Don’t vote? Veteran Democratic Congressman Still Pushing for Reparations in a Divided America

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
You're just squirming and wriggling try to find any and every excuse not to go against the Republicans with everything you got

(The most effective tool MIGHT be voting)

The premise is

Niqqas be on here saying "don't vote cause the Dems are as bad as or worse than the Republicans"

Then we have this whole back and forth about mass incarceration and Bill Clinton as if Bill Clinton is making the rules in 2018

So OP is underlining a huge way that the Dems are different than the Nazis

Cause some Dems are in fact liberal Black people who have all the same hopes and fears as the good Brehs and Sistren here

But y'all keep reaching and dodging. Fighting as hard as you can to deny the fact that one group is basically a terror cell that has engulfed the US government on some Hail Hydra shyt

So as always I ask


Why you go to such lengths to discredit something like


"But they didn't do it yet. It won't work anyway."














If what you’re saying is true( however rudimentary and simple minded it may be)..that Democrats are inherently good compared to Republicans, where are the rest of the House Dems? That’s a very finite list, Ultimate Warrior.:patrice:

I’m not saying those who co-sponsored don’t want reparations, I’m saying the Dems who don’t support reparations have more power over the Dems who do because they are in the minority. According to your logic those Dems who don’t support reparations are Nazis and that’s where I agree with you :mjgrin:

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Reparations from the Dems is even a hard sell. I believe I dropped a video on the 2008 Dem debate. 8 candidates and only 1 of them said 'yes'. And it wasn't the black candidate. He said 'no'.

So even among Democrats it's an uphill battle. That doesn't mean however, that you don't continue to fight the good fight.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
If what you’re saying is true( however rudimentary and simple minded it may be)..that Democrats are inherently good compared to Republicans, where are the rest of the House Dems? That’s a very finite list, Ultimate Warrior.:patrice:

I’m not saying those who co-sponsored don’t want reparations, I’m saying the Dems who don’t support reparations have more power over the Dems who do because they are in the minority. According to your logic those Dems who don’t support reparations are Nazis and that’s where I agree with you :mjgrin:

You're trying to split the hairs you've already split

I would guess that no amount of reasoning is gonna get you to vote

But one group has SOME people that want things you want

And the other has NO people that are on your side

It's very very simple. Just vote the Repubs out

All right. You've been exposed to all the logic in the world as concerns this concept.


May 21, 2012
If what you’re saying is true( however rudimentary and simple minded it may be)..that Democrats are inherently good compared to Republicans, where are the rest of the House Dems? That’s a very finite list, Ultimate Warrior.:patrice:

Again you are showing your ignorance when it comes to politics. When it comes to cosponsorship, it is not common for the entire caucus to cosponsor a bill. 30+ cosponsors like this bill has is a lot and shows that it has strong democratic backing. For comparison's sake, the Obamacare bill had 40 cosponsors in 2008 and basically all democrats ended up voted for it when it was brought to the floor.


Aug 6, 2015
Buh buh but the coli told me that we shouldn’t vote because black Democratic politicians don’t want to do anything for black people.


Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations

Veteran Congressman Still Pushing for Reparations in a Divided America
By Donna Owens

Is America ready to tackle its history of slavery and possible reparations for Black people? The longest serving member of Congress believes it’s time for constructive dialogue and action.

“I’m not giving up,” said Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) who hosted a Capitol Hill briefing recently that drew activists, legal experts, scholars, politicos and community leaders from across the country. “Slavery is a blemish on this nation’s history, and until it is formally addressed, our country’s story will remain marked by this blight.”

Since 1989, Conyers’—a lawyer and ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee—has repeatedly introduced—HR. 40—a bill that would establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery in the U.S. and its early colonies, and recommend appropriate remedies.

Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) hosted a Capitol Hill briefing about reparations on Thursday, February 16, 2017. Office of John Conyers
In January, the 87-year-old lawmaker re-introduced updated legislation for the 115th Congress. Now titled The Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, it’s similar to the earlier measure but has been amended to reflect expanded legal and societal discourse about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and reparations.

Dozens of groups ranging from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, to the Green Party, have expressed support for the bill.

Related: Bridging Difference Over Dinner in the First 100 Days

“There’s renewed interest and renewed opportunity,” said Dr. Ron Daniels, president of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century and convener of the National African American Reparations Commission. “H.R. 40 is just one aspect of reparations,” he said while moderating the event panel discussion.

