Why wouldn't Drake mention he set up Kendrick RIGHT away after meet the Grahams came out?
Instead he said find me proof of my daughter. He had NO idea Kendrick was gonna bring that up because if he did he would have been ready to shut that down as soon as the song dropped.
If anything Drake needs to show proof that he set Kendrick up.
He clearly didn't set anything up. That was a talking point some OVO stans came up with and he's now using it as an angle to run with.
If you listen to the song it's pretty much just a summary of what fans been arguing in his favor put in rap format. He's also trying to control the narrative:
- arguing against stances Kendrick never took like calling him a rat (that never happened)
- saying Whitney follows Dave but she doesn't follow Kendrick to insinuate his allegations are true. Whitney never followed Kendrick on IG
- The suggestion of bots was also made by one of his fans saying Kendrick's songs weren't trending because youtube couldn't verify the views, but that was proved false because youtube did have Kendrick song trending as #1
he lifted a lot of these straight from twitter