Do you agree with this father using corporal punishment to stop his daughter from having sex?


Nov 30, 2015
Parents that hit their children are lazy parents.
Aside from a lot of evidence that it isn't effective, it's YOUR child. Which means it is YOUR responsibility to find a way to get through to YOUR child w/o using violence. If you can't show self control and default to a belt, what makes you think they can show self control in doing what they did which made you hit them in the first place?


Nov 20, 2016
Children acting sexually this young is a CLEAR sign of previous sexual abuse. That child needs counseling not beating. Though there is nothing wrong with corporeal punishment.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Don't want to see the video. Just wanted to offer this.

Hitting a kid only teaches that violence is the way to get what you want or get your point across. You can try to rationalize it otherwise but that's the gist of it.

I'm not proud of it at all, that I've hit my own kids out if anger or frustration. It showed me own flaws and immaturity. In my near 40 years, I've managed not to hit a stranger who mouthed off at me or did something that didn't threaten my life, so not extending that same level of restraint and respect to a child I actually created says a lot about me.

It shows me I'm not perfect and though I created a child, demanding respect from said child when I am not willing to give it 100% in turn makes me a hypocrite, especially since I teach my kids their own hands are to be used to create, serve and defend only when need be. Then I turn around and use my hands against them for none of these reasons.

If you can go to work or out in public, endure shyt from despicable people who have no real impact on your life past yalls interaction at the time but come home and hit the kids you are nearly compelled to love because of a blood/familial bond, it ought to give you pause.

If your argument is you endure the bullshyt of others because they pay you or give you sex or do something else to your personal benefit, but you can't suffer the occasional disrespect and pickups of your own kids and guide them to something better, it ought to give you pause.

Hitting a kid who can't defend him/herself is crazy when you really consider it. Some parents might get mad if a child fought back, as if self-preservation of your own person is not a bare human instinct. Yet, here we are, talking about hitting a child again ad a solution to a problem which probably has been in the making much longer than the incident in question.

A lack of accountability and critical thinking on the part of adults indeed.

The thing about parenting, I think, many won't admit is your kids, to a good degree, are a reflection of the love and time you put into them. My own mother was a child who was scared of her mother's wrath while I was a child who was scared of my mother's DISAPPOINTMENT. Because we had a relationship, I listened to her, and making her proud was very important to me.

I remember her hitting me at times I truly didn't deserve it, like when teachers would call my house and lie. I would get whuppings in the tub or after school, and in each case, she would always find out that, yes, the teacher had been lying. What had hurt more than the lashes was my mother trusted the word of someone else versus me, her child.

In later years, though, it was her disappointment in me I feared more than her lashes. When a parent expects highly of you and you let them down, it hurts ways worse. But all parents are not entitled to feel that if they've invested nothing in their children.

Deep down, I would say 99% of kids just what their parents love, attention and respect. So, when you as a parent aren't getting that from your child, or at least you think that is the truth of the matter, you, the parent, have to ask YOURSELF if you have given the child that either.

A little introspection can help you see something that is so simple our society often overlooks - how does an adult/parent expect a child - a person who is a fraction of their age - to display qualities they have not taught them or don't even exhibit themselves. The solution seems to be to just beat the problem away....?

There have been many threads of this board about the finances required to raise a child but never the introspection, self-examination and empathy required of the parent to raise another person.

In short - if your kids are fukking up, it's a 99% chance you, the parent, are fukking up, too. Look at yourself, fix yourself and, consequently, repair the relationship/influence with your child. Everything starts by knowing thyself.

On another note, some here might want to give serious thought to this notion it's somehow acceptable and necessary to beat a teenage girl who is sexually active. Would you lend credence and enthusiasm to this notion if this was a boy?

I've said on here before how my brother lost his virginity when he was 12 and me at 20. When he told my mother, she barely batted an eye...told me she expected it unfortunately. Yet, I was an adult when I lost mine, I still felt kind of scared about it and when she found out, she was not happy about it.

What does this attitude say about our general thoughts about boys and girls having sex? shyt still makes no sense to me.


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Clearly he not doing a good job raising her, because at 12 you shouldn’t be whooping your kids, it’s about conversations and lessons early, every kid is going to do something, the point is explaining to them, that the things you do have consequences, and you have to be careful. But bottom line this is how you create a woman with sexual issues, daddy issues and into the freak of the week once she goes to college


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
You don't rememeber when people was on that chicks head for beating the shyt outta her son in the barbershop because he didn't do the dishes or some shyt?:mjlol:

Whoopings don't do shyt. They either make you scared of your parents or hate them. Either way you just gonna find new ways to do what you were already gonna do. My cousins got whooped like this and they the most dysfunctional motherfukkers you could ever meet even tho they were also privileged as hell. I knew by her pops shoes that he wasn't shyt tho.:wow:

I've never seen anyone who got beat like that become successful or caring people in life.

My dad actually beat me like that as a child and I hated him for it to the point where when I was big enough I would tell him I would fukk him up before he ever put his hands on me again... I left as a child. My brothers ended up getting into physical fights with him because they resented shyt. We didn't speak for almost 5 or 6 years after that and I didn't give a fukk. We still not as close as we could've been and I barely come to him for shyt (advice or anything) and that's out of habit.

Beating your kids like animals do not make you a good parent and do not make your kids better people. Discipline is needed, some degrees more than others, but if your daughter is fukking you need to take a look at yourself and how you raised them. It could've been pressure from the boy, pressure from friends, insecurity to get people to like her, etc.... fukking talk to your child before you go off beating her ass like a slave and uploading it online to embarrass her even more


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
This. all facts. The same way that we introduce positive activities to our children. The same way that you, as a parent, have to also remove the negative situations that could possibly take place. Take whatever and any necessary precautions, I don't care how extreme.
-Most schools these days have an online system for parents to track their attendance and tardies. If there is a repeat pattern, then it needs to be addressed.
-Parents need to browse the internet for any and all lingo- if your daughter is listening to City Girls and reciting lyrics - Red fukkin flag= no time alone. You have 35+ yr olds showing out off that dumb shyt - so of course a 12 yr old doesn't have the mindset.
-Talk, talk and talk to your kids. Communicate and set boundaries.
-I do believe in corporal punishment (spare the rod, bc at times, kids do push limits and know what they're doing, and talking goes but so far. Like my parents used to tell me when I talk back or come with the smart mouth "the only language that you understand sometimes, nicole, is the sound of a belt").
(all I know is this thread has me paranoid as shyt and the first thing I'm doing when I get home from work, is checking all cell phones, canvassing their rooms, checking bookbags, looking through internet history on laptops.. idgaf)

-I can't overstate this enough but mothers have primary influence over their daughters. They emulate whatever standards and behaviors the mother establishes in the home. I understand where @sanityovar8ted is coming from, her situation is extreme and real. I can't tell you the amount of times where I had young girls breakdown bc their mother sees them as competition, never shows any affection, always making some type of negative comments or whenever they do something good it's never given the same energy; putting their need for having "a man" over their daughter. From a woman's perspective (I don't expect men in the thread to understand bc they can't relate) if you are not given confidence, signs of love or positive reinforcement at home; you will seek outside attention or a form of comfort outside of it (whether it is sex, drugs, babies etc... )you become the best at the worst situations bc any feedback (bad or good) is attention. Whatever it takes to make up for that unconditional love that you're not getting. It takes one compliment or one soft touch to be easily influenced when you're already damaged bc of the lack of validation. Imagine you wanting the love from the one person that is supposed to see you as an extension of herself and she does nothing but reject you. As far as fathers, we tend to seek out men, who emulate our fathers bc that's the primary male figure in our lives. All of this is a cycle, until we have the inner strength to gain some control and realize that we can't keep self destructing. A 12 yr old is not going to come to that on her own, someone along the line there is a huuuge disconnect with her mother AND father. Because at 12, all I had to do was think about how my father would react and that was enough to get my mind right- if my father saw me at the park with too many boys hanging around - he would give no fux about walking right down there and all it took was a look. It was embarrassing sometimes, but shyt, now I understand that I have my own. I think a lot of those "hits" the father was dishing out, was taking that frustration on himself in a way that he knew how, bc he knows that he fukked up too.
Yup, as the father of a 13 year old girl I couldn’t imagine her even having time/space/opportunity for sex.

She stays busy, between violin, basketball and track, school work. She don’t even have time to do any of that. Even the clothes she wears are conservative for the girls her age. And it’s not a case of me being strict and forcing her. It’s just through normal interaction with me she understands how valuable she is, and how important it is that she make positive moves for her future.

All it takes is an attentive parent. 85% of the shyt kids do is for attention. As a parent if you don’t give them that attention, they will find it somewhere.
Mar 26, 2014
Atleast he used a belt... my mother beat me with her fists and knees MMA UFC type shyt just for cussing at her. Busted my nose n gave me a black eye. I ate all the blows and not shed a tear. I was 8 years old too.

Lmfao thank you



These lil niccas ain't gettin beat bad enough. We had pre execution ass whoopings :dead:


Jul 22, 2014
he failed as a parent in more ways than one.

put her on birth control shot. do your best to take away her free time
i would say they should move but now that he's advertised his daughters sex history to the world no matter where they go people will judge her as fast

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
If you can go to work or out in public, endure shyt from despicable people who have no real impact on your life past yalls interaction at the time but come home and hit the kids you are nearly compelled to love because of a blood/familial bond, it ought to give you pause.

If your argument is you endure the bullshyt of others because they pay you or give you sex or do something else to your personal benefit, but you can't suffer the occasional disrespect and pickups of your own kids and guide them to something better, it ought to give you pause.

Damn. That's deep. But you're right. nikkas take shyt off crackas every day at work w/o a peep, but then you want to get all Simon Legree on your kid b/c she slammed a door? If I ever start my Ed.D., it's going to be about the effects of harsh parenting on the black community. It's not necessarily abuse, but it's abusive all the same. As I said before, just because we don't mean to cause our kids trauma doesn't mean that they're not traumatized.

Teaching black kids is equal parts immense joy and a pain in the ass b/c too many black parents practically consider it a badge of honor to drain the joy out of their child's eyes before they even start school. It's why I won't teach any grade under 4th grade. Got so SICK of clingy-ass kids telling me they love me just b/c I gave them a smile and a kind word. (That's more of my shortcoming than anything else.)

Many a time I have told a black parent that they may not bring a belt into my classroom. (Did I mention I'm primarily 4-8th?) I tell them that my classroom is their child's sanctuary and they need to either leave that shyt in the car or take it to their house. One dad got mad as hell ("I'm HIS daddy and I'll blah blah blah...") and I canceled our meeting on the spot. Yes, you're his daddy...but this is MY class and you're not bringing a belt into my class. Good luck taking off work again for this meeting we could've had if you hadn't been such an obnoxious dikkhead.