Indeed, there’s been increased public discourse around the issue: town halls and forums, legislation and resolutions, scholarly research and articles. To wit, when The Atlantic magazine published its June 2014 cover story “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates, it practically broke the Internet.

“Reparations is repairing or restoring. It’s a formal acknowledgment and apology, recognition that the injury continues, commitment to redress and actual compensation.” — Nkechi Taifa

Groups such as Black Lives Matter have included reparations in their platforms and the issue has had global reach. Last year, a United Nations report concluded that the U.S. should provide reparations to African-Americans for slavery and recent police killings. And at least a dozen Caribbean nations have established a commission to demand reparations from former European slave trading countries.

Moreover, a string of revelations continue to illustrate the deep tentacles of slavery in America’s early economic development. Major academic institutions (most recently Georgetown University) have acknowledged ties to the slave trade. New York Life and other firms have admitted they profited by selling 19th Century policies covering slaves, considered `chattel’ or property.

Nkechi Taifa, a human rights lawyer and panel presenter told attendees the “unjust enrichment” of individuals, companies and the U.S. government itself from slavery’s “generations of labor, deprivation and terrorism,” cries out for remedy.

“Reparations is repairing or restoring,” Taifa said. “It’s a formal acknowledgment and apology, recognition that the injury continues, commitment to redress and actual compensation.”

While “symbolic” resolutions did come under the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, she added, they included disclaimers that forbade monetary claims.

Yet there’s ample legal precedent for reparations, be it financial settlements in the 1980s for Japanese Americans who were placed in U.S. internment camps during World War II, restoration of lands to Native Americans, or billions that Germany paid Jewish Holocaust survivors.

“This is not just about the money,” said Taifa, “but repairs.”

Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) hosted a Capitol Hill briefing about reparations on Thursday, February 16, 2017. From left to right: Nkechi Taifa, Esq.; Dr. Ron Daniels, Institute of the Black World 21st Century; Mashariki Jywanza, National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (NCOBRA); Kamm Howard, (NCOBRA)Courtesy John Conyers staff
In a letter to Congressional colleagues, Conyers said the harm caused by slavery has reverberated for centuries and impacted descendants. After decades of Jim Crow segregation there’s been racial discrimination and policies that still affect many African-Americans today in education, housing, healthcare, and criminal justice.

A 2016 poll showed nearly seven in 10 Americans oppose paying reparations to African Americans, with opinions skewing along racial lines. The Exclusive Point Taken-Marist study (commissioned by WGBH Boston for its PBS debate series Point Taken) showed while white Americans overwhelmingly oppose restitution, a majority of African Americans favor redress; Latino Americans were about evenly divided. Older generations were more likely to oppose reparations while more than half of Millennials favored it.

Kamm Howard, a legislative committee co-chair with the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America(NCOBRA) said despite the hurdles around reparations, advocates would push forward. He said the next step is drumming up more legislative support for H.R. 40—which references the “40 acres and a mule” promised by the Union in 1865 to an estimated four million newly freed slaves.

Related: Michelle Obama’s Speech and the Powerful Realities of American Slavery

When the Democrats controlled Congress, Conyers’ measure had as many as 70 co-sponsors; to date, fewer than two-dozen lawmakers have signed on. Attendees were urged to contact their Congressional representatives and exert political pressure so the bill does not wither on the vine yet again.

“Years ago, the reparations bill had a lot of momentum, and I think the issue still does,” said Mashariki Jywanza, an Indiana educator and NCOBRA member who traveled to Washington, D.C., for the briefing. “We have a new generation of young people who can help us organize and make it happen,” she said.

Amy Fiske, a college professor from West Virginia, plans to advocate around the issue. She was among a handful of white attendees at the briefing, but stressed that her conviction isn’t about race. “Reparations is a moral issue. Slavery was wrong for 400 years and it’s been a blot on the national body politic. We have to fix that, although the debt is so huge I don’t know how we could ever pay it back.”

For now, the reparations legislation has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice. At press time, no other action had been taken.

I have been following this closely. Black Democrats are scared to show support to reparations and indeed doing so -- and out and loud about illegal immigration. This is an MAJOR problem.

I was working with Mr. Conyers office on helping with the H.R. 40 and Census classification outreach -- before he was succeeded by Don Young.

This is at a standstill. Actions - H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act

As of March --
03/08/2018-11:58am ASSUMING FIRST SPONSORSHIP - Ms. Jackson Lee asked unanimous consent that she may hereafter be considered as the first sponsor of H.R. 40, a bill originally introduced by former Representative Conyers, for purposes of adding cosponsors and requesting reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Agreed to without objection.

Since Ms. Jackson Lee asking to be the first sponsor -- only 3 more have been added for 2018. Meaning those who showed support in 2017 -- have NOT in 2018 -- and probably won't in 2019.

Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-2] 05/15/2018
Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] 06/26/2018
Rep. Jeffries, Hakeem S. [D-NY-8] 06/26/2018

NOTHING has happened since he left. The bill was not introduced at all in 2018.

The Black organizations nor Democrats have stepped up for H.R. 40 to introduce the bill for 2019.


May 21, 2012
I have been following this closely. Black Democrats are scared to show support to reparations and indeed doing so -- and out and loud about illegal immigration. This is an MAJOR problem.

I was working with Mr. Conyers office on helping with the H.R. 40 and Census classification outreach -- before he was succeeded by Don Young.

This is at a standstill. Actions - H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act

As of March --
03/08/2018-11:58am ASSUMING FIRST SPONSORSHIP - Ms. Jackson Lee asked unanimous consent that she may hereafter be considered as the first sponsor of H.R. 40, a bill originally introduced by former Representative Conyers, for purposes of adding cosponsors and requesting reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Agreed to without objection.

Since Ms. Jackson Lee asking to be the first sponsor -- only 3 more have been added for 2018. Meaning those who showed support in 2017 -- have NOT in 2018 -- and probably won't in 2019.

Rep. Evans, Dwight [D-PA-2] 05/15/2018
Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] 06/26/2018
Rep. Jeffries, Hakeem S. [D-NY-8] 06/26/2018

NOTHING has happened since he left. The bill was not introduced at all in 2018.

The Black organizations nor Democrats have stepped up for H.R. 40 to introduce the bill for 2019.

You're reading it wrong. Those 4 have been ADDED to the list of cosponsors. My information showed the list of cosponsors at 31. Now it shows it at 35 included the people you have listed:

Cosponsors - H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act


May 21, 2012
:mjlol: @ the reaching people are doing to discredit this after months and months of bytching and whining that liberals and democrats never have tried to do anything specifically for black people.


Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
Again you are showing your ignorance when it comes to politics. When it comes to cosponsorship, it is not common for the entire caucus to cosponsor a bill. 30+ cosponsors like this bill has is a lot and shows that it has strong democratic backing. For comparison's sake, the Obamacare bill had 40 cosponsors in 2008 and basically all democrats ended up voted for it when it was brought to the floor.
Again you are making excuses and being disingenuous because the majority of Dems including the fukking president outright said no to reparations


May 21, 2012
Again you are making excuses and being disingenuous because the majority of Dems including the fukking president outright said no to reparations

No they did not. Obama said that it was probably not realistic due to the current makeup of congress of the time. Again, this bill got almost the same amount of cosponsors of Obamacare for christ sakes. Give me receipts for the majority of dems saying no to reparations. You can't because you just pulled that statement out of your ass.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
No they did not. Obama said that it was probably not realistic due to the current makeup of congress of the time. Again, this bill got almost the same amount of cosponsors of Obamacare for christ sakes. Give me receipts for the majority of dems saying no to reparations. You can't because you just pulled that statement out of your ass.
Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who once called for Trump's assassination, urged white Democrats to back slavery reparations

Chappelle-Nadal said Democratic Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill should add slavery reparations to the national Democratic platform as she says both parties have failed African-Americans, the Kansas City Star first reported. Chappelle-Nadal gained widespread notoriety last year for a Facebook post longing for President Donald Trump’s assassination and a later tweet comparing him to Adolf Hitler, but her comments this week honed in on members of her own party

Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bernie Sanders and Reparations - The Atlantic

Last week Bernie Sanders was asked whether he was in favor of “reparations for slavery.” It is worth considering Sanders’s response in full:

No, I don’t think so. First of all, its likelihood of getting through Congress is nil. Second of all, I think it would be very divisive. The real issue is when we look at the poverty rate among the African American community, when we look at the high unemployment rate within the African American community, we have a lot of work to do.

I keep receipts :mjlit:
Last edited:


May 21, 2012
Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who once called for Trump's assassination, urged white Democrats to back slavery reparations

Chappelle-Nadal said Democratic Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill should add slavery reparations to the national Democratic platform as she says both parties have failed African-Americans, the Kansas City Star first reported. Chappelle-Nadal gained widespread notoriety last year for a Facebook post longing for President Donald Trump’s assassination and a later tweet comparing him to Adolf Hitler, but her comments this week honed in on members of her own party

I keep receipts :mjlit:

You're grasping for straws if the evidence you have of democrats not supporting reparations (despite a democrat sponsoring a reparations bill with 35 fellow democratic cosponsors) is one state senator (a DEMOCRAT I may add) chastising another democratic senator because McCaskill told her to resign for saying Trump should be assassinated.

Just give it up bro. You want to believe something so bad that you're clinging onto whatever you can to reaffirm that belief. It's sad.


Aug 6, 2015
You're reading it wrong. Those 4 have been ADDED to the list of cosponsors. My information showed the list of cosponsors at 31. Now it shows it at 35 included the people you have listed:

Cosponsors - H.R.40 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act

John Conyers has re-introduced HR 40 every Congress since 1989, and did so up until 2017. He re-introduced the bill last on 1.03.2017.

Yes - the period of 2017-2018 -- the bill now has 35 co-sponsors -- ( including the three I mentioned who signed this year).

But, if you check this link (click here) - you will see the bill has already been sent to a committee -- and it has stayed there -- and won't be moving. And left to die.

Therefore -- it must be re-introduced every year. You can also see the co-sponsors every year it's re-introduced. Some years it's been over 40 co-sponsors -- some years under 5. The 2017-2018 was/is 35. But, the three added to the bill will remain only for that year of the bill - which lends support - but what does it matter if it's such in a committee left to die.

Most bills — about 90% — die in committee or subcommittee, where they are pigeonholed, or simply forgotten and never discussed.

Before a bill becomes a law it must pass both houses of Congress and signed into law by the President. It may begin its journey at any time, but it must be passed during the same congressional session of its proposal, a period of one year. If it does not complete the process, it is dropped, and can only be revived through reintroduction and going through the whole process again. Not surprisingly, less that 10% of proposed bills actually become laws. More on the process: How a Bill Becomes a Law [] and The Legislative Process: Introduction and Referral of Bills (Video)

This happens yearly - every time Mr. Conyers re-introduces the bill. It ends up in a committee - therefore he reintroduces it. And no one re-introduced the bill in 2018-2019. We can only hope one does for 2019-2020.

Many bills that are not signed into law during a Congress are often reintroduced the following Congress. They are almost always given new numbers; sometimes the content or title of a bill might be changed when they are reintroduced. It is not uncommon for a bill to be reintroduced in four or five different Congresses (over a period of 8-10 years) before any action is taken on it. Oftentimes, bills are reintroduced and reintroduced until the main sponsor leaves Congress, when it may just die or be taken up by someone else.

If a sponsor is no longer a Member of the House, another Member may be designated "first sponsor" by unanimous consent to manage cosponsorship requests involving measures sponsored by the departed Member.9 A current Member may also draft and introduce a similar or identically-worded bill to one sponsored by a departed Member, in which case the current Member would be identified as the sponsor.

Above is what just happened. Ms. Jackson Lee took over as "first sponsor" -- but she did not -- nor did any of the "original" sponsors re-introduce the bill.

03/08/2018-11:58am ASSUMING FIRST SPONSORSHIP - Ms. Jackson Lee asked unanimous consent that she may hereafter be considered as the first sponsor of H.R. 40, a bill originally introduced by former Representative Conyers, for purposes of adding cosponsors and requesting reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Agreed to without objection.

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
You're grasping for straws if the evidence you have of democrats not supporting reparations (despite a democrat sponsoring a reparations bill with 35 fellow democratic cosponsors) is one state senator (a DEMOCRAT I may add) chastising another democratic senator because McCaskill told her to resign for saying Trump should be assassinated.

Just give it up bro. You want to believe something so bad that you're clinging onto whatever you can to reaffirm that belief. It's sad.

I knew you would say that so let me continue to keep my foot on your throat...:mjlit:

Today, many prominent Democrats have indicated or said outright they don't think reparations are the way to go. Van Hollen's conversation with Newman came shortly after Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders told Fusion TV that he didn't support reparations, calling them divisive and — somewhat ironically — giving another reason as the chances of them getting through Congress as "nil." President Obama and Hillary Clinton also haven't supported the idea. Candidate Obama expressed concern that reparations would gloss over all the other work America needs to do to reach racial equality.

