Ed Reed, Fired before he's hired.. Out at Bethune Cookman


RIP Doughboy Roc
Oct 10, 2017
That's understandable. - but at ANY job you have to show respect to your employers and watch your mouth and actions when speaking on them.

Also, BCU is private - and they have a history of not working with people they deem not compatible with their standards.

Take one of my loves - Zora Neal Hurston. If Mrs. Bethune didn't let Zora work there -- their aint no way in hell Mr. Reed would get the green light.

Some HBCU's have issues - we all know this. But, let's be real. If Ed Reed wanted to help and drop money and get his "billionaire" friends to help the conditions at the school ---- HE WOULD and HE WOULD do it being the coach or not. So, would his friends. But, nah.

He talking about he spent $2,500 hosting children - well thanks Mr. Reed. But, that's a small amount - and you only did it cause you still hoping you can shame BCU into a gig. I hope BCU gives him his money back.

But, that whole Roland Martin interview he was talking about he still wanna be coach - but then say you not mudding the school or Mrs. McLeod-Bethune.

What the hell is he doing then? He wanted to show out and talk shyt -- and then expects Black colleges just to take the disrespect.

A grown man knows how to handle such issues. He could have called in a contracting company and got to work. But, he didn't.

He wanted to call out BCU and HBCU's as a whole and ride Deions ball sack. When he don't know shyt about HBCU's but the few he visited.

His comments - and the way he voiced them have people talking shyt about ALL HBCU's and damaging the image of them all.

PWI's have the SAME issues as us -- but people want to tar us -- instead of knowing WHY the issues exist and trying to help with resources and being a voice about the issues to the Florida state representatives and government.

Most of the people talking shyt -- didn't even go to a HBCU. Those who didn't go to a HBCU or have long-standing HBCU ties should be quiet.

If u wanna see BCU survive, this is bigger than Ed. There’s clearly a lack of institutional control from the BOT and they trotting out that incompetent president to speak on issues.

Ed got the backing of the students, if Admin was takin care of students and not suing alumni councils, not clearly embezzling funds given and making students sign NDA’s then maybe the students would ride wit them instead of Ed

This university clearly has issues and anyone mentioning PWI’s are deflecting. If the students who are there are telling you this ain’t a 15k tuition school then there’s a problem.


RIP Doughboy Roc
Oct 10, 2017
Ed Reed was trying to set himself of for a (School of Hard Knocks) type Reality Show . He wanted a hero story of him saving the day. :martin:

Sad when our OG are cloutchasing too. :martin:

The school got hit with 2 hurricanes recently, of course they're jacked up.
Alum of the university are on record sayin the school was fukked up prior to the hurricanes


Dec 19, 2017
If BCU continues down the road of corrupt and incompetent leadership it will die soon …all of the HBCU alums with this nonsensical “stop snitching” “you don’t know nothing about HBCUs” rhetoric seem to forget that they are in the service industry just like any other business and when the service continues to be substandard and abhorrent nobody is going to give a fukk about how much you “know” or don’t “know” about HBCUs …nobody will give a fukk about showing HBCUs that are incompetently ran “respect” because at the end of the day they don’t show their customers respect with these kinds of low class low value actions and the customers will go elsewhere and when that happens don’t come begging the black community to save you either keep that same “stay out of HBCU business” energy then as well


Dec 19, 2017
Ed Reed was trying to set himself of for a (School of Hard Knocks) type Reality Show . He wanted a hero story of him saving the day. :martin:

Sad when our OG are cloutchasing too. :martin:

The school got hit with 2 hurricanes recently, of course they're jacked up.
More excuses for an incompletely ran school that had their accreditation taken away just a few years ago …if the school was ran properly they wouldn’t need a savior to begin with ..his pathetic does the instruction need to be to need a savior in the first place


Aug 6, 2015
If u wanna see BCU survive, this is bigger than Ed. There’s clearly a lack of institutional control from the BOT and they trotting out that incompetent president to speak on issues.

Ed got the backing of the students, if Admin was takin care of students and not suing alumni councils, not clearly embezzling funds given and making students sign NDA’s then maybe the students would ride wit them instead of Ed

This university clearly has issues and anyone mentioning PWI’s are deflecting. If the students who are there are telling you this ain’t a 15k tuition school then there’s a problem.

Of course I do!

