them old ladies at cvs aint quick enough I know I used to work at cvs too back in the day.
u ever do these things? like me
"Forget" to give their Extra Care card back and have it "accidentally" fall into the trash. Whoops.
For those douche bags on cell phones who don't have the time of day to even enknowledge you, ring up several items twice. Throw their receipt away afterwards
When some ass decides to interupt you talking to someone to find out where the vitamins are, tell him the wrong aisle. When he returns say "Gee, they musta just moved that."
Extra Bucks + trash = what you get for being a jerk off.
For those super dikkheads, pretend to bag an item after you rung it up, the drop it onto the floor. Toss it in the return bin as they are walking out. "What lipstick are you talking about, ma'am? I put it in the bag."
Crush food or any other delicate items. Darn, you must have grabbed a bad one!
Yes, that roll of film you gave me was blank. Sorry.
Large open bottle of shampoo in see where I'm going with this, right?
When you get one of those types who bytches about having to fill out an
Extra Care form to get the card to get the sale, add your own little touch to their application. Make sure they get shyt sent in the mail and add something insulting to their last name...for instance Frank Smith becomes Frank Smitheatscock.
At the very least, you successfully pissed them off and wasted some of their precious time. Yay.