LOL @ it taking EVERYONE'S Power for Goku to even get that hit. I can't even give the Z Fighters the W because Broly won on points by taking them all on at the same time, lol. Broly is one of the GOAT Villians, only character to have a Trilogy deciated to him. Even though Broly 2 and Broly 3: Bio Broly weren't as great as part 1 though I loved the Father/Son Kamahama with Goku Gohan and Goten in Broly 2. I love the movie because it's almost as if Broly was turning Super Saiyan God looking back. Outside of I would say Cell, no Villain gave them more work. Yes Freeza bodied the whole race and Majinbu was Godly. But something about Broly that caught them all off guard. I also like the fact he as a baby next to Goku. It's almost as if he's Goku's true opposite.