I actually thought about the fact that dude only had one earring. Maybe he's searching the timelines and universes for someone to he feels is strong enough to fuse with himDragon Ball Heroes already adding Goku Black to the gamepeep tho he only got one earring
extended trailer
Better look at Black Goku(for the noobs: disregard literally every other character in the pic besides goku and trunks they are created video game characters)
And what's up with Future Trunks rocking blue hair?shyt looks stupid, especially since young trunks still has purple hair. again non Canon in my eyes, can't be too pissed, even tho DBS is shytting on the DB Legacy just as bad as GT this shyt better be good because that filler arc was.
There isn't another universe Goku and only 2 timelines have a Goku that's alive. Plus almost all earring are drawn like that in DB so I'm not hopping on the fusion or gives him abilities gimmick, but I could be wrong.
Why goku, shld have been black gohan wld have been more drama for trunks and showcased what u pure evil trained gohan cld do and play on his hidden power.
Why goku, shld have been black gohan wld have been more drama for trunks and showcased what u pure evil trained gohan cld do and play on his hidden power.