Dominican brehs, how did Dominicans feel when Sammy Sosa bleached his skin?


Oct 30, 2014
No one respects that shyt. Jamaicans were mad vocal against that. Dominicans made occasional jokes about Sammy Sosa, but nothing too much.

Skin Bleaching is pretty rampant in Jamaica though. Go to the IslandMix forum and ask them who are the most self-hating people in the Caribbean.



Oct 30, 2014
the dr-haiti rivalry is a border war tho not really a racial thing. when haiti took over the whole island, many dominicans actually welcomed them with open arms because the dominicans in power were so corrupt. but then haitians started trying to change our culture into theirs and the ones in charge became just as corrupt so dominicans fought back for their independence. so much bad blood and history there that its still going on today. its a ugly side of dominicans tho one i dont like.

Why is it that you Dominicans in the US know so little about your own country? No wonder people can clown on you guys so easily. Really, how can you can possibly defend yourselves when you don't know shyt about your own history, culture, etc. First of all, Haiti never "took over" the country. The unification of Haiti and DR was a mutual merger which was set up by the ruling military class in DR, those very corrupt people you're talking about. Both sides thought it was beneficial for whole island to be unified to defend from European attacks, since DR had already kicked out the Spanish. You make it sound like Dominicans were all just a bunch of helpless peasants who were just welcoming Haitians, because they're leader were so that's some stupid bullshyt. It was a politico-military agreement made by the elites of both countries. And the Haitian elites were always more corrupt anyways, their president at the time Boyer had a system of indentured servitude set-up in Haiti, which he wanted to impose in DR. That's why we kicked them out.


Mar 18, 2013
Why is it that you Dominicans in the US know so little about your own country? No wonder people can clown on you guys so easily. Really, how can you can possibly defend yourselves when you don't know shyt about your own history, culture, etc. First of all, Haiti never "took over" the country. The unification of Haiti and DR was a mutual merger which was set up by the ruling military class in DR, those very corrupt people you're talking about. Both sides thought it was beneficial for whole island to be unified to defend from European attacks, since DR had already kicked out the Spanish. You make it sound like Dominicans were all just a bunch of helpless peasants who were just welcoming Haitians, because they're leader were so that's some stupid bullshyt. It was politico-military agreement made by the elites of both countries. And the Haitian elites were always more corrupt anyways, their president at the time Boyer had a system of indentured servitude set-up in Haiti, which he wanted to impose in DR. That's why we kicked them out.

stop being a piece of shyt. whatever u want to call it, fact remains we had to fight to get them out. u can take over by war or u can take over by guile and deception which is what happened. corrupt dominicans basically selling their country to corrupt haitians. u coming off like an arrogant douchebag just because u lived in DR, but playing the semantics game doesnt mean u know more than anybody else.

u the real dominic00n in this thread


Oct 30, 2014
its not that tho. everybody with common sense knows dominicans have african ancestry. the issue is that some people dont like the fact we choose to identify with our nationality first and foremost. just a misunderstanding between cultures.

False, some delusional dominicans(lower case) in the US identity with nationality first and foremost. I'll keep repeating this until it sinks into your thick skull. In DR people divide themselves not only by race, but also by what regions and even towns/cities they come from. In DR we're not all unified singing cumbaya to each other.

stop being a piece of shyt. whatever u want to call it, fact remains we had to fight to get them out. u can take over by war or u can take over by guile and deception which is what happened. corrupt dominicans basically selling their country to corrupt haitians. u coming off like an arrogant douchebag just because u lived in DR, but playing the semantics game doesnt mean u know more than anybody else.

u the real dominic00n in this thread

Tú eres el lambon más grande en ete' foro. You let all these nikkas talk crap about our country with impunity. I'm really the only proud Dominican on this forum. That's why I like to clarify the misconceptions that many people have about DR with facts, whereas you just keep regurgitating all the bullshyt.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
i wasnt arguing fact vs opinion. i was arguing interpretations vs misinterpretations. its not a FACT that black=AA or that black=entire diaspora. even among educated blacks this can be debated. meaning it isnt about a fact, its about an interpretation of a word and its meaning. so u can beat that horse all day if u want, but it doesnt change this FACT, not everybody thinks the same way. u gonna have to wake up and learn to live with that.
In America where the question is asked its used to refer to your race.

Black, white, Asian and mixed.

So when an American person asks you in America if you are black then they are asking you what's your race.

Yes a few of our own don't entertain race and you guys don't entertain race but here in America the general meaning of black is referring to your race.

So if an American ask you if you are black then of course they are most likely going by American standards not Dominican standards.

