Dragon Ball Z movie 2015 FRIEEZA BACK!(edit Oct 9 2015: english dub out)


All outta Gill
Jun 17, 2012
I heard that Toriyama wanted to make Vegeta the hero of this movie but It will most likely feature Goku for most of it and then Vegeta will be the one to end it.

I just want the movie to make sense. If Goku loses there better be a good reason why and if Vegeta is the one who saves the day there better be a good reason why.

I was thinking the other day about Toriyama saying that he wanted pull back on the SSJ transformations and focus more on their base levels. And I thought it would be a cool idea for Wiess to teach both Goku and Vegeta how to unlock their SSJ power without transforming. Basically they would be transferring their SSJ power into their base form and no longer need to go SSJ anymore because they basically already are. And to add to this and to show that they are using SSJ power at base form,when they power up they would still have a yellow aura to signify that the SSJ ki is now embedded within them.
I know its a bit much but it would be a good way to trim the fat of the transformations but still show the significance of the power they give without just throwing the transformations into the bushes.
Yea I also agree with what you said about gohan, he suppossed to be the strongest without transforming. Yet he does and is weak ass fukk. DBZ writing just sucks.

Erik Killmonger

Apr 29, 2014
English Dub on 4/11/15 :banderas:



World Premiere April 11, 2015 at Egyptian Theatre in Los Angeles, CA It’s the news fans have been waiting for! FUNimation Entertainment is proud to announce its acquisition of the theatrical, home entertainment, video on demand and broadcast rights to the upcoming Japanese animated feature film Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ represents the nineteenth feature film in the Dragon Ball series. Series creator Akira Toriyama was directly involved in the film’s production, just as he was in the highly successful Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. The English dub of the new film will be released in theaters across North America in Summer 2015. However, fans of the franchise may not have to wait until summer to get a look at the film! FUNimation Entertainment has teamed up with 20th Century FOX & Toei Animation to host the world premiere of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ (in Japanese w/ English subtitles) at the Egyptian Theatre in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, April 11. So, if you’re in the Los Angeles area you can be among the first in the world to see Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’. A limited amount of tickets to the premiere will be available to fans and the general public beginning today at dragonballz.com. For more information on Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, and to purchase tickets to the world premiere, please visit dragonballz.com. Tickets are extremely limited. To stay up to date on the latest information about Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ be sure to like us on Facebook at facebook.com/dragonballz & facebook.com/funimation , and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/funimation. - See more at: http://www.funimation.com/blog/2015...ncement&utm_nooverride=1#sthash.WMozZmhL.dpuf

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
One aspect of DBZ that was always wack was the infinite transformations and power levels. From the beginning of DBZ when power levels were less than 9000 to the end when they were in the tens or hundreds of millions? :childplease:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Dragon Ball Z: Revival of F Chapter 2 Complete Spoilers
by Kevin Sanchez · March 17, 2015 3:26 pm EST (1 day ago)

The latest V-Jump has the second chapter of the Dragon Ball Z” Revival of F manga and thanks toSteelBallJack he has translated the script in its entirety. You can check out what’s going on this time around below.

Summary of Page 1: Goku and Vegeta seem to be training with Whis in Beerus’ Temple

Page 2: Goku and Vegeta Vs. Whis

Goku & Vegeta: HAAA!!!

Goku & Vegeta: I’m hurting so bad…..

PAGE 3-5: Whis Dodging/Countering Their Attacks Effortlessly

Vegeta: Kakkorot, Where the hell were you aiming your punches!?

Goku: I wasn’t trying to hit you, Vegeta!!

Whis: Oh my…

Vegeta: Kakkorot, Stay back!

PAGE 6: Goku Charging At Whis After Vegeta’s High Kick Gets Countered

Whis: Oh…

Page 7-11: Goku’s Attacks Aren’t Landing As He Get’s Blocked and Countered, Whis Grabs Him By The Neck and Tosses Him

Page 12: Vegeta Gets Back Up and Goku and Vegeta Attack At The Same Time

PAGE 13: Whis Grabs Both Of Their Wrists and Writes Symbols On Goku and Vegeta’s Clothing

Whis: Ok, please stop.

Whis: There is no way you are prepared, you are far too slow.

Whis: I managed to even write my signature on you, see.

