Ed Reed, Fired before he's hired.. Out at Bethune Cookman


Dec 19, 2017
Don't go then. :russ:
My kids would never go to this shythole :mjlol:
This is what I was saying. You are not here to help and support -- just continue to talk down on HBCU's and speak on things you don't even know. Did you not see the links I posted -- the issues BCU are facing - are also at your beloved white folks schools.
According to the actual students at the school that administration is not there to help which is what you should be worried about instead of playing a fake ass online captain save a HBCU

“buhh buhh buh it happens at the white schools too!” Is weak ass deflection because this incompetent institution has no actual answers for these kids …which makes it clear that you nikkas care more about optics and looking good in front of white daddy more than those black students
But, based off your comments - you are dealing with some hate issues and don't wanna speak or agree on that.
Yes …I hate incompetence, why don’t you?
But, it's ok - cause we don't care about your opinion. MOST HBCU grads or those who only went for a few years LOVED their experience and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
You care about begging for money that’s what you nikka care about lol and those students protesting living in abhorrent conditions definitely don’t seem to be “loving” shyt about their experience
But, please go let your loved ones get called a slur weekly -- and hang out at the bar with Brad and them. Being the token - or one of the few beloved tokens.
Lmao at thinking black students don’t have to deal with racism in AMERICA because they go to a damn HBCU :mjlol: let your loved ones be exposed to toxic mold and institutional incompetence because you think it’ll prevent them from experiencing any racism bruhs


Aug 6, 2015
Deion looking a little funny in the light if it’s true that he offered the position to Reed, when on video he was acting like he was always pressing for TC to take the reins.
I don't think he did. I think Mr. Reed is just saying ish to say it.

None of his lives -- nor this interview made him look any better -- or someone who needs to be head of anything. BCU dodged a bullet with this one.

If people, including the BCU students who protested think Mr. Reed is going get that job is in for a rude awakening.

Like while this is going on right now - Mr. Reed can work with companies to help the school and their hurricane damage and long-standing issues -- but he won't - cause this is about him.

I don't even like to say this word - but both him and Deion are Narcissist.


Dec 19, 2017
Honestly Ed dodged a bullet not coaching this school …he definitely would have been dumping his own money and resources into saving them while the crooked administrators continue to fumble funds ….that’s why their giving rate is so low as is … even their damn alumni knows better than to give their hard earned dollars to those incompetent ass self serving “leaders” - the jig is up and I hope Roland actually does visit the campus next month to get some more of the truth :wow:


Aug 6, 2015
My kids would never go to this shythole :mjlol:

According to the actual students at the school that administration is not there to help which is what you should be worried about instead of playing a fake ass online captain save a HBCU

“buhh buhh buh it happens at the white schools too!” Is weak ass deflection because this incompetent institution has no actual answers for these kids …which makes it clear that you nikkas care more about optics and looking good in front of white daddy more than those black students

Yes …I hate incompetence, why don’t you?

You care about begging for money that’s what you nikka care about lol and those students protesting living in abhorrent conditions definitely don’t seem to be “loving” shyt about their experience

Lmao at thinking black students don’t have to deal with racism in AMERICA because they go to a damn HBCU :mjlol: let your loved ones be exposed to toxic mold bruhs and institutionalist incompetence because you think it’ll prevent them from experiencing any racism bruhs

Good. I am very happy to hear that. Don't need that type of energy. So, thank you. :smile:

I hate it too -- but this is not incompetence - it's also sabotage and historical issues.

But, yeah forget about that. We just dumb and can't handle running a school huh? Us Black folks are so crooked - we need to do better huh? Please help us token - please get your white friends to teach us what to do. (sarcasm).

If you are a Black American and understand the history of this country and the history and challenges of HBCU's - you would get why I am bringing up PWI's. Cause, that is who y'all are measuring us up too. And yeah, it's a race/Black thing.

At HBCU's you are around your own. Sure, some are now are dealing with ethnophobia, but that is minimal.

