The Cell Saga wasn't even as good Frieza, my dude
Cell introduced a lot of dope characters (future Trunks

), but the writing took a major nosedive. Too much of the story relied on the heroes not being on point.
Bulma bringing her baby to see the androids

Yamcha not warning the other Z fighters about the Androids' energy draining capabilities after nearly getting earthed

Doctor Gero activating 17 and 18 before knowing they would actually listen to his crusty old


Cell having Piccolo's DNA and data on all of the Z fighters and STILL not knowing that Piccolo can regenerate

17 still trying to act hard around Cell and getting absorbed, right after Cell had bodied his equal, Piccolo

Krillin not getting 18 OUT OF THERE before Cell noticed

Vegeta LETTING Cell go perfect just to try and show up Goku

Bulma not TELLING 16 that she removed the bomb from his body

Goku giving Cell a senzu bean like "

let's keep it a fair fight! "

Gohan not finishing Cell when he had the chance and getting Trunks and Goku murked
Goku taking 20 years to say his goodbyes when he could have teleported, grabbed King Kai and his Monkey, and gotten out of there
It still had it's moments, but OG Dragonball (especially the tournaments) and the Saiyan/Frieza arcs >>>