'Draymond's the greatest defender in NBA history' - ex-NBA player who played with Bill Russell


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
I've already explained to you why that is (over and over and over again), and a # of other posters have said the same damn thing. Whether you choose to acknowledge that or not is up to you.

I already know your response, thats why I wrote it out and shyt on it again, because its just as pointless and irrelevant as ever. The point is its shyt, your reach ass shock statements fall apart under the weight of their own incompetence and your explanations are flimsy excuses that lead to circular logic as you've just demonstrated again. Simple as 2+2.
Apr 30, 2012
It's the thing with the Magic Johnson could play center hyperbole to me. He only started that game and did it for 5 minutes. Likewise, Draymond isnt shutting down PGs ala Lebron on Rose.
First of all, Draymond can shut down PGs, and second of all LeBron wasn't defending and shutting down Rose like you're insinuating. This debunks the whole narrative of LeBron shutting down Rose in the '11 ECF- The Bulls-Heat 4th Quarter Project - Completed - RealGM

I don't even know why you'd use LeBron v. Rose as a reference point in the first place, given the fact that LeBron was/is a wing and at times could guard Rose because he had the luxury of Bosh, Haslem and Anthony to take care of anchoring the paint/defense. Draymond doesn't have that luxury, especially in the back end of the '16 Finals when he was basically the only effective frontcourt defender GS had left.

You want Draymond to guard PGs more regularly to meet this requirement of being able to guard them, but aren't willing to acknowledge how that would affect the Warriors defense. The rebounding will suffer, the paint/rim protection will suffer, opposing bigs will have more favorable matchups, less communication on defense, more defensive leaks etc etc.

Dudes want Draymond to "cool off" PG's, yet aren't taking into account the ramifications that would lead to the Warriors having a less-effective defense.
I still think Draymond is on the tier below the KGs, Rodman's and Ben Wallace's, which still means he's great - just not GOAT level.
If your reasoning is simply because he doesn't fit the longetivity criteria, fair enough - that's reasonable. But if your reasoning is he doesn't have the same impact as those players, well, you're 100% wrong. Not to mention he's already a better defender than Rodman ever was.

Just in case you haven't read any of my posts in this thread (just some CN):

2015/16 season:

#1 ISO defender
#1 post defender
Top 5 spot-up defender (he is actually leading the postseason in defensive spot up attempts)
Elite rim protector
Defended more shot attempts than any other player - 1332 in total (defended 153 attempts more than Ibaka, who was #2) and held his matchup's FG percentage to under -6.1% (for perspective Kawhi only defended 676 attempts and kept his opponents to only under -5.7%).

And Draymond's defensive stats this season -

He defends the second most attempts per game (only .3 behind Porzingis) - holdng opponents to -5.7% under their usual FG% - the only player that comes close is Gobert (-5.8%)
He holds opponents to -12.3% under their usual FG% near the rim/paint (6ft and less) - to put that into perspective it's a similar rate to Gobert (-13%), Porzingis (-13.1%) and Whiteside (-12.5%)

He's protecting the rim at a similar rate to the BEST rim protectors in the league. All the while being one of the best perimeter defenders, communicators and help defenders. He's elite defensively in every area. I don't think folk truly understand just how remarkable that is.

For a player to have that sort of defensive impact is some KG on steroids type shyt.
And to answer your question no big has ever done that (because it would be monumentally stupid). I don't think that's what homie was implying...I hope not anyway :francis:
Even if he wasn't implying that (I think he was as he has a history of posting nonsense), I still don't understand how you think it's a good point. Are we truly using the fact that Draymond doesn't guard wings/guards as often as their opposites are, like that's a mark against his defensive resume? What about the all-time defensive wings and guards who never guarded big men regularly? What about the fact that Draymond is far too important to the Warriors defense to simply be guarding a PG for long stretches? What do you think would happen to the Warriors defense - who would box out the bigs, who would crash the glass, who would protect the rim, who would defend the bigs down low, who would organize where defenders needed to be, who would do all the dirty work/hustle, who would cover for teammates if they made a defensive miscue?

He guards multiple positions in that he can defend any position, in any situation. You can't possibly think that a player who defends 1300 shot attempts (more than any other player by a good margin) and defends more ISO attempts than any other player is somehow not capable of guarding all positions.

If dudes wanna claim that Draymond can't guard 1-5, that's fine. That just means that nobody in the history of the game could guard 1-5 either.

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Apr 30, 2012
I already know your response, thats why I wrote it out and shyt on it again, because its just as pointless and irrelevant as ever. The point is its shyt, your reach ass shock statements fall apart under the weight of their own incompetence and your explanations are flimsy excuses that lead to circular logic as you've just demonstrated again. Simple as 2+2.
You will forever be clueless because you let your emotions/hate get in the way of acknowledging facts and reality. You will FOREVER be that type of character. You're rotten to the core because of it. :manny:
Apr 30, 2012
If Bill woulda said Dray is one of the worst defenders, y'all nikkaz woulda ate it up as gossip :russ:
Or if there were any stats/data that showed Draymond was a bad defender, they'd all be up in here as if they hit the jackpot. They have no counter to anything I've stated in here, so they keep regurgitating the same brain-dead bullshyt.
Apr 30, 2012
Unrelated to the thread, but where do you get all your stats and information at? Those isolation stats are mind boggling and I wanted to look at other players and ish.
There's quite a few sites I use, but if you're looking for isolation stats - NBA.com/Stats | Players Isolation (just adjust all the filters to what you're looking for: season, defense/offense, specific dates, totals/per game). NBA.com has a good generalized base across the board with player/team stats now (with the use of Synergy).
Apr 30, 2012
It's funny how nobody from the other side has managed to acknowledge any of the facts about Draymond's defense in here, and yet they still keep protesting with their broken eye-test. :jbhmm:
Apr 30, 2012

Why should 6'7 Draymond Green guard a premiere perimeter player? :what: pfffttt, the greatest defender of all time shouldn't have to do that.


How come Hakeem didn't guard premiere perimeter players? :jbhmm:

How come Duncan didn't guard premiere perimeter players? :jbhmm:
How come Wallace didn't guard premiere perimeter players?:jbhmm:

How come Mutombo didn't guard premiere perimeter players? :jbhmm:

How come KG didn't guard premiere perimeter players? :jbhmm:

How come Russell didn't guard premiere perimeter players? :jbhmm:
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