You got that sir?
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Mar 18, 2013
Clarification, some delusional dominicans in the US identity with nationality first and foremost. In DR people divide themselves

Tú eres el lambon más grande en ete' foro. You let all these nikkas talk crap about our country with impunity. I'm really the only proud Dominican on this forum. That's why I like to clarify the misconceptions that many people have about DR with facts, whereas you just keep regurgitating all the bullshyt.

idk where the fukk in DR u supposedly lived, but dominicans in DR are just as proud of being dominican as dominicans in the US. if it isnt as evident to u, thats because THEY ARE IN DR so they dont need to rep it as hard as dominicans in the US. fukkING DUH.

and show me where i let anybody bad mouth DR. i bet half of the posts i have ever made in this forum is defending DR. dont be on some new nikka shyt acting like u know wtf u talking about. if im known for anything on this forum its for going harder than anybody defending my country. fukk outta here wit that bullshyt.


Mar 18, 2013
In America where the question is asked its used to refer to your race.

Black, white, Asian and mixed.

So when an American person asks you in America if you are black then they are asking you what's your race.

Yes a few of our own don't entertain race and you guys don't entertain race but here in America the general meaning of black is referring to your race.

So if an American ask you if you are black then of course they are most likely going by American standards not Dominican standards.

Ok sir?

however u americans may feel, america isnt the ruling empire of the world.

so if u ask someone from outside "are u black" they gonna think u asking "are u african american"

so if they say "no im not black im cuban" they arent saying "i dont have african roots", they are saying "im not american im dominican"

BUT if u clarify the question and the misunderstanding and ask "no i mean what is ur race?"

if they have at least half a brain they will say "oh. im mixed." (as is the case with most dominicans) or "oh im black" as is the case with others.

dont be so arrogant to think that ur way of thinking should be the dominant one. clarify what u mean. dont just run off on a sensitive tangent because u chose not to clarify a misunderstanding.

and thats my last reply to u because from what i see u will literally beat a horse from morning til night. agree to disagree and call it a day. :beli:


Oct 30, 2014
idk where the fukk in DR u supposedly lived, but dominicans in DR are just as proud of being dominican as dominicans in the US. if it isnt as evident to u, thats because THEY ARE IN DR so they dont need to rep it as hard as dominicans in the US. fukkING DUH.

and show me where i let anybody bad mouth DR. i bet half of the posts i have ever made in this forum is defending DR. dont be on some new nikka shyt acting like u know wtf u talking about. if im known for anything on this forum its for going harder than anybody defending my country. fukk outta here wit that bullshyt.

I'm from this small town called Baitoa, I'm sure I told that you a couple of pages back. You never told where you're from though. When was the last time you actually set foot in DR? Like I said, you don't know anything about this country, so it would be better if you stopped "repping". You're not doing us any favors. Just look at one page back . You let some Jamaic00n talk about skin-bleaching in DR, when Jamaica has the worst epidemic of bleaching in the whole Caribbean. You should never let shyt like that slide.

You also say alot of stupid stereotypical crap yourself about DR. I saw you claiming people are making less than 3 dollars a day in DR? When hell, even Haitian sugarcane cutters make more than that. Your view of DR is flawed and limited, since you don't have experience in the country. You don't live in DR, or even visit the country regularly so you just shouldn't be talking so much about the country, period.


Mar 18, 2013
I'm from this small town called Baitoa, I'm sure I told that you a couple of pages back. You never told where you're from though. When was the last time you actually set foot in DR? Like I said, you don't know anything about this country, so it would be better if you stopped "repping". You're not doing us any favors. Just look at one page back . You let some Jamaic00n talk about skin-bleaching in DR, when Jamaica has the worst epidemic of bleaching in the whole Caribbean. You should never let shyt like that slide.

You also say alot of stupid stereotypical crap yourself about DR. I saw you claiming people are making less than 3 dollars a day in DR? When hell, even Haitian sugarcane cutters make more than that. Your view of DR is flawed and limited, since you don't have experience in the country. You don't live in DR, or even visit the country regularly so you just shouldn't be talking so much about the country, period.

i was born in DR. i was born in a small town in La Vega called El Mamey. I came here when i was a kid, but i spent a lot of time there in my youth. I was just there this summer and the summer before last. My grandfather was the mayor of our town and many of my family members and my wife's have held offices in Santiago and La Vega from small to big with the PLD and PRD. Im from a super proud family that made sure i never forgot where im from and i have even been given books about DRs history from my aunts and uncles.

