The word that comes back to me after a few listens, is stale. Not horrible, not the worst album, not a massive failure or flop, just more than a little stale. And like someone just said above, the length. It just drags and drags forever. Repeats the same complaints and same stories, same person? on like 7-9 songs.
Even the sharpest produced tracks, Virginia Beach, 7969 Santa, for example don't really feel as fun or inspiring, like the second half of 0-100, I still play that all the time. This has that Drake sound, but it's like a beautiful movie with a bad script sometimes.
It also feels just a little messier, and rougher, like he really sounds a little broken over someone/something. But, he doesn't let the facade down enough to really let the listener in. LIke it doesn't feel like a personal album, there's still that superstar distance, but he is being somewhat honest about something. Some kind of regret, or some kind of resentment, maybe for a way of living.
Like Travis Scott, Drake can sound a little hollow. The Meltdown verse and the second part of the Cole record sound like they were done in the same take. That's a fire verse. That song worked.
Also, like every artists, like Jay, sometimes they need to come back around, what sounded great in 2013, doesn't sound great now. But, NWTS had more heart than this, or more vulnerability. Singing sounded better, at a minimum. That was an issue too. Not one to critique vocals like that. but he really sounded off.