And yes - trying to be all lives matter and not trying to be sued - they have to employ non-Black folks. But, let's not play the game that a Black student is going to be dealing with racism like that at a HBCU. KEY WORDS - AT A HBCU. I did not say racism in America.

But, thanks for your insight today - I will go back to the HBCU grads and supporters and let them know your thoughts. :smile:
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Dec 19, 2017
Good. I am very happy to hear that. Don't need that type of energy. So, thank you. :smile:
BCU won’t have to worry about anyones energy once their incompetence leads them to being defunct like they almost were just a few years ago :yeshrug:
I hate it too -- but this is not incompetence - it's also sabotage and historical issues.
But, yeah forget about that. We just dumb and can't handle running a school huh? Us Black folks are so crooked - we need to do better huh? Please help us token - please get your white friends to teach us what to do. (sarcasm).

You mean BCUs administrators white friends? The white friends that they who threatened their black students over and said they weren’t showing enough “respect” to …them white friends? :mjlol:(No sarcasm)
If you are a Black American and understand the history of this country and the history and challenges of HBCU's - you would get why I am bringing up PWI's. Cause, that is who y'all are measuring us up too. And yeah, it's a race/Black thing.
I’m measuring competence .. you are excusing and caping
At HBCU's you are around your own. Sure, some are now are dealing with ethnophobia, but that is minimal.

And yes - trying to be all lives matter and not trying to be sued - they have to employee non-Black folks. But, let's not play the game that a Black student is going to be dealing with racism like that at a HBCU. KEY WORDS - AT A HBCU. I did not say racism in America.
HBCUs are in America wtf are you talking about lmaooo
But, thanks for your insight today - I will go back to the HBCU grads and supporters and let them know your thoughts. :smile:
Why don’t you go back to those actual students at BCU and do something to support their 3rd world living conditions intsead …since you’re apparently so pro-black this should be no problem correct?


Aug 6, 2015
BCU won’t have to worry about anyones energy once their incompetence leads them to being defunct like they almost were just a few years ago :yeshrug:


You mean BCUs administrators white friends? The white friends that they who threatened their black students over and said they weren’t showing enough “respect” to …them white friends? :mjlol:

I’m measuring competence to incompetence .. you are excusing and caping

HBCUs are in America wtf are you talking about lmaooo

Why don’t you go back to those actual students at BCU and do something to support their 3rd world living conditions intsead …since you’re apparently so pro-black this should be no problem correct?

Here we go...

I'm a "pro-black" because I support and give HBCU's respect, grace and understanding?

I'm pro-HBCU's and for my people. So, do what you want with that.

Again, if you know about HBCU's you know good and got damn well why they invited that witch. It's called playing the game.

Resources Sir!

But DeVos is not just in charge of giving flowery addresses to colleges and universities. She also administers the nation’s federal student loans — and through that perch holds life-or-death power over many higher-education institutions, particularly for-profit ones.


And yes they are in the U.S. and a few are in the Caribbean, if I am not mistaken. Are you playing dumb right now? Cause, I don't know if you are forreal or not.

As a Black American/person on a HBCU campus you are around other BLACK people and Black American culture while ON CAMPUS Sir. And just THAT is why the enrollment for HBCUs have grown every year. But, you knew that.

Why don't you instead of talking shyt online?

Better yet, tell Ed Reed and his people's to drop a couple stacks and go to Home Depot for that purple dry wall, a dry wall lift, joint compound mud, nails and some Kilz and get to work. If not, he should move along and offer support from the sidelines.

And accreditation can be threatened for many reasons - but most of the time it's MONEY and the lack thereof.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission of Colleges has requested that the school account for its operating deficit of $8 million by the time it submits its reaccreditation application in March. If unable to, B-CU will lose its accreditation and, thus, most of its federal funding— roughly $14.5 million in grants and financial aid that, Chrite said, the school cannot survive without.

