1. The US has military personnel for ops in Chad, Niger, Mali, Djibouti, Somalia, CAR, SSudan, Uganda, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia. Here are their drone bases
U.S. Drone and Surveillance Flight Bases in Africa Map and Photos | Public Intelligence
How do you think its practical that ANY African nation go against the will of White supremacy without facing the threat of White supremacy and destabilization? Africans will have to figure that out and them alone.
2. You mention resources, what use do AA have for oil, uranium, diamonds, precious metals and how do we afford them, let alone not piss off Western governments who would quickly demonize us? Ideas like Black Hollywood and Nollywood collaborating are great and are a start but they aren't going to incite wide scale change as long as both groups live under White supremacy.
3. Reparations are a nice idea and some have made great, logical arguments (see Ta-Nehisi Coates), but as long as they make up 60%, why would they go by logic? Isn't a characteristic of White Supremacy a willful ignorance?
2 major road blocks:
1. Capitalism ALWAYS favor whichever group has the $$$. Whats the best way to ensure your group has the most $$$? Population. With $$$, you can buy any minority group's culture and subvert and mold it to what you see fit. Why does that matter? Well as long as Blacks are 12% of the population, ANY positive movement we create can be bought out. ANY.
2. Africans breaking free of Western influence. It is possible by aligning with the East (China & Russia) but it will take time. If they can break free, they can mold Africa in their image and begin to stabilize and grow. Only then does it make sense for dual African citizenship for all people of indigenous African ancestry.
Heck, I think it makes MORE sense for African Americans, Caribbeans and Brazilians to have a dialogue due to a shared history than it does for any of them with Africa *at the moment.* Africans have to solve their own internal issues and unite before pan Africanism is feasible on a large scale.