I also grew up in a dominican neighborhood in HARLEM which made it all the more important for us to hold on to our identity when we were all huddled up together in a foreign land after first arriving in the CRACK ERA. all we had was each other and our shared language and culture which made us all the more nationalist, especially since the only other latinos in the area at the time were puerto ricans who treated us just as bad as anybody else.

u dont know me or how patriotic i am, so dont assume.

i saw the post about skin bleaching, but like i said i been here defending dominicans since before u even knew what the coli was. i have had wars with people about everything including skin bleaching and they never end pretty and i end up coming off as racist, so i choose my battles. everybody knows dominicans arent the biggest skin bleachers because the only example they can come up with is sammy sosa.

and as far as what i said about the money, im talking from what i know. im from a dirt poor area in el cibao. my cousins work 6 days a week 12 hours a day and make what amounts to US$150 a month. thats the ones with jobs. maybe i exaggerated to make my point but what im saying is when u in a 3rd world country and a large portion of your population barely has the basic necessities, worrying about white supremacy kind of drops on the list of priorities.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
however u americans may feel, america isnt the ruling empire of the world.

so if u ask someone from outside "are u black" they gonna think u asking "are u african american"

so if they say "no im not black im cuban" they arent saying "i dont have african roots", they are saying "im not american im dominican"

BUT if u clarify the question and the misunderstanding and ask "no i mean what is ur race?"

if they have at least half a brain they will say "oh. im mixed." (as is the case with most dominicans) or "oh im black" as is the case with others.

dont be so arrogant to think that ur way of thinking should be the dominant one. clarify what u mean. dont just run off on a sensitive tangent because u chose not to clarify a misunderstanding.

and thats my last reply to u because from what i see u will literally beat a horse from morning til night. agree to disagree and call it a day. :beli:
I do not think the American way should be the dominant one. I'm neutral on that. I just care about AAs and our few allies succeeding so I have no opinion on that because it isn't relevant to our success.

It's just that if those who come here from the DR are to succeed in this country via business or job it would benefit them to know its ways so they can get around.

Thank you for specifying how they see it. It's good for me to know if I ever decide to visit the DR
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Oct 30, 2014
i was born in DR. i was born in a small town in La Vega called El Mamey. I came here when i was a kid, but i spent a lot of time there in my youth. I was just there this summer and the summer before last. My grandfather was the mayor of our town and many of my family members and my wife's have held offices in Santiago and La Vega from small to big with the PLD and PRD. Im from a super proud family that made sure i never forgot where im from and i have even been given books about DRs history from my aunts and uncles.

I also grew up in a dominican neighborhood in HARLEM which made it all the more important for us to hold on to our identity when we were all huddled up together in a foreign land after first arriving in the CRACK ERA. all we had was each other and our shared language and culture which made us all the more nationalist, especially since the only other latinos in the area at the time were puerto ricans who treated us just as bad as anybody else.

u dont know me or how patriotic i am, so dont assume.

i saw the post about skin bleaching, but like i said i been here defending dominicans since before u even knew what the coli was. i have had wars with people about everything including skin bleaching and they never end pretty and i end up coming off as racist, so i choose my battles. everybody knows dominicans arent the biggest skin bleachers because the only example they can come up with is sammy sosa.

and as far as what i said about the money, im talking from what i know. im from a dirt poor area in el cibao. my cousins work 6 days a week 12 hours a day and make what amounts to US$150 a month. thats the ones with jobs. maybe i exaggerated to make my point but what im saying is when u in a 3rd world country and a large portion of your population barely has the basic necessities, worrying about white supremacy kind of drops on the list of priorities.

Then you should know better. I got no problem with you identifying with nationality before your race when you live in a foreign country. My issue is with you trying to give the false impression that people in DR don't identity by race or focus on race as much as people in the US. Anybody that actually has lived here should know that's not true at all. Again, people not only differentiate themselves by race but also by where they come from. People living in DR can identity what region you're from and your social class just by the way you talk. Like if you go to La Capital for instance, people would probably be able to identify you as being from the Cibao region. What I keep telling you here is that DR is not a homogenous country where everybody looks the same, talks the same, and acts the same. That's the impression that many here are getting because of the way you guys describe the people in this country.

Of course, we all got pride in our nationality, but that doesn't mean we're all completely similar to each other or even get along with each other most of the times. In a diverse country like this, that's not possible. Now the problem with Dominicans in the US is the lack of in-depth knowledge. Like you guys know about the campos, barrios, pueblos, etc. you come from, but you guys don't know much about the country as a whole. You don't venture outside of your towns that much, so your knowledge of the country is very limited. Like for example, if you ask a Nigerian about what's going on in their country they can tell you in detail, from top to bottom, everything that's going on in that country economically, socially, politically, etc. Whereas most of Dominicans in the US probably wouldn't even be able to name the tallest building in Santo Domingo.

