Read the thread brethren. I said no such thing. I quoted Floyd Mayweathers mother (the video posted). In fact, I kept stating throughout the thread that we are the same people and I do not support willie lynch mentality.
Big ups! I wasn't trying to make it divisive. I was simply pointing out some of the rappers that had Caribb ancestry. I respect AA's we the same people...Always have, always will.
Thats wassup! I have Maroon ancestry as well.
Thanks for the build bredda! I'm going to read more about South Carolina being a Moorish state! Mi neva know dat!
anywhere you see the STAR and CRESCENT...the MOORISH PRESENCE IS THERE...
check out NEW ORLEANS the "crescent city" as well....home of the french north african based RITES OF MEMPHIS/MISRAIM lodge....

The Symbols And Stories Behind 8 State Flags
The crescent moon and Middle Eastern palm tree are meant to symbolize Islam, the official state religion of South Carolina.