Goku: Wait… when did he…

PAGE 14: Whis Gives Goku and Vegeta Advice

Whis: The two of you are planning your actions within your heads. Especially you, Vegeta.

Whis: You see, it takes time for your thoughts and senses to reach your body in order to perform your attacks.

Goku: You’re right, that’s very Vegeta-like!

Vegeta: Shut up! You are the one who is a total blockhead!!

Whis: Though it may be difficult, allowing every part of your body to perform its own attack without thinking would be the better choice, in my humble opinion.

Whis: You see, even Lord Beerus has not reached perfection yet.

Whis: By overcoming this, you will be able to evade even the most dangerous of circumstances.

Whis: Even if this takes a while, I will make sure you are ready.

Whis: Of course I will want some delicious food in exchange for the training!

Vegeta: You’re saying you can make us much stronger?

Whis: Of course.

PAGE 14: Whis Steps In Poop

Goku: But Mr. Whis, you are standing in poop.

Whis: AHHH!!!

Whis: Hohoho…

Whis: It seems my shoes would not allow me to move.

Whis: Oh while we are on the matter, Mr. Vegeta.

PAGE 15:

Vegeta: Wh….what!?

Whis: Regardless that you are a battle genius, you seem to want to be one step ahead of Mr. Goku.

Vegeta: Ho.. how dare you say that so bluntly…

Whis: Do you know why?

Vegeta/Goku: Like I would know that!

Whis: It’s simple, you tend to over strain your mental state too much.

Whis: At crucial points you are not at your full power. Therefore it is best that when youneed to relax you should kick up your feet and take some time off to rest your body. Exactly like Mr. Goku does.

Goku: Haha, exactly Vegeta!!

Whis: On the other hand….

PAGE 16: Whis Surprise Attacks Goku

Goku: Owwwchhh, wha… what the hell!?

Whis: Although too much relaxation is also a problem. Overconfidence can also lead to problems. Even if you are very strong, taking the power out of you will leave your body brittle and weak. By being too presumptuous leaves you being too careless.

Vegeta: Ha.. exactly.

Goku: Ouuuchhh…tha..thats nonsense!

Beerus: What now?

Beerus: Would you guys keep it down…

PAGE 17: Lord Beerus Can’t Sleep With All The Noise

Goku: L… Lord Beerus

Beerus: I can’t sleep!

PAGE 18: Beerus Launches A Blast At Goku and Vegeta Then Sleep Walks To Rest On A Tree

Goku: Woah…

Goku: If..if that hit us dead on, we would be goners!!

PAGE 19:

Whis: He’s always like this when he’s sleepy.

Whis: It was extremely dark after he destroyed those two suns there.

Goku: How did you get them back?

Goku: Can you also create stars?

Whis: Oh no, I can however create do-overs.

Goku: Do-overs?

Whis: I can go back in time a little bit just before he does something stupid and give him a little punch to stop him from doing so.

Vegeta: What the hell are you?

Whis: Hohoho, well, how shall I say this?…

Whis: It seems…

Whis: I’m a life-form known as Whis.

PAGE 23: Frieza And His Army Are Heading Out

Piccolo: I was right when I thought I had a bad feeling….

Gohan: Dende, send everyone a message!!

Dende: Wi..will do!

Gohan: They’re at the Northern Capital!

PAGE 24: Frieza Launches A Beam Aiming At The City

Frieza: Open a path for me would you.

PAGE 25: Frieza Is Watching The Explosion

Frieza: Hohoho

PAGE 26: Gohan and Piccolo Find Frieza

Frieza: That was just a mere greeting.

Gohan: What..what’s going on at the Eastern Capital!?

PAGE 27: Tien, Krillen and Master Roshi Join Up With Them

Gohan: Mr. Tien!!

Tien: I left without Chaozu and Yamcha, this is far too dangerous.

Gohan: Mrs. Bulma told me not to mention anything to Trunks or Goten. I agree, I don’t want them involved.

Master Roshi: Yaho!!

PAGE 28:

Master Roshi: Sorry I’m late!

Master Roshi: I went to Lord Karins Tower to pick up some Senzu beans.

Krillin: Where are Goku and Vegeta?

Tien: It seems they need more time.