Arianne Martell

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
Jan 22, 2014
House Martell #SnakeGang #Targset
The timing of this thread is great because my friend sent me this earlier today


Anyway, I understand what @Arianne Martell & @beanz mean when they speak about the difference between black=AA and black in general. It's happened to me multiple times before. Someone would ask me "are you black" and I'd say yes, then they'd hear me speak Spanish or hear my last name and they're like ":dwillhuh: I thought you said you were black" or they'll just straight up be like "oh shyt you speak Spanish? I thought you were black."

So now I just say I'm Afro-Dominican. It kills two birds with one stone. :manny:

DR has massive issues with internalized racism, but so does all of Latin America tbh. It's sad that those beliefs are still propagated by our media, government, etc.

90% of Dominican television consists of girls shaking their asses in micro shorts and everyone accepts it. But Amara, with her natural hair and her dark skin and her fat ass does the same and everyone's clutching their pearls and saying she's obscene. :pachaha:

Now tell me, what's the difference between what Amara does and what those olive skinned background dancer girls do? :sas2:

As far as I know...I dont' follow ET in DR or here...but Amara has been successful with her career there.

I do not think the American way should be the dominant one. I'm neutral on that. I just care about AAs and our few allies succeeding so I have no opinion on that because it isn't relevant to our success.

It's just that if those who come here from the DR are to succeed in this country via business or job it would benefit them to know its ways so they can get around.

Thank you for specifying how they see it. It's good for me to know if I ever decide to visit the DR



Mar 18, 2013
Then you should know better. I got no problem with you identifying with nationality before your race when you live in a foreign country. My issue is with you trying to give the false impression that people in DR don't identity by race or focus on race as much as people in the US. Anybody that actually has lived here should know that's not true at all. Again, people not only differentiate themselves by race but also by where they come from. People living in DR can identity what region you're from and your social class just by the way you talk. Like if you go to La Capital for instance, people would probably be able to identify you as being from the Cibao region. What I keep telling you here is that DR is not a homogenous country where everybody looks the same, talks the same, and acts the same. That's the impression that many here are getting because of the way you guys describe the people in this country.

Of course, we all got pride in our nationality, but that doesn't mean we're all completely similar to each other or even get along with each other most of the times. In a diverse country like this, that's not possible. Now the problem with Dominicans in the US is the lack of in-depth knowledge. Like you guys know about your campos, barrios, pueblos, etc. but you guys don't know much about the country as a whole. Like for example, if you ask a Nigerian about what's going on in their country they can tell you in detail, from top to bottom, everything that's going on in that country economically, socially, politically, etc. Whereas most of you Dominicans in the US probably couldn't even tell name the tallest building in Santo Domingo.

i never said race was something that didnt exist or anything like that. i said its not as important as it is here. here we seperate ourselves from other groups by our nationality.

in DR the first level of seperation is political.
then its wealth.
then its regional.
then its by regions within regions.
then it gets racial.

u will hear a dominican say "i dont like him because he is a PLD supporter", "i dont like him because he's poor", "i dont like him because he is cibaeno", "i dont like him because he is from santiago" before u hear a dominican say about a fellow dominican "i dont like him because he is darker skinned than me".

in this country, the very first level of seperation within its own citizenry is race.

it does not matter if 2 people are in the same political party, have the same amount of money, and are from the same exact town.

if one is black and the other is white, there will always exist a level of separation because of this countries history.

in DR, descendants of slaves and descendants of slave owners have been race mixing for more than 200 years. so racism, even tho it definitely DOES exist, takes on a different meaning. in america, an interracial couple still gets looks. black people and white people still dont know how to act around mixed kids. mixed people have an identity crisis sometimes.

in DR race mixing is so common that it has led to entire families with every shade under the sun in it.

again, i am NOT saying racism doesnt exist there. of course it does, even within families. but what i am saying is that race is not the first level of separation among dominican citizens the way it is among american citizens.


Symbol Of Excellence
Apr 7, 2014
As far as I know...I dont' follow ET in DR or here...but Amara has been successful with her career there.

I'm not saying she's not successful. I'm saying she gets unwarranted criticism for the things that she does, how she dances and the way that she dresses when background dancers on all those Dominican TV shows do the same thing and no one bats an eye. Only difference is that Amara is dark skinned and wears her natural hair.