Hit Noooo. He went out hard but he had too much pride right there, should of let the crew help. Jiren continues to impress, this is now 3 Episodes in a row. My Mans straight went into meditation in the middle of the battle, that was hard. Loved the new Namakians. Goku was still looking weak and tired. OMG @ Freeza. Helping out AGAIN. I just don't believe this, he has some ulterior motive but not only did he give power to the Genki Dama but he also help to revive Goku. Overall I liked the Hit V Jiren, Hit did his thing but I don't know if he should of faught him right after Goku, Jiren was really warmed up after that. Overall enjoyed it. But I really felt Hit was going to make it to near the end, this is a Shock Elimination for me. Jiren really got him with that same move he got Kale. Damn.