Essential Dragonball Super? New series set after Majin Buu saga


Aug 29, 2013
Stop it nikka don't ever compare one piece to dragon ball they not in the same stratosphere. In one piece all the characters get some shine in Dragonball beside goku all the side characters are cannon fodder :upsetfavre:
Not necessary for Dragonball but definitely Dragon Ball Z


Aug 29, 2013
They mention him in "Battle of the gods" And since Battle of the gods is cannon............

nikka shut up. No one in they right mind has db>dbz

Cell saga shyts on anything that DB has. :birdman: Caping for Tien Yamcha and
Krillin :scust:
nikka you shut the fukk up

Dragonball's story shyts all over DBZ.
fukk outta here DBZ was the same ol bull shyt every saga

- Goku reaches a new height in Power Level

- Introduce new Villain that either wants to A. Kill Goku
B. Collect Dragonballs and wish for immortality

- Goku's friends get the brakes beat out of them

- Goku arrives right on time to save them, gets rid of the scrubs with ease but struggles with main Villain

- Goku attempts to burrow energy from other inhabitants rather its just to charge his Ki or perform a Spirit Spirit in which the Spirit Bomb failed every time until the Buu Saga

- Goku is in a situation where his back is agaisnt the wall and seems he will lose but in comes a random miracle to save the day

- Goku wins, they use Dragonballa to fix the damages and back to square one

And Frieza Saga > Cell

Cell too much filler just to lead to Gohan finally surpassing his father.

Hercule :scust:

We never get to see a full out fight between Gohan and Cell especially after Cell returned after blowing himself up. Will never know who was stronger at the time


Dragonball had real martial arts and just better writing period

DBZ is dope but it was made for you ADD nikkas.


Aug 29, 2013
The Cell Saga wasn't even as good Frieza, my dude :leostare:

Cell introduced a lot of dope characters (future Trunks :krs:), but the writing took a major nosedive. Too much of the story relied on the heroes not being on point.

Bulma bringing her baby to see the androids :dahell:
Yamcha not warning the other Z fighters about the Androids' energy draining capabilities after nearly getting earthed :dahell:
Doctor Gero activating 17 and 18 before knowing they would actually listen to his crusty old :flabbynsick: self :dahell:
Cell having Piccolo's DNA and data on all of the Z fighters and STILL not knowing that Piccolo can regenerate :dahell:
17 still trying to act hard around Cell and getting absorbed, right after Cell had bodied his equal, Piccolo :dahell:
Krillin not getting 18 OUT OF THERE before Cell noticed :dahell:
Vegeta LETTING Cell go perfect just to try and show up Goku :dahell:
Bulma not TELLING 16 that she removed the bomb from his body :dahell:
Goku giving Cell a senzu bean like ":gladbron: let's keep it a fair fight! " :dahell:
Gohan not finishing Cell when he had the chance and getting Trunks and Goku murked :dahell:
Goku taking 20 years to say his goodbyes when he could have teleported, grabbed King Kai and his Monkey, and gotten out of there :dahell:

It still had it's moments, but OG Dragonball (especially the tournaments) and the Saiyan/Frieza arcs >>>
Just a quick reminder he already used up all his energy to use Instant Transmission to get Cell away from Earth, by the time he gather the energy he needed for a second time it would have been too late


In Beats We Trust
Jul 12, 2013
Religion is dumb b
nikka you shut the fukk up

Dragonball's story shyts all over DBZ.
fukk outta here DBZ was the same ol bull shyt every saga

- Goku reaches a new height in Power Level

(1) - Introduce new Villain that either wants to A. Kill Goku
B. Collect Dragonballs and wish for immortality

(2) - Goku's friends get the brakes beat out of them

(3) - Goku arrives right on time to save them, gets rid of the scrubs with ease but struggles with main Villain

(4) - Goku attempts to burrow energy from other inhabitants rather its just to charge his Ki or perform a Spirit Spirit in which the Spirit Bomb failed every time until the Buu Saga

- Goku is in a situation where his back is agaisnt the wall and seems he will lose but in comes a random miracle to save the day

- Goku wins, they use Dragonballa to fix the damages and back to square one

And Frieza Saga > Cell

(5) Cell too much filler just to lead to Gohan finally surpassing his father.

Hercule :scust:

(6) We never get to see a full out fight between Gohan and Cell especially after Cell returned after blowing himself up. Will never know who was stronger at the time


(7) Dragonball had real martial arts and just better writing period

DBZ is dope but it was made for you ADD nikkas.

A lot of things wrong with this: (I'm not even going to touch upon DB vs DBZ because DB was more often than not pure comedy rather than seriousness...Yamcha won a fight by Bulma exposing her breasts, really?)

1) Babidi / Majin Buu wanted neither.
2) You're complaining about every anime in history here. What anime has someone winning ALL the time?
3) Most Battles after Frieza actually did not happen like this at all...
4) Just kidding, you're absolutely correct about that. Sad thing is vs. Kid Buu he didn't need to do this at all. Both Gotenks AND Gohan were stronger than Kid Buu, he could've teleported them to the battle field.
5) Are we going to not mention all the filler in DB? Which in all honesty should not be the fault of the story itself because the manga almost ALWAYS got to the point.
6) It's quite clear Cell even in Super Perfect form was simply no match for a completely un-battle damaged SS2 Gohan
7) I could right a 10 page thesis on why DB had non-realistic martial arts. :stopitslime::mjlol:

There were others you said but I just don't care to fix them :yeshrug:


Great Value Man™
Nov 14, 2014
I wonder if the format will be the same?:lupe:
Like since no more manga,no more filler I guess
Are the trademark staredowns and power ups gone for good?:lupe:
When the hell did king kai get his planet back?
Will Goku abandon his family at the very next opportunity?:troll:



In Beats We Trust
Jul 12, 2013
Religion is dumb b
1) Yamcha not warning the other Z fighters about the Androids' energy draining capabilities after nearly getting earthed :dahell:
2) Doctor Gero activating 17 and 18 before knowing they would actually listen to his crusty old :flabbynsick: self :dahell:
3) Cell having Piccolo's DNA and data on all of the Z fighters and STILL not knowing that Piccolo can regenerate :dahell:
4) Krillin not getting 18 OUT OF THERE before Cell noticed :dahell:
5) Vegeta LETTING Cell go perfect just to try and show up Goku :dahell:
6) Goku giving Cell a senzu bean like ":gladbron: let's keep it a fair fight! " :dahell:
7) Gohan not finishing Cell when he had the chance and getting Trunks and Goku murked :dahell:
8) Goku taking 20 years to say his goodbyes when he could have teleported, grabbed King Kai and his Monkey, and gotten out of there :dahell:

1) It's yamcha...This is the same nikka who died to a saibaman.
2) He had no other choice...his fault was butterfingering the remote or disrespecting them after he clearly knew he was at their whim.
3) Indeed. But that might've been a manga to anime inconsistency
4) He can't really force 18 to do anything...
5) It's Vegeta's flaw. It's also Cell's Flaw which he inherited from Vegeta. He could've easily kill Trunks, Gohan, Goku and Vegeta but proceeded to not in the spirit of warrior pride
6) This was dumb, but the only truly idiotic thing was not taking one himself.
7) SS2 did that to him. It is said when you first transform you lose control of yourself somewhat. Which is why he became an arrogant a$$hole.
8) Again this is an anime fault. What ACTUALLY happened was Goku teleported to King Kai's planet. No dialogue no nothing. Immediate explosion.