If you had any doubts about this show cuz of the PAAWG, who
@Ziggiy, one might say, appropriately labeled as "ugly as sin,"

allow me to assuage your fears. Assuage?

Is Maya as ugly as sin?
Who can say?
Is she a good actor? Yes. Is she funny? Yes. Does she have good chemistry with Donald? Yes. And that counts for a lot and is frankly all I need.
I want to shout out a well crafted scene from episode 1. Jane is in a dark theater, tracking the old lady with the package. She needs to stay in communication with John but can't speak because there's a play being performed. So she uses her phone to text John, whose voice we always hear because of the Avengers' earpiece he gave her.
What makes this scene great is the situational irony. We've all been in a movie theater and know the rules: stay off your phone. It's rude. You're there to watch the movie, not talk / text / scroll Instagram / Snapchat. But here it's just the opposite. The audience, that is us, not the diagetic one, We want to see Jane communicating with John. We want to see how that "conversation" unfolds because we want to see how they get to know each other. For us, that's the performance. So when she laughs out loud cuz of what John says, it's funny, but to the audience member sitting next to her, it's not. Perfect.
The phone also plays of a role in terms of the lighting. That might actually be the most annoying thing in the movie theater, when you look down and some a****** has their phone screen on max brightness. But we, the audience, care about Jane in this scene. We need to see her but she's in a dark theater. How do we do that? Oh we use the bright ass light from her phone screen that she couldn't bother to dim to illuminate her so she stands out in the audience. Tremendous.
And I can't ignore this shot from episode 3