I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
certs as in? computer related?
Yeah. I'm in information security.
certs as in? computer related?
Breh Ima keep 100 with you I'm drunk right now. There's plenty of books on pan Africanism on amazon. Go read some of em.
If you disagree with the approach
If you one of them nikkas that wanna focus on how difficult it is
Either way, I fukks with Umar
Tell Umar to create a Google wallet account, I ain't writing no damn checks anymore.
You my nikka bdizzle but I will pass for now. Maybe later when we are actually doing business together and I know you on a personal level.I have a Google wallet account. Send me the money and I'll make sure it gets to him
We must fix home before we can fix aboard and same there but if we are on the same page, we can start the process.1. The US has military personnel for ops in Chad, Niger, Mali, Djibouti, Somalia, CAR, SSudan, Uganda, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia. Here are their drone bases U.S. Drone and Surveillance Flight Bases in Africa Map and Photos | Public Intelligence
How do you think its practical that ANY African nation go against the will of White supremacy without facing the threat of White supremacy and destabilization? Africans will have to figure that out and them alone.
2. You mention resources, what use do AA have for oil, uranium, diamonds, precious metals and how do we afford them, let alone not piss off Western governments who would quickly demonize us? Ideas like Black Hollywood and Nollywood collaborating are great and are a start but they aren't going to incite wide scale change as long as both groups live under White supremacy.
3. Reparations are a nice idea and some have made great, logical arguments (see Ta-Nehisi Coates), but as long as they make up 60%, why would they go by logic? Isn't a characteristic of White Supremacy a willful ignorance?
2 major road blocks:
1. Capitalism ALWAYS favor whichever group has the $$$. Whats the best way to ensure your group has the most $$$? Population. With $$$, you can buy any minority group's culture and subvert and mold it to what you see fit. Why does that matter? Well as long as Blacks are 12% of the population, ANY positive movement we create can be bought out. ANY.
2. Africans breaking free of Western influence. It is possible by aligning with the East (China & Russia) but it will take time. If they can break free, they can mold Africa in their image and begin to stabilize and grow. Only then does it make sense for dual African citizenship for all people of indigenous African ancestry.
Heck, I think it makes MORE sense for African Americans, Caribbeans and Brazilians to have a dialogue due to a shared history than it does for any of them with Africa *at the moment.* Africans have to solve their own internal issues and unite before pan Africanism is feasible on a large scale.
You my nikka bdizzle but I will pass for now. Maybe later when we are actually doing business together and I know you on a personal level.
No, I didn't say that, I said I ain't giving you the money breh till I know you better. As far as Dr. Umar school, I will help his cause without question. I just need more information is all.So lemme get this straight, I tell you to come out your pockets with that bread and you tell me no ???
Don't you stay in Atlanta? Ima come see you breh. You gon give up that paper
No, I didn't say that, I said I ain't giving you the money breh till I know you better. As far as Dr. Umar school, I will help his cause without question. I just need more information is all.
Breh, stop it. You are my homie. You trippin hard right now.Naw breh you came at me disrespectfully. Now restitution gon have to be made. If I don't have 1000 daps by this time tomorrow, don't be surprised if ya granny end up pregnant and your dog go missing
Breh, stop it. You are my homie. You trippin hard right now.
Because Kickstarter, for example, takes 5% off top. Then if you process via a credit card, the CC company takes another 2%. If you add the ability to process your payment via your Amazon account, that's another 3-5%. That's damn near 10% of your money going to processing fees. Not sure if you have to pay taxes on the money you do get, but if so that's another say 5-10% (just guessing on the amount).
I haven't written a check in about 5 years or so. I don't even have any checks. But I'll still be donating. I believe in what he's trying to accomplish.
So, the fact that public schools in black areas are closing nationwide, does not relate what he said?
He asked why do blacks need their own schools. I;m pretty sure you'd need your own schools, if the govt funded ones are closing in your neighborhood.
Not too mention, in the clip, Dr.Umar basically says the school system(public or private) doesn't prepare blacks to succeed (going to college to acquire debt is not suceeding) or challenge white supremacy.