This episode

Pure isms in this!
"The world is beautiful

and the ugly humans stain that beauty

and so we'll complete erase the humans and return the world to its former beauty

. We've already killed numerous mortals and next with our wisdom which transcends time

we will annihilate the earthlings who are the universe's epitome of ugliness and is known for continue conflicts and violence all over.

Black brushed them Saiyans off like flies

. Tell em what you did to his family son

. He killed you in front of your wife and child b and then killed them

Black shot em up, struck a pose and blew him up.
"What you're doing is pure murder!"
Black and Z: Uummm excuse us?

How many times have you come back and forth through time?

You changed altered the past

You made this world the way it is

The arrogance of a human to create such a thing as a Time Machine
You the real criminal Trunks