Duck Dynasty: TV pastor points out demonic nature of homosexuality, liberals foam at mouth..

Jul 25, 2012
What does tolerance have to do with defending your beliefs?

I'll support your right to believe in crazy shyt, but i'm not gonna defend your crazy shyt for you.

It doesn't, it has something to do with bullying people who disagree with you on an issue.

Let's be real- gays still don't have equal rights across the country, and the reason for that is the equal rights camp is still the minority in most places. Calling people advocating for those minority rights "intolerant" when they criticize a majority opinion, the one responsible for suppressing them, can only be the result of a skewed perspective.

There's a pattern with this behavior I've noticed with this man's defenders. Somehow the person expressing the initial intolerance ("gays are just like thieves, murderers, pedophiles, and bestiality practitioners," "Black people were happier before civil rights") is just practicing "free expression," but responses criticizing them are just intolerant and unreasonable.

Besides, liberal tolerance doesn't extend to anti-liberal intolerance, and why should it? Would you defend some anti-Semite like this? I don't know why people expect liberals to defend the people who want liberalism destroyed, and then complain when they don't. No other group is held to that ridiculous standard.

Uh yeah, I don't think gays are like murderers, thieves, pedophiles, etc. so I don't fall into that category. People should be allowed to think homosexuality is wrong for religious reasons, there is nothing wrong with that. If we're going to be real here, let's be real. Many in the pro-gay crowd are on a vicious crusade to destroy anyone who believes homosexuality is wrong because their religion says so. A gay couple tried to destroy some Christian dude who didn't want to bake a cake for their wedding. Will Smith was accused of homophobia because he didn't want to kiss another man in the mouth. Roy Hibbert was fined for informing people he is straight. The pro-gay crowd consists of a bunch of lunatics, honestly.

And lol @ comparing homophobia to racism or ethnic-based prejudice... One of the most ridiculous fallacies out there.


Jun 8, 2012
I dont agree with any of what he said, but i'm prepared to defend his right to say it against the inevitable liberal onslaught. :smugdraper:
you dont agree with what he said the bible says? or his bit of opinion?

let me help yall out.

here's how it goes. you have two schools.

school homosexual and school (i read and believe in the bible).

school homosexual has their own idea of how life should go and what should be deemed okay and not okay. homosexuality to most of them should be deemed okay.

now School (i read and believe in the bible) will tell you, per the good book homosexual relationships are not okay. notice what i said there. the Romantic relationship with someone of the same sex is whats not ok. being born with the propensity to desire the same sex aint your fault. IF thats what you have going on with you. But what is your fault based on THE BIBLE(not based on the person's opinion thats quoting the bible), IS when you choose to take your DESIRE to be with someone of the same sex to the next level and actually do it. That is the sin.

Just like a married man can have a propensity to desire HOT WOMEN( i mean he is a man). so as long as he doesnt act on said desire he's not Living in SIN (PER..THE BIBLE).

now listen. if you dont believe in the BIBLE. FINE. thats your choice. but never, ever say someone who does is wrong for saying what they believe in. never say they are incorrect about their statement. when they are actually not telling you their opinion. they are telling you What the bible says and they themselves are saying they agree with what it says. If you have a problem with "homosexuality being a sin" take that up with the bible/Jesus/GOD. stop getting mad at individuals/pastors, etc over this subject. GET MAD at the TEXT.

now here's my thing. if by chance i was hit with that desire. and i didnt believe in the bible. I would not care what some bible thumping person THOUGHT. i wouldnt care what the BIBLE said. i dont believe in it, i dont read it. who ...cares? i dont. and live my life.

but noooooooooo. this is something that you straight folks dont understand about this homosexual agenda. see some of you straight folks think.."i support gay everything even though i'm not one of them. because i support civil rights,etc."

see its one thing to support civil rights and to make sure people aint harming anyone(no matter what kind of sexual relationship they are in) its one thing to support those people getting help, health benefits, etc. just proper normal human treatment. BUt when you start really paying attention. these homosexuals that go against these bible lovers are really saying "i want more then civil rights. i want you to accept my lifestyle and call it NORMAL.even so normal to either include it in your bible, or stop reading those scriptures that says it isnt or stop reading that bible altogether." Thats what THEY WANT. thats their ULTIMATE GOAL.

and here's the thing. a bible believer NEVER has to agree with that. EVER. and he or she should not be shunned because they dont believe that. the moment you shun them. you are doing the very thing that these homosexuals are swearing these bible lovers are doing to them. SHUNNING THEM because they are doing something that is a sin /abnormal.

