I think Shumpert is very likely to phase out once they find out how much small ball vs big ball they wanna run in the second lineup, and how much they wanna use Cedi, Jae, Tavarress, the auxillary characters. I imagine Channing will still get burn as the backup, but if Tavarres ends up becoming that rim protector (or tall, long body, pause) they need, then Korver needs to be the main part of that second unit to make up for the shooting. They cant completely phase out Shumpert going forward just cause whoever comes out the West is gonna have a myriad of guards/wings to throw out that can score and they still have to find a balance between Jae/Cedi/LeBron/J.R your main force of defenders as of now. When Shump isnt playing totally retarded, he's a pretty respectable hustle guy and is a solid slasher, something they have even less of than defenders.
TL;DR Hes looking like much like he did in the latter half of the Finals where hes just too volatile to play, but they could feature him in some lineups that involve Derrick Williams, Cedi, Crowder, and Bron for potentially more defense

or more than likely he'll just be trading pieces