Hello Mr.Jones, I am sorry to inform you but you are repeating what most internet lemmings would say.
Online, everyone is an expert on everything. They know the ins and outs to how things are done.
Well sir, its not true at all that its a bad sign if a game shows up late. Sorry games show up early, great ones show up late all the time, and vice versa. But gamers on the internet remember the one time it played out like so and they forget every other instance this happened
The REASON reviewers got it late is so no spoilers are leaked before the game drops. You can't put much faith in confidentiality these days. Its up to the gamers if they will like the game. Early opinion seems positive, but any halfway decent game appears that way at first. In a week it will be known if this game is good or trash. From what I've played, I'd say this game will be forgotten by then.