'Draymond's the greatest defender in NBA history' - ex-NBA player who played with Bill Russell

Apr 30, 2012
That's the point. You cannot have it both ways. Either he can cover four positions or he cant.
He can guard 1-5. And he does it regularly.
You cant give him this credit to have unbelievable ability to cover all positions and then say he is not supposed to cover guards and wings because he is a big man.
What I mean by that is, he's not supposed to cover guards for long stretches. The Warriors need him to cover more roles than just simply guarding one ball-handler. He can guard any position, in any situation - that's what the Warriors need him to do in order to maximize their effectiveness on defense. He's their defensive anchor/rim protector. Reducing him to just ONE role is counterintuitive to both parties. I don't know why this needs to be reiterated, time and time again. Same cotdamn reason KG wasn't guarding ball-handlers for long stretches on the Celtics. Same cotdamn reason any versatile big man defender doesn't guard ball-handlers for long stretches.
By overatting his defensive abilities, you have brought on these questions.
I have NOT overrated his defensive abilities anywhere in this thread, it is in fact y'all who have underrated them. Most of the folk in here can't even break down his [defensive] game with the proper terminology, back it up with video evidence and data/stats. They simply use their broken eye-test, watch a handful of games and think they have the answer.

Do you think the majority of this board knows that Draymond was statistically the #1 ISO defender last season?
Do you think the majority of this board knows that Draymond was statistically the #1 post defender last season?
Do you think the majority of this board knows that Draymond was statistically a top-5 spot-up defender last season?
Do you think the majority of this board knows that Draymond has statistically been an elite rim protector for the last 2-3 seasons (is comparable to the likes of Gobert and Porzingis)?
Do you think the majority of this board knows that Draymond guards more shot attempts than the entire league, while holding opponents to under 5%/6% of their usual FG% - a feat that 99.9% of players can't claim?
Do you think the majority of this board knows that Draymond has arguably the largest defensive workload in the league?
Do you think the majority of this board knows every little detail of Draymond's defensive activity?
Draymond is made to defend pick and pop stretch 4s and his value has increased as more teams have focused on floor spacing bigs. Draymond is a small ball four who has the ability to switch onto guards on pick and rolls and cover "face up" PFs and Centers on the block.
Draymond has the ability to defend any type of player, through positions 1-5: post-up, spot-up and face-up bigs, ball-handlers both guards and wings, catch-and-shoot guards/wings etc etc.
However, he is slow footed to the point that he is food on the perimeter against quick, shifty guards and wings.

This is unequivocally, 100% false. Draymond's lateral quickness is not only arguably the best out of all big men, but it's even up there with the elite defensive wings, after all he basically is built like a typical SF. Not to mention his BBIQ and wingspan allow him to shadow almost every guard in the league. There's a reason why he defended more ISO attempts than any other player last season and held them to 30% shooting. Yes you heard that right - defending more ISO posessions than any other player while keeping his opponents to 30% shooting. All due to the fact he can handle himself against any type of player, in all positions. His lateral quickness is one of the main reasons why he can switch out on ball-handlers,
Specifically, Draymond Green, the Warriors’ middle linebacker. He’s a supercomputer with a 7’2 wingspan and the lateral quickness of a guard. He’s the communication hub of the defense; he’ll call out screens before they occur and instruct teammates to switch or to recover

These clips are littered with posessions of him staying-on-the-hip of ball-handlers from last season:

Draymond also cannot cover wings or bigs with above average post moves due to his lack of size. This is why he cannot cover Bron, Kawhi, Boogie, Whiteside etc.

Breh, you have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about.. More fool me that I expected dudes to have a sound basis of his defensive skillset.
Apr 30, 2012
*Can guard 1-5*

*Best defender of all time*

*Dray-mond 'jus sooo 'gud*

Why should 6'7 Draymond Green guard a premiere perimeter player? :what: pfffttt, the greatest defender of all time shouldn't have to do that.


Take posts out of context brehs. Fail to comprehend that Draymond is the Warriors defensive anchor/rim protector who has an infinite # of defensive roles and expect GS to just put him on a wing player, and have the Warriors defense exposed when nobody can fulfill his roles with the same effectiveness brehs.

Apr 30, 2012
What are the defensive masterpieces in a playoff series that Draymond has to hang his rep on as the best defender in nba history?
Let's clear this up right quick - Draymond is not the best defender in history, because there is no definitive best defender in history. Barnett didn't specifically say that he was the GOAT either. He is however one of the GOATs already, and will most likely go down as a top-5 defender OAT if he remains relatively healthy throughout his career.

He's had a # of defensive masterpieces in playoff series' (and he's only 26):

Rockets '16 series
Second half of the Thunder '16 series
First half of the Cavs '16 series (if he wasn't suspended and Iggy didn't fukk up his back - it would've extended for the whole series)
And the most important one of all - the Cavs '15 series - where he anchored the Warriors defensive from the 5 en route to winning three games straight

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
Unrelated to the thread, but where do you get all your stats and information at? Those isolation stats are mind boggling and I wanted to look at other players and ish.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Lol at citing paid Warriors' beatwriters and the Warriors' insufferable, perpetually dikkriding announcer as cosigners for your laughable agenda.

The difference between Draymond and PJ Tucker? Favorable whistles.

Get a clue.

If Bill woulda said Dray is one of the worst defenders, y'all nikkaz woulda ate it up as gossip :russ:


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
If Bill woulda said Dray is one of the worst defenders, y'all nikkaz woulda ate it up as gossip :russ:
He'd never say that. The point is he cant stop praising all things GS regardless.
Why do y'all say this nonsense like Draymond was actually his primary defender when the Cavs made that comeback?
So why wasnt he? :usure:
You have the greatest defender ever and you dont put him on the greatest player you've ever faced? :usure:
"B-b-but he had to anchor the d and protect the rim" :skip:
Then fukk is the point of touting he can guard 1-5 and shut down great players when he never does it when necessary anyway? :usure:

Same argument, round and round in circles
Apr 30, 2012
You have the greatest defender ever and you dont put him on the greatest player you've ever faced? :usure:
"B-b-but he had to anchor the d and protect the rim" :skip:
Then fukk is the point of touting he can guard 1-5 and shut down great players when he never does it when necessary anyway? :usure:

Same argument, round and round in circles
I've already explained to you why that is (over and over and over again), and a # of other posters have said the same damn thing. Whether you choose to acknowledge that or not is up to you.

Apr 30, 2012
@GoddamnyamanProf for somebody that accuses others constantly of not knowing what they're talking about when it comes to basketball, you sure do have a limited understanding of how defenses work. :pachaha: