and protege to a legend.
protecting the grail and not leaving his post.
In 1991 chuck d at the museum of art in Chicago. Gave prophecy that this would happen.
Where it has been cemented and has been here for a decade plus now. Beginning completely with the shiny suit era.
Art Barr
*shyt even chuck d sold out and would not committed fully to being an emcee and got a gw. Which also happened. So when people say did this happen and did rhe shiny suit wra do this or that. Yes it happened.
Any nikka saying it did not. Was not skilled enough previously and do not want you to know they are flodge'n. Yet I know they are and I will expose any and all toys. I don't care who you are cause yousa a no skilled nuffin to the protege to a legend.
Art Barr
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