But, thanks again for your input. Imma go do pro-black shyt with my pro-black friends. :smile:
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Dec 19, 2017
Here we go...

I'm a "pro-black" because I support and give HBCU's respect, grace and understanding?

I'm pro-HBCU's and for my people. So, do what you want with that.
Now take your “pro black” ass off the internet and go help them kids at BCU since you like flexing
Again, if you know about HBCU's you know good and got damn well why they invited that witch. It's called playing the game.

Yeah playing the c00n game lmao …now ain’t this funny your “pro black” ass making excuses for c00ns threatening to strip their students of receiving their degrees for not respecting their “white friends” is this the kind of anti-black racism you were talking about black students get to avoid on HBCU campuses :mjlol: Or nah….
Resources Sir!

But DeVos is not just in charge of giving flowery addresses to colleges and universities. She also administers the nation’s federal student loans — and through that perch holds life-or-death power over many higher-education institutions, particularly for-profit ones.
Plenty of black institutions function just fine without tap dancing in front of racist honkey trash .. but I get it ..your brand of “pro blackness” has no problem with those kind of antics ..interesting
And yes they are in the U.S. and a few are in the Caribbean if I am not mistaken. Are you playing dumb right now? Cause, I don't know if you are forreal or not.

As a Black American/person on a HBCU you are around other BLACK people and Black American culture while ON CAMPUS Sir. But, you know that.
Being on a “black campus” won’t shield you from racism in America

…but you know that

Why don't you instead of talking shyt online?
You said you were the “pro black” one lmao …why is it a problem for your “pro black” ass to go do something for those BCU students instead of running deflection campaigns online? See whenever you start talking about accountability with these fake “pro black” chest puffers they immediately start shifting blame lol

Better yet, tell Ed Reed and his people's to drop a couple stacks and go to Home Depot for that purple dry wall, a dry wall lift, Joint Compound, nails and some Kilz and get to work. If not, he should move along and offer support from the sidelines.
Begging for money … last time Ed Reed tried helping that dilapidated school they fired him for it :mjlol:
And accreditation can be threaten for many reasons - but most of the time it's MONEY and the lack thereof.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission of Colleges has requested that the school account for its operating deficit of $8 million by the time it submits its reaccreditation application in March. If unable to, B-CU will lose its accreditation and, thus, most of its federal funding— roughly $14.5 million in grants and financial aid that, Chrite said, the school cannot survive without.

Problems with the funds ….private university can’t get their funding together ..color me shocked

Incompetent FRAUD lead institutions get their accreditation stripped for being fraudulent
But, thanks again for your input. Imma go do pro-black shyt with my pro-black friends. :smile:
I.e. … doing everything except doing anything for them BCU kids


Aug 6, 2015
Now take your “pro black” ass off the internet and go help them kids at BCU since you like flexing

Yeah playing the c00n game lmao …now ain’t this funny your “pro black” ass making excuses for c00ns threatening to strip their students of receiving their degrees for not respecting their “white friends” is this the kind of anti-black racism you were talking about black students get to avoid on HBCU campuses :mjlol: Or nah….

Plenty of black institutions function just fine without tap dancing in front of racist honkey trash .. but I get it ..your brand of “pro blackness” has no problem with those kind of antics ..interesting

Being on a “black campus” won’t shield you from racism in America

…but you know that

You said you were the “pro black” one lmao …why is it a problem for your “pro black” ass to go do something for those BCU students instead of running deflection campaigns online? See whenever you start talking about accountability with these fake “pro black” chest puffers they immediately start shifting blame lol

Begging for money … last time Ed Reed tried helping that dilapidated school they fired him for it :mjlol:

Problems with the funds ….private university can’t get their funding together ..color me shocked

Incompetent FRAUD lead institutions get their accreditation stripped for being fraudulent

I.e. … doing everything except doing anything for them BCU kids
Again, thanks for your delightful insight and opinions. I truly enjoyed reading them.

We pro-blacks can learn a lot from you Sir.

You have a great week. :smile: