I can't speak for anyone else but I'm not a Kendrick cheerleader, tbh Damn was mid and I didn't like his new style on Mr Morale at all. I think I only listened to Mr Morale once or twice tops and have no desire to ever go back to it again. And I also gave Drake props because I thought Push Ups was pretty slick. But I can tell y'all have short attention spans and don't remember how the beef with Pusha went (everybody was saying Drake won with Duppy and that changed real quick once Adidon dropped lmao) or Nas vs Jay. Everybody said there was no way Nas could come back and then we all know how that went. Don't underestimate the underdog effect has on people.
I'm not saying anything, just laughing at the clowns in the coalition I mentioned who are being loud when they can't be right (as usual). Good, bad, or mid, Drake is outside and he rapping. Until Kendrick gets in the booth, everyone on the other side should sit the next few plays out. Yall looking wild goofy defending someone who wont defend himself, and he asked for this