
You thought One was Scary? Now there's two of them, lol.

Well that's a wrap, End of an Era. I guess it was basically a 2 episode Finale. Fantastic continuation and sequel to the legendary "Trunks Story" arc in DBZ. The Immortal Half of Zamasu basically became anti-matter and or Dark Matter. Therefor he was able to consume not only the planet but the entire Universe. Of course Zeno would need to be called. Ironically though they are saying there is a Zeno across Timelines, the fact Zeno left Trunks timeline should technically cause a new timeline paradox. But i'm assuming it doesn't because he destroyed that Timeline/Universe I guess it balances with him leaving. LOL @ the two Zeno's meeting each other. Also Wow at the main guard being Whis and Vados Father. Sadly Trunks was not able to save his future but in all honesty I'm fine with that. Every Time Travel story there is always a moral about the dangers of it so in the end it doesn't go your way because you are throwing off the balance of the Universe. The minute Trunks went back in time he pretty much doomed his future sadly. So for Trunks he's now a living Time Paradox now and will live his life on a separate timeline. I like that, very sci-fi and shows that yes there were consequences to Trunks decision to Time Travel.
The good news is Trunks is more power now than ever so on that timeline he should be fine and everyone will be alive. So though he couldn't save his future, he will live in a brighter future. The farewell scene was really good. GOAThan haters fall back. How many pages I told ya'll fools to fall back with the disrespect. Did ya'll see that sweat? Did ya'll see Piccolo with him? Did ya'll see that Great Saiyan/Super Man S-Curl coming down. That's right, GOAThan will be back for sure. Also he's wearing the same outfit from the intro, he's clearly training. But very good arc, one of the best. Amazing seeing Trunks again and Goku Black/Zamasu was very strong and different villain we are used to. We got to see Beerus and Zeno flex Universal Godly power. Nice Nostalgia callbacks too including Cell's Time Machine, Vegito and the Mafuba. LOL @ Vegeta testing Trunks with that punch. I definitely think this opens the door for a Future Trunks and Mia spin off on that timeline. There could even be an Episode when they run into themselves. Overall I enjoyed this entire arc very much. Can't wait to see Hit return in this "Assassination of Goku" Arc I've been hearing about.

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