Thing is, I like Lebron. He's a great player. I'm not so beholden to Jordan's legacy that I can't give it to another player if they came along. And this is something people don't understand - as a fan of basketball I WANT someone else to come along and give me the same feeling Jordan did. Why would a true basketball fan be so much of a celebrity fan that they wouldn't want someone else to have the same greatness or surpass it? People act like because someone is a Jordan fan they will never admit someone else could be greater. Maybe there are people like that, but it's not me. If someone else comes along and really proves it, I'll give it to them. But that's a huge mountain, one that even someone as talented as Lebron hasn't been able to climb. He's not as good as Jordan was, but he has a solid case at being the second best ever. That's certainly no insult. to him.