That's what's not being done here.... this was a talk about whether or not Umar's intention or genuine. And the only way to gain true equal footing in America is if a borderline extinction level event happened and we had to start all over again from ground zero... Capitalism doesn't work unless there is an underclass...
We can vastly improve our situation....and I mean immensely......but we're literally like 40 years removed from centuries of oppression and its gonna take time
I get that it will take time. You can't change years of oppression in an hour. And in a Capitalist society there will always be an underclass, that is true. And I don't think we have a viable alternative to Capitalism so that's the system we have to operate in right now to gain power within our own communities.
My thing is we don't have to be the ones being in that underclass... and I can accept criticisms on what he's saying. But I see ppl questioning his intentions but we don't do the same thing when it comes to the ppl who we know don't have the collective of black people's best interest in hand. He has done the work for years so questioning his intentions publicly with no evidence to back that up isn't what we should be doing. Unless someone can show documentation of him mishandling donations we should do one of three things:
1. Supporting this project with our money if you believe in it.
2. Offering an alternative if we don't believe in it for whatever reason.
3. And if you have no money to donate, no alternatives and no ideas...just keep quiet.
Because that's the code the ppl winning in the game are utilizing right now. We should be doing the same.
It's respect though