Idk... I've really enjoyed Edge's comeback run. I want the story to finish so he can turn heel. Him overcoming another big injury is nice wrinkle in my opinion.See I disagree. I don't watch regularly anymore but I didn't see any type of "Edge Rumble story" being built at all besides him doing a promo saying he was entering and them running with the comeback narrative, which is fine, but they also ran with the comeback narrative last year so how long are we gonna base every angle he does off that?
“Roman is clearly, when you look at the WWE pecking order, he’s at the very top. And having that match is the biggest moment. And I hope we’re at a point in another month or two where I feel like I’m established enough and I’m high enough where it makes sense. In the same vein, I have no idea what the plan is. I also want this to feel earned. I think sometimes you get too much too soon, and that’s also weird to say for someone who’s been around for eight years, like I don’t feel like I just came up and they just handed me this World Title opportunity, but obviously gun to my head it’s a match with Roman for the World Title.”
See I disagree. I don't watch regularly anymore but I didn't see any type of "Edge Rumble story" being built at all besides him doing a promo saying he was entering and them running with the comeback narrative, which is fine, but they also ran with the comeback narrative last year so how long are we gonna base every angle he does off that?