Breh, Mark Hamill just shyt on the movie he was in/his director, aka shytting on your actual employer. Actors and actresses talking about their on set experiences, in much more specific ways than The Rock did, is absolutely nothing new. But cool, I got the one example of The Rock being unprofessional I had asked for

You are going beyond hyperbole with this "damaging the brand" stuff, breh. F&F is bigger than any one person, besides Vin at this point(maybe). The Rock was apparently on his way to doing straight to DVD movies until F&F saved his career, so the franchise will be fine without him if need be. Actors have had actual beef and done franchises together, let alone this make believe stuff between these two. The Hobbs movie will make bread, Fast 9 will drop and make more bread(most likely with Tyrese part of the cast), and no one will remember this inconsequential silliness