I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
Lets remind the marks the huge pop edge got last RR in front of fans...had them crying
Now lets look at the final 6
Bryan: everybody fav to win...but he has a new baby...wants to work part time..spend the past few weeks puttn ppl over and if he went to WM and won his reign wouldnt have been that long.
Riddle: First RR and half of tsc turned on him already and yall woulda complained.
Christian: theres no way he was gona win this
Rollins: yall woulda complained that hes always at the top etc
Strowman: the worst choice period...
Edge: completes the story of retire without a proper last match shows up last year n now wins it a year later..even he wins at WN his reign wont be long..maybe a miz cash in to get heat
Newsflash theres still EC chamber to determine who face drew at WM
Db...riddle...rollins..big E can win at EC
Exactly at all of that
IF Bryan is really on his way out then he doesn’t need a rumble win. Plus we all know if it really bothers him he can always come back when he is 50 and his kids are older to get his rumble win lol
but seriously other than big e tsc would have complained about the other choices