Dominicans Lynching Haitians in 2015

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
I feel like I don't want to go to DR ever. I just can't see why.... I always felt off about it.

Trust, I've been there twice and it's nothing special. And if you're black, they'll only tolerate you because you're American and they'll assume you have money.

When you observe how the Dominicans treat non-American blacks...:wow::mjcry:

Why nikkas make it a mission to go to Punta Cana, I'll never know.

Puerto Rico on the other hand....


Dec 2, 2012
its not a cop out its the truth. its bad in DR for dominicans. i come from a poor town out there man ya acting like we have the resources to say fukkit and just take in all of haiti and give them free medical care and other public services. if we were some abu dhabi type of rich country doing this shyt then even i would be in here on some fukk dominicans shyt but we not. we poor too.
What public services are haitians getting for free? Have you seen how they live? What is a guy shining shoes, cutting sugsar cane or doing construction taking away from dominicans? The DR needs haitian labour for it's economy to function, that's why the rich landowners ship them in illegally. The problem in the DR are not migrants, they're just a scapegoat for the political elite, so they can continue to rob the country and won't have to change things.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Yes because not only are there very few whites when compared to the majority black population but crossbreeding is not too big in Africa.Besides, you will need a sizeble population of whites to drastically change the skin shade at the level your trying make it to be.

If you're correlating "Dark Skin" with "black" in general then I get what you're saying, but if you're saying 95% of "Sub Sahara Africa" looks like this skin complexion:

Then you're incorrect.

And please mixing has nothing to do with varying skin colors in SSA, but just natural adaption to climate and diet. People try to make this case for Ethiopian/Horner skin color being due to being mixed, but they forget that the admixture in Horners comes from a time when Eurasians looked no different than Africans. So one must question if it was by "light skinned" Caucasoid and not just natural adaptions.

Hope I explained myself clearly.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
As a person who is part Haitian descent I never encountered any hostilities from Dominicans here in the states. The Dominicans here in the states just must be a different entity from those from the islands. Just like New York Puerto Ricans are different from those from their island.


Mar 18, 2013
What public services are haitians getting for free? Have you seen how they live? What is a guy shining shoes, cutting sugsar cane or doing construction taking away from dominicans? The DR needs haitian labour for it's economy to function, that's why the rich landowners ship them in illegally. The problem in the DR are not migrants, they're just a scapegoat for the political elite, so they can continue to rob the country and won't have to change things.

ima address this when i get home im leaving work now.

Do you claim your black ancestors?:ufdup:

yes and proudly. my biggest influence in my life is my grandpops who was the mayor of my town and a big agricultural figure in our area back in his day. to this day motherfukkers call him "don chito" and treat him like he was the man because of what he did for everyone.


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
Boyer had his goals + many factions of Dominicans welcomed the unification because a) the Dominican economy was in trouble and b) Domincans didnt have a strong enough army to repel invaders should Spain decide to fight the declaration of independence. But Boyer being a black man had his own personal agenda besides all the advantages that were on the table in doing this.

Bottom line is when Haitian troops came across the border they encountered little to no opposition because palntation owners didnt have the firepower to stop it and the enslaved blacks joined the movement. By the time Boyer got to the capital he was pretty much handed the keys to the palace because there was a large faction of Dominicans who were FOR THE UNIFICATION of the entire island.

Boyer's own words

""I have not come here as a conqueror but by the will of this city's inhabitants"
I understand the history... But I don't like that ppl make it out to seem like DR rebelled against their oppressors cause they were black.

305 made the point of why the country broke off...

on some real shyt tho the coli never talks about the reasons dr even broke off from haitian rule back in the day, they were basically being treated the same way the us colonies were by the uk, high taxes and second class citizen discrimination becuase of the language barriers,all kinds of fukkery... theres alot of pent up tension from that still... not excusing the dominican governments behavior tho but that beef is between them and yall need to see both sides from a historical point of view

And I'll add that this isn't unheard if in history. There was also a distinct cultural difference between the two that added to the desire for autonomy.

And it isn't a Black thing. There's a cultural reason why Czechoslovakia is divided.

There's a reason many other middle Eastern countries end up being split into regions.

There's a reason Tibet wants its independence from China

It's cultural not racist.

There are two basic principles to acquire citizenship at birth, ius Soli (Right of soil) and ius sanguinis (right of blood). The former means you acquire the citizenship of the place you were born, the second means you acquire it by the Heritage of your parents. The DR like the US has ius Soli. That means everybody born in the DR automatically possesses Dominican citizenship. They changed that law in 2009, so now your parents need to be legally in the DR for ius Soli to apply. The problem is, that they are now trying to apply this law to people born before 2009 and even to people who were born to Dominican parents whose parents were illegally in the DR, even though at the time they were born, that did not prevent you from getting citizenship at birth. No other country is doing that. This is not about applying for citizenship, but about taking it away from people who already have it and are now becoming stateless.

They have a state, its called Haiti.

In light if the new law they can apply for citizenship through the proper channels.

A country will govern themselves how they see fit.

Let DR :cook: