Like I said in the Dame thread, it's still an NBA problem as a whole. Ok let's not blame players, let's blame teams. Fine. Still in this age where everyone keeps repeating that players are more athletic than ever, have access to the most improved medical staffs, personal chefs etc...yet they are sitting. Something doesn't seem quite right. If they aren't able to go a full NBA season, maybe something has to be twitched in the schedule or in the lenghth of the season. It would be interesting to have numbers on how many players actually play the full season over the course of the years.
And if it's team forcing players to sit, why aren't players talking against it? It's the star players that are sitting out games, their contracts are guaranteed and they are the faces of their franchises. Lebron or Kawhi are afraid to speak against load management? What's the worse that could happen, a 20000 dollar fine? A couple...DNPs? Lol. If teams are the ones deciding who sits when, I'm pretty sure players are somewhat ok with it to a certain level.