Krillin: Well as long as Buu is…

Krillin: Wait.. wheres Buu!?

Gohan: He’s not coming…

Gohan: It seems that once he has fallen asleep, it is near impossible to wake him up…

Master Roshi: What!? So without him, there are only 5 of us…

Master Roshi: Anyhow Gohan, are you still furthering your training?

Gohan: S…sorry I haven’t.. But I can still go Super Saiyan! I think..

Frieza: Ahh everyone, glad you could make it.

PAGE 29:

Piccolo: Frieza… so it was you who was reborn due to the Dragonballs…

Frieza: Is Goku not ready yet?

Piccolo: He’s not here. He’s training on another world.

Frieza: So he’s not on Earth?

Frieza: Where may I find him?

Sorbet: Lord Frieza, look…

Sorbet: Isn’t that a Spaceship?…

PAGE 30:

Gohan: Huh?

Frieza: Oh I see now, you are making an appearance shown via spaceship…

Frieza: I’ve be waiting for you….Goku….


All Star
May 1, 2012
Dragon Ball Z: Revival of F Chapter 2 Complete Spoilers
by Kevin Sanchez · March 17, 2015 3:26 pm EST (1 day ago)

The latest V-Jump has the second chapter of the Dragon Ball Z” Revival of F manga and thanks toSteelBallJack he has translated the script in its entirety. You can check out what’s going on this time around below.

Summary of Page 1: Goku and Vegeta seem to be training with Whis in Beerus’ Temple

Page 2: Goku and Vegeta Vs. Whis

Goku & Vegeta: HAAA!!!

Goku & Vegeta: I’m hurting so bad…..

PAGE 3-5: Whis Dodging/Countering Their Attacks Effortlessly

Vegeta: Kakkorot, Where the hell were you aiming your punches!?

Goku: I wasn’t trying to hit you, Vegeta!!

Whis: Oh my…

Vegeta: Kakkorot, Stay back!

PAGE 6: Goku Charging At Whis After Vegeta’s High Kick Gets Countered

Whis: Oh…

Page 7-11: Goku’s Attacks Aren’t Landing As He Get’s Blocked and Countered, Whis Grabs Him By The Neck and Tosses Him

Page 12: Vegeta Gets Back Up and Goku and Vegeta Attack At The Same Time

PAGE 13: Whis Grabs Both Of Their Wrists and Writes Symbols On Goku and Vegeta’s Clothing

Whis: Ok, please stop.

Whis: There is no way you are prepared, you are far too slow.

Whis: I managed to even write my signature on you, see.

Goku: Wait… when did he…

PAGE 14: Whis Gives Goku and Vegeta Advice

Whis: The two of you are planning your actions within your heads. Especially you, Vegeta.

Whis: You see, it takes time for your thoughts and senses to reach your body in order to perform your attacks.

Goku: You’re right, that’s very Vegeta-like!

Vegeta: Shut up! You are the one who is a total blockhead!!

Whis: Though it may be difficult, allowing every part of your body to perform its own attack without thinking would be the better choice, in my humble opinion.

Whis: You see, even Lord Beerus has not reached perfection yet.

Whis: By overcoming this, you will be able to evade even the most dangerous of circumstances.

Whis: Even if this takes a while, I will make sure you are ready.

Whis: Of course I will want some delicious food in exchange for the training!

Vegeta: You’re saying you can make us much stronger?

Whis: Of course.

PAGE 14: Whis Steps In Poop

Goku: But Mr. Whis, you are standing in poop.

Whis: AHHH!!!

Whis: Hohoho…

Whis: It seems my shoes would not allow me to move.

Whis: Oh while we are on the matter, Mr. Vegeta.

PAGE 15:

Vegeta: Wh….what!?

Whis: Regardless that you are a battle genius, you seem to want to be one step ahead of Mr. Goku.

Vegeta: Ho.. how dare you say that so bluntly…

Whis: Do you know why?

Vegeta/Goku: Like I would know that!

Whis: It’s simple, you tend to over strain your mental state too much.

Whis: At crucial points you are not at your full power. Therefore it is best that when youneed to relax you should kick up your feet and take some time off to rest your body. Exactly like Mr. Goku does.

Goku: Haha, exactly Vegeta!!