In Congress, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) has introduced legislation to to set up a seven-person committee to consider the idea of reparations every year since 1989. The bill is flagged H.R. 40, so named for the original reparations promise that former slaves would receive "40 acres and a mule." But the Congressional Black Caucus, whose members provide most of the support for the bill, hasn't put any real weight behind it, and the bill at most gathered about 60 cosponsors. Going back to 2003, six or seven of those lawmakers have been either Hispanic or white, as Van Hollen is; the rest are black. This year, it has no cosponsors so far.

Next predictable goal post move..."but but even your article is about a House Dem is considering reparations:damn:

From the same article -
"To reiterate and be completely clear, Van Hollen is saying he'd be open to considering a bill that considers reparations. His comments will hardly be a watershed moment for the reparations cause, a la Ta-Nehisi Coates's 2014 essay "The Case for Reparations."

And FYI I actually want reparations, thats why I
m so hard on the Dems. They think they can half-ass it and we should give them an A for effort.
No. :dahell:
Continuing the same energy of lethargy and procrastination towards Reparations will never achieve the end goal and it should be called out and I dont care if it makes them look bad.



May 21, 2012
John Conyers has re-introduced HR 40 every Congress since 1989, and did so up until 2017. He re-introduced the bill last on 1.03.2017.

Yes - the period of 2017-2018 -- the bill now has 35 co-sponsors -- ( including the three I mentioned who signed this year).

But, if you check this link (click here) - you will see the bill has already been sent to a committee -- and it has stayed there -- and won't be moving. And left to die.

Therefore -- it must be re-introduced every year. You can also see the co-sponsors every year it's re-introduced. Some years it's been over 40 co-sponsors -- some years under 5. The 2017-2018 was/is 35. But, the three added to the bill will remain only for that year of the bill - which lends support - but what does it matter if it's such in a committee left to die.

Most bills — about 90% — die in committee or subcommittee, where they are pigeonholed, or simply forgotten and never discussed.

Before a bill becomes a law it must pass both houses of Congress and signed into law by the President. It may begin its journey at any time, but it must be passed during the same congressional session of its proposal, a period of one year. If it does not complete the process, it is dropped, and can only be revived through reintroduction and going through the whole process again. Not surprisingly, less that 10% of proposed bills actually become laws. More on the process: How a Bill Becomes a Law [] and The Legislative Process: Introduction and Referral of Bills (Video)

This happens yearly - every time Mr. Conyers re-introduces the bill. It ends up in a committee - therefore he reintroduces it. And no one re-introduced the bill in 2018-2019. We can only hope one does for 2019-2020.

Many bills that are not signed into law during a Congress are often reintroduced the following Congress. They are almost always given new numbers; sometimes the content or title of a bill might be changed when they are reintroduced. It is not uncommon for a bill to be reintroduced in four or five different Congresses (over a period of 8-10 years) before any action is taken on it. Oftentimes, bills are reintroduced and reintroduced until the main sponsor leaves Congress, when it may just die or be taken up by someone else.

If a sponsor is no longer a Member of the House, another Member may be designated "first sponsor" by unanimous consent to manage cosponsorship requests involving measures sponsored by the departed Member.9 A current Member may also draft and introduce a similar or identically-worded bill to one sponsored by a departed Member, in which case the current Member would be identified as the sponsor.

Above is what just happened. Ms. Jackson Lee took over as "first sponsor" -- but she did not -- nor did any of the "original" sponsors re-introduce the bill.

03/08/2018-11:58am ASSUMING FIRST SPONSORSHIP - Ms. Jackson Lee asked unanimous consent that she may hereafter be considered as the first sponsor of H.R. 40, a bill originally introduced by former Representative Conyers, for purposes of adding cosponsors and requesting reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Agreed to without objection.

You are strengthening my point even further that we should VOTING. It's left to die in that committee because that committee has been controlled by REPUBLICANS since 2010. If we vote, dems will have control of the house and the judiciary committee, and that bill can be moved.

Anyway, the legislative process takes time. Now with the dems controlling the house in 2019, this bill has a chance. We should be calling our congress men to urge them to make that bill a priority, not urging people not to vote so that people who could support this bill will be replaced by blatant republican white supremacists.