The Real

May 8, 2012
Uh yeah, I don't think gays are like murderers, thieves, pedophiles, etc. so I don't fall into that category. People should be allowed to think homosexuality is wrong for religious reasons, there is nothing wrong with that. If we're going to be real here, let's be real.

I'm not accusing you of that, but that comparison is exactly the one that Phil Robertson made in his statements. He specifically compared gays to murderers, thieves, and goatfukkers.

To use an analogy: I have no issue with people thinking that I'm going to hell and telling me to convert because I'm not saved because I'm nonreligious, and I don't find that offensive at all, but if someone tells me my lack of belief is in the same camp as murder, thievery, or bestiality, then:

1. How is that not gross intolerance on their part? Who cares if it's in a religious book- the Mormon religious book used to say that Black people were born Black because they were marked as inferior by God- that it was in a book doesn't make the statement any less intolerant (and not all such statements are considered legally protected under secular law.)

2. How is it unreasonable or intolerant for me to take offense at such statements?

Many in the pro-gay crowd are on a vicious crusade to destroy anyone who believes homosexuality is wrong because their religion says so.

Many? Perhaps, but not most, not anywhere near the majority.

And lol @ comparing homophobia to racism or ethnic-based prejudice... One of the most ridiculous fallacies out there.

How is it a fallacy? They're both broad devaluations of people due to traits they can't control that don't hurt anyone. Furthermore, gays have been targeted in all manner of ways, from the Holocaust (yeah, some people forget about that one) to economic discrimination (gays are much more likely to be poor, to not be hired, etc, than the average straight person,) so they constitute a proper, disadvantaged minority in many places, the US included.
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Jun 8, 2012
It doesn't, it has something to do with bullying people who disagree with you on an issue.

Uh yeah, I don't think gays are like murderers, thieves, pedophiles, etc. so I don't fall into that category. People should be allowed to think homosexuality is wrong for religious reasons, there is nothing wrong with that. If we're going to be real here, let's be real. Many in the pro-gay crowd are on a vicious crusade to destroy anyone who believes homosexuality is wrong because their religion says so. A gay couple tried to destroy some Christian dude who didn't want to bake a cake for their wedding. Will Smith was accused of homophobia because he didn't want to kiss another man in the mouth. Roy Hibbert was fined for informing people he is straight. The pro-gay crowd consists of a bunch of lunatics, honestly.

And lol @ comparing homophobia to racism or ethnic-based prejudice... One of the most ridiculous fallacies out there.
and let me add this. sure the bible lovers should probably stop using EXTREME analogies when referring to homosexuality as a sin.

here's the truth that the homosexuals who want to push their agenda dont want you to realize, nor do the straight folks that ride for them.

the BIBLE says it. not this hick. he was just repeating what he read.

let me explain this real simple.

in the bible it says SIN= Death

it also says Sin is Sin.

meaning what? no matter what level of SIN you think someone or yourself has committed its all the same basically. there are no "little white lies" in the bible. there are no small infractions in the good book or to God/Jesus.

the moment you understand that. then you understand this. if all SIN= all SIN.

then A=B and B=A right..

So if A= stealing a candy out of the local market
and B = madoff ponzi schme

then candy thief = madoff

they are both SINNERS.
they are both doing something that can lead to DEATH(spiritual).

as small as the candy thief seems to us its much bigger. for all we know thats how madoff started out. little white lies lead into bigger black ones. the spark of sin is just as bad as the last explosion of it. because they are both very damaging.

this is why a terrorist = a sinner
therefore an adulterer= a sinner
therefore in GOD's eyes. not my eyes, not some body elses eyes. but GOD's/JESUS' and the BIbles eyes.
a terrorist = an adulterer
if thats the case. then a homosexual relationship = an adulterous relationship . IN GOD'S/JESUS',BIBLES EYES.

a terrorist = a n adulterer and a [person in a homosexual relationship(whether or not they are calling themselves a homosexual or not).

let me add this last piece. a know a few homosexuals that know the bible. and they will admit their desires are WRONG per the bible they believe in. just like when i was having pre-marital sex. i knew darn well what i was doing was improper per THE BIBLE/God/Jesus word.