And honestly I am grateful and proud the students decided to speak out against the issues -- and Ed Reed gave them gas to do it. That's great. And I pray this leads to change and resources.

But, he could have went about it without downing all HBCUS and being disrespectful.

You have to give respect to get it -- and I"m sorry Mr. Reed did not do that.

I don't see how people not getting this. And again, he saw the issues -- and if he really does care - put up or shut the fukk up.

Drywall, Drywall Mud and Kilz Mold Paint ain't that much. Hire a contractor and help them with resources and donations. Hell, he could have contacted HD, Lowes or a local contracting company and asked them to donate time and resources to BCU -- and they would have based on press and his name.

Attack the issues without talking down on all. It's a slap in the face to our ancestors -- and the RICH histories of every HBCU!

And -- I am not deflecting. But, NO ONE says shyt when the PWI's have the same issues -- they don't say ALL PWI's or PWI's have "broken mentalities" -- they just speak on the ONE PWI - if they speak AT ALL.

And potential employees of PWI's don't go on social media talking down on them either. And they damn sure aint trying to get a job at one and then go online and talking about their issues.

People be looking to talk down to HBCU's and never went to one -- nor stepped foot on a campus other than a damn college tour. I am just saying show grace, understanding and leadership. Ed ain't do that -- nor will he ever.
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Aug 6, 2015
Ed Reed was trying to set himself of for a (School of Hard Knocks) type Reality Show . He wanted a hero story of him saving the day. :martin:

Sad when our OG are cloutchasing too. :martin:

The school got hit with 2 hurricanes recently, of course they're jacked up.
Exactly. And we know this cause he keeps bringing up Deion/Prime and repeating his narrative.

Like why would you call Deion on Zoom/Facetime during your over-acted good bye speech?

He wants to be the BCU coach for press, a stepping stone and visibility.

Now he lying saying other HBCU's want him. No HBCU wants that train wreck - its enough issues to deal with already. Go back to those white folks.

And Prime and his people can't hush too.

Prime's daughter lying about people getting killed on campus all the time. And Prime gave so much to JSU - but JSU - gave him MORE.

She is lending her voice to spreading the narrative of black violence and all things bad when going to a HBCU or being in a predominately Black area.

Him and his kids can take that shyt somewhere else.
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Dec 19, 2017
Of course I do!

And honestly I am grateful and proud the students to speak out against the issues -- and Ed Reed gave them gas to do it. That's great. And I pray this leads to change and resources.

But, he could have went about it without downing all HBCUS and being disrespectful.

You have to give respect to get it -- and I"m sorry Mr. Reed did not do that.

I don't see how people not getting this. And again, he saw the issues -- and if he really does care - put up or shut the fukk up.

Drywall, Drywall Mud and Kilz Mold Paint ain't that much. Hire a contractor and help them with resources and donations. Hell, he could have contacted HD, Lowes or a local contracting company and asked them to donate time and resources to BCU -- and they would have based on press and his name.

Attack the issues without talking down on all. It's a slap in the face to our ancestors -- and the RICH histories of every HBCU!

And -- I am not deflecting. But, NO ONE says shyt when the PWI's have the same issues -- they don't say ALL PWI's or PWI's have "broken mentalities" -- they just speak on the ONE PWI - if they speak AT ALL.

And potential employees of PWI's don't go on social media talking down on them either. And they damn sure aint trying to get a job at one and then go online and talking about their issues.

People be looking to talk down to HBCU's and never went to one -- nor stepped foot on a campus other than a damn college tour. I am just saying show grace, understanding and leadership. Ed ain't do that -- nor will he ever.
Why would a competent person want to go an incompetently ran institution…. It ain’t a flex to be at some toxic mold hellhole where the leadership values decorum over students :mjlol:


Aug 6, 2015
More excuses for an incompletely ran school that had their accreditation taken away just a few years ago …if the school was ran properly they wouldn’t need a savior to begin with ..his pathetic does the instruction need to be to need a savior in the first place

Just don't send your children to one. HBCU's will be alright.

Who asked for a savior? No HBCU has done that - we asked for help and mainly from the people/government -- not the whole Black community or our celebs.

HBCU's accreditation issues are a systemic issue - they don't have anything to do with the programs they run.

Some of y'all stay trying to blame black folks for everything - when it's much more behind the issue.