Whis: On the other hand….

PAGE 16: Whis Surprise Attacks Goku

Goku: Owwwchhh, wha… what the hell!?

Whis: Although too much relaxation is also a problem. Overconfidence can also lead to problems. Even if you are very strong, taking the power out of you will leave your body brittle and weak. By being too presumptuous leaves you being too careless.

Vegeta: Ha.. exactly.

Goku: Ouuuchhh…tha..thats nonsense!

Beerus: What now?

Beerus: Would you guys keep it down…

PAGE 17: Lord Beerus Can’t Sleep With All The Noise

Goku: L… Lord Beerus

Beerus: I can’t sleep!

PAGE 18: Beerus Launches A Blast At Goku and Vegeta Then Sleep Walks To Rest On A Tree

Goku: Woah…

Goku: If..if that hit us dead on, we would be goners!!

PAGE 19:

Whis: He’s always like this when he’s sleepy.

Whis: It was extremely dark after he destroyed those two suns there.

Goku: How did you get them back?

Goku: Can you also create stars?

Whis: Oh no, I can however create do-overs.

Goku: Do-overs?

Whis: I can go back in time a little bit just before he does something stupid and give him a little punch to stop him from doing so.

Vegeta: What the hell are you?

Whis: Hohoho, well, how shall I say this?…

Whis: It seems…

Whis: I’m a life-form known as Whis.

PAGE 23: Frieza And His Army Are Heading Out

Piccolo: I was right when I thought I had a bad feeling….

Gohan: Dende, send everyone a message!!

Dende: Wi..will do!

Gohan: They’re at the Northern Capital!

PAGE 24: Frieza Launches A Beam Aiming At The City

Frieza: Open a path for me would you.

PAGE 25: Frieza Is Watching The Explosion

Frieza: Hohoho

PAGE 26: Gohan and Piccolo Find Frieza

Frieza: That was just a mere greeting.

Gohan: What..what’s going on at the Eastern Capital!?

PAGE 27: Tien, Krillen and Master Roshi Join Up With Them

Gohan: Mr. Tien!!

Tien: I left without Chaozu and Yamcha, this is far too dangerous.

Gohan: Mrs. Bulma told me not to mention anything to Trunks or Goten. I agree, I don’t want them involved.

Master Roshi: Yaho!!

PAGE 28:

Master Roshi: Sorry I’m late!

Master Roshi: I went to Lord Karins Tower to pick up some Senzu beans.

Krillin: Where are Goku and Vegeta?

Tien: It seems they need more time.

Krillin: Well as long as Buu is…

Krillin: Wait.. wheres Buu!?

Gohan: He’s not coming…

Gohan: It seems that once he has fallen asleep, it is near impossible to wake him up…

Master Roshi: What!? So without him, there are only 5 of us…

Master Roshi: Anyhow Gohan, are you still furthering your training?

Gohan: S…sorry I haven’t.. But I can still go Super Saiyan! I think..

Frieza: Ahh everyone, glad you could make it.

PAGE 29:

Piccolo: Frieza… so it was you who was reborn due to the Dragonballs…

Frieza: Is Goku not ready yet?

Piccolo: He’s not here. He’s training on another world.

Frieza: So he’s not on Earth?

Frieza: Where may I find him?

Sorbet: Lord Frieza, look…

Sorbet: Isn’t that a Spaceship?…

PAGE 30:

Gohan: Huh?

Frieza: Oh I see now, you are making an appearance shown via spaceship…

Frieza: I’ve be waiting for you….Goku….

Gohan fans are going to be furious :russ:
May 13, 2013
Capsule Corp
I guess this movie is too dark for the comic relief characters to get screen time this go round, I prolly woulda felt a type of way seeing Buu get beat up by Frieza anyway, thats just a weird thing to picture:patrice: and Trunks/Goten are about 15 and 14 in this movie and they still treating them like babies:camby:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I guess this movie is too dark for the comic relief characters to get screen time this go round, I prolly woulda felt a type of way seeing Buu get beat up by Frieza anyway, thats just a weird thing to picture:patrice: and Trunks/Goten are about 15 and 14 in this movie and they still treating them like babies:camby:

Yeah, seeing Fat Buu getting whooped by him would be :wtf: to say the least