Dont change the rules because it doesnt fit you. just admit when you're doing wrong and then make a choice to do right. if you choose to keep doing wrong. so be it. but dont change the rules. because one day you may want to come back home. you may want to change your ways. how will you do that if you no longer even know the path because you've changed the rules which is the path to god. the rules = a path to GOD. if you change the rules you change the road. how can you get back home? no one ever really talks about this on either side. because most get caught up in their personal opinions and agendas.

now if you dont believe in God or the good book. like i said in another post. DO...YOU. dont cry about bible lovers repeating what they believe in the bible. you dont believe in those fairytales right? well then live your life however you see fit and let the chips fall where they may. but dont cry about it. unless its actually harming you. not your feelings but harming you physically.


Jun 8, 2012
I'm not accusing you of that, but that comparison is exactly the one that Phil Robertson made in his statements. He specifically compared gays to murderers, thieves, and goatfukkers.

To use an analogy: I have no issue with people thinking that I'm going to hell and telling me to convert because I'm not saved because I'm nonreligious, and I don't find that offensive at all, but if someone tells me my lack of belief is in the same camp as murder, thievery, or bestiality, then:

1. How is that not gross intolerance on their part?

2. How is it unreasonable or intolerant for me to take offense at such statements?

Many? Perhaps, but not most, not anywhere near the majority.

How is it a fallacy? They're both broad devaluations of people due to traits they can't control that don't hurt anyone. Furthermore, gays have been targeted in all manner of ways, from the Holocaust (yeah, some people forget about that one) to economic discrimination (gays are much more likely to be poor, to not be hired, etc, than the average straight person,) so they constitute a proper, disadvantaged minority in many places, the US included.

i call BUlll S on that one

unless you are trying to throw BLACK homosexuals in that mix. well we already know the color comes before anything else. people of color are broker then white people. thats a fact. so just so happens if you have a person of color thats a homosexual to boot of course he /she will probably be broke in comparison.

but if we compare white homosexuals to straight white folks. we will probably see their incomes are the same or very close or even better homosexuals may even make more money. but there are no real legit stats that the homosexual community and the straight community have agreed on. read here


May 2, 2012
I don't know what's worse: your spelling in the thread title, the opinion presented by the 'gentleman' in the interview, or the chick whose grandfather was a Civil Rights leader that thought the Underground Railroad was an actual train.

This place is all kinds of fukked up.

Higher Learning is turning into

I blame Liquid Life Energy™​
:what: Link?


Jun 8, 2012
Its wild how so may posters overlooked his comments on Blacks.
no one is overlooking his comments on blacks. you know why? because a person can be racist and right at the same time (PER THEIR BELIEF IN THE BIBLE)


have you ever seen a smart racist? i have.

just because he/she is racist doesnt take away other attributes they possess.

if racist says to you, that you're adding it wrong and you have 2+2=5. and he says it =4. the racist is right. no matter if he was hanging my black folks on trees last week. doesnt change the fact he's correct about math based on Math books and the science of math.

So yes a Racist can be correct about some things.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
who is being bullied?

If you talk shyt about something your employer finds controversial or conflicts with their values, they fire your ass. Period.

don't play stupid. Liberals are gays are right now doing everything they can to get this man fired from A&E. If that's not bullying im not sure what else is.

BTW, hundreds of people were killed in Iraq this week mainly due to a huge resurgence of Al Qaida (backed by billionaire Saudi Nationals), but you would never know this watching CNN., but you do know that the Duck Dynasty patriarch is a Christian that doesn't think homosexuality right. Lets see who gets more news coverage in the upcoming weeks.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
no one is overlooking his comments on blacks. you know why? because a person can be racist and right at the same time (PER THEIR BELIEF IN THE BIBLE)


have you ever seen a smart racist? i have.

just because he/she is racist doesnt take away other attributes they possess.

if racist says to you, that you're adding it wrong and you have 2+2=5. and he says it =4. the racist is right. no matter if he was hanging my black folks on trees last week. doesnt change the fact he's correct about math based on Math books and the science of math.

So yes a Racist can be correct about some things.
Are you trolling?

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Apr 30, 2012
LOL @ this "it's in the Bible" argument.

That's what ignorant, hateful Christians always run back to in order to hide their hate. Been like that for centuries.

People should be allowed to think homosexuality is wrong for religious reasons, there is nothing wrong with that. If we're going to be real here, let's be real.

Yup, let's be real here.

People should be allowed to think segregation is wrong for religious reasons. People should be allowed to think slavery is justified because of religious reasons. People should be allowed to blame modern Jews for the death of Jesus for religious reasons.

People should be allowed to think whatever they want.

People shouldn't think that there aren't consequences for what they believe though because there are.