And this is not about snitching -- it's about know what they hell you are talking about before going out and speaking on HBCU's. Be able to understand the issues with the school and WHY they are like that. Not go directly to the Black folks aint shyt blame game.

And the reason I said that folks who didn't go to HBCU's need to sit down and hush - is because you don't know anything about them -- nor in really care about the issues they are facing.

Most just wanna talk mess and getting that held in sadness they had for not going to one -- and be one of the only black people in their class. Gettin called the N-word by their dormmates.

So, yeah they need to sit this one out.

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Aug 6, 2015
Why would a competent person want to go an incompetently ran institution…. It ain’t a flex to be at some toxic mold hellhole where the leadership values decorum over students :mjlol:

Don't go then. :russ:

This is what I was saying. You are not here to help and support -- just continue to talk down on HBCU's and speak on things you don't even know. Did you not see the links I posted -- the issues BCU are facing - are also at your beloved white folks schools.

But, based off your comments - you are dealing with some hate issues and don't wanna speak or agree on that.

But, it's ok - cause we don't care about your opinion. MOST HBCU grads or those who only went for a few years LOVED their experience and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

But, please go let your loved ones get called a slur weekly -- and hang out at the bar with Brad and them. Being the token - or one of the few beloved tokens.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Watched the whole thing

All ima say is BCU better be careful before they start investigating wats goin on at that school

Yea…… watching that full R Martin vid…. Seeing the Interim President speak on the situation then Ed Reeds rebuttal,

Along with some of THE PLAYERS co-signing Reed.

They better tread carefully.

The thing that really makes me feel bad about this is this is a fellow OG MEAC school.

I hate to see any HBCU go through this or have these issues and problems going on.

But it hits harder and different from a MEAC school, cuz they like siblings or cousins to my school A&T


Aug 6, 2015
Y’all in here coppin mad pleas for a crooked university in the sake “of being on code”

BCU gon on code themselves to a federal investigation
What's being on code? Speaking about the realities of all colleges, especially HBCU's? And how ALL colleges, PWI's included have the same issues BCU and other HBCU's face.

But, Black colleges/Uni's are supposed to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps.

On top of that, also take the disrespect for people who don't even know what's going on (outsiders).

And outsiders are having a field day -- and spewing fake outraged about issues that happen on most campuses. All because an unstable HOF wants to come up off and talk shyt about a school he wants to work for -- that gave him a chance. Ed Reed and his supporters can either put up or shut up. That's the solution.


Dec 19, 2017
Just don't send your children to one. HBCU's will be alright.
Definitely won’t be sending my kids to this shythole …if they were “alright” their president wouldn’t be on a national platform begging the public for money and trying to silence his student body :mjlol:
Who asked for a savior? No HBCU has done that - we asked for help and mainly from the people/government -- not the whole Black community or our celebs.
A school like BCU will always need “help” becuase its incompetently ran. The students are protesting for someone to save them from abhorrent living conditions right now too bad the administration doesn’t listen and doesn’t care.
HBCU's accreditation issues are a systemic issue - they don't have anything to do with the programs they run.
This is a lie, always lying and making excuses for incompetence serves no one, especially those black students.
Some of y'all stay trying to blame black folks for everything - when it's much more behind the issue.
Some of y’all stay making excuses for everything.
And this is not about snitching -- it's about know what they hell you are talking about before going out and speaking on HBCU's. Be able to understand the issues with the school and WHY they are like that. Not go directly to the Black folks aint shyt blame game.
BCU is like that because it’s ran incompetently and black people should know especially if they’re considering sending their children to these places. Why are you trying to hide? If you can beg for money publicly then you can be held accountable publicly as well.
And the reason I said that folks who didn't go to HBCU's need to sit down and hush - is because you don't know anything about them -- nor in reality care about the issues they are facing. Most just wanna talk mess and getting that held in sadness they had for not going to one -- and be one of the only black people in their class. Gettin called the N-word by your dormmate.
If you’re not at BCU right now then you should be hushing as well becusse you don’t have any idea what those students are going through and you clearly don’t care to listen to the issues that they are presenting to the public. Most of you just want to look good in front of whites and hide the fact that the incompetence needs to change.
So, yeah they need to sit this one out.

They don’t need to sit shyt out ….the only thing that’s about to be sat out are these poorly run schools when they inevitably go defunct sue to incompetent leadership