genetic lottery. So it makes prefect since to explain our differences as we won the genetic lottery... That after millions of years we are the only organism on Earth that has our abilities... And the lottery is why no other organism even comes close?
It's weird to me when some people downplay human intelligence as just some random trait that isn't a significant difference between us an animals.
Animals live and die off basic instinct. We use our instincts, but we also are so aware of our health and immanent death that we try to prevent it and prolong life. The fact that we appreciate the complexities and beauty of the world and continuously explore Earth, as opposed to just existing in it, is a major difference.
Animals can recognize themselves and are aware of their own instinctual needs and existence.. however, we are aware of how we interact with this world, think about our existence, death, and analyze our situation to see how we can change our position in life.
We aren't Just animals. The reasons are endless. One is morality.
Only Humans Have Morality, Not Animals | Psychology Today
"As I argue in Just Another Ape?: It is this unique ability to copy complex actions and strategies (even those that the individual doing the copying would never have been able to come up with on their own), along with unique forms of cooperation and an ability to teach, that creates the uniquely powerful "ratchet effect" in human culture, whereby gains are consolidated and built on rather than having to be rediscovered.'
There are very many unanswered questions regarding how and why our human genetic make-up evolved. But even if we did have all the answers, we would not - as a result of these insights - be able to explain why we behave the way we do today, or the ethical codes by which we currently live. The evolution of the human genetic make-up is merely the precondition or the emergence of distinctly human cultural abilities. We need to look to cultural evolution, rather than genetic evolution, to explain the vast gulf that exists between the capabilities and achievements of humans and those of other animals.
Human beings are not perfect and never will be, but we are special and unique among the animal kingdom. We are capable of making judgements about our own and other people's behaviour, and have the capacity consciously to change the